Version 1 (modified by 12 years ago) (diff) | ,
Starbed Plugin:
Starbed plugin is an access controller for springOS based testbeds. It facilitates federating experiments with other testbeds. In springOS, there are three kind of hosts: a facility management, commander hosts, and actor hosts. Facility manager is responsible for managing resources and actor hosts are the experimental nodes. Command hosts are the experimenters gateway to the testbed. Users are given access to commander host from which they can contact management for resources. For that, the access controller are intented to run in those hosts. The access controller responds to requests from the experiment controller whose fedid is in the access database. It converts the experiment description (topdl) into Klanguage, springOS experiment description language . Also, it generate a number of commands to be executed in the nodes. These commands a number of "callw" statmements are added to each node. "callw" is a command to be executed in the experimental nodes. These commands are inteded to set up routes between nodes. Then it calls kuma to start an experiment. This plugin assumes that the OS image has quagga installed in it. To start an experiment in SpringOS, many servers such as the power management, resource management, ... etc should be contacted. These information should be provided to the plugin in the definition section in the configuration file. The following fields are required:
rmanager: smanager: pmanager: fncp: tftpdman: wolagent: encd: user : alwabel project : lace rpassword: alwabel
Most of the server information are experess in ip:port. If port is not specified then the default is used. wolagent is an expetpion where the first the first section is the ip address, the second is the port, the third is the range of ip address controlled by this wolagent.