Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of OldFeddAbout

Dec 12, 2008 11:33:24 AM (15 years ago)



  • OldFeddAbout

    v4 v5  
    197197testbeds that this experimenter is done with their access.
     199=== Experiment Descriptions ===
     201An experiment description is currently given in a slightly extended version of the ns2 dialect that is used for an Emulab experiment description.  Specifically, the `tb-set-node-testbed` command has been added.  Its syntax is:
     204tb-set-node-testbed node_reference testbed_name
     207The `node_reference` is the tcl variable containing the node and the `testbed_string` is a name meaningful to the `fedd` creating the experiment.  The experiment creation interface has a mechanism that a requester can use to supply translations from testbed names to the URIs needed to contact that testbed's `fedd` for access.
     209In addition, `fedd` understands the `tb-set-default-failure-action` command.  This sets the default failure action for nodes in the experiment to one of '''fatal''', '''nonfatal''', or '''ignore'''.  Those values have the same meaning as in standard Emulabs. Nodes that do not have their failure mode reset by the `tb-set-node-failure-action` command will user the explicit default.  If no default is set, '''fatal''' is used.
     211=== Example Federated Experiment Creation ===
     213TO give an intuition for how `fedd` works, we present a sample experiment description and show how it would be turned into a federated experiment.  The experiment description is:
     216# simple DETER topology for playing with SEER
     218set ns [new Simulator]
     219source tb_compat.tcl
     221set a [$ns node]
     222set b [$ns node]
     223set c [$ns node]
     224set d [$ns node]
     225set e [$ns node]
     227set deter_os "FC6-STD"
     228set deter_hw "pc"
     229set ucb_os "FC6-SMB"
     230set ucb_hw "bvx2200"
     232tb-set-node-os $a $deter_os
     233tb-set-node-testbed $a "deter"
     234tb-set-hardware $a $deter_hw
     237tb-set-node-os $b $deter_os
     238tb-set-node-testbed $b "deter"
     239tb-set-hardware $b $deter_hw
     241tb-set-node-os $c $ucb_os
     242tb-set-node-testbed $c "ucb"
     243tb-set-hardware $c $ucb_hw
     245tb-set-node-os $d $ucb_os
     246tb-set-node-testbed $d "ucb"
     247tb-set-hardware $d $ucb_hw
     249tb-set-node-os $e $ucb_os
     250tb-set-node-testbed $e "ucb"
     251tb-set-hardware $e $ucb_hw
     254set link0 [ $ns duplex-link $a $b 100Mb 0ms DropTail]
     255set link1 [ $ns duplex-link $c $b 100Mb 0ms DropTail]
     256set lan0 [ $ns make-lan "$c $d $e" 100Mb 0ms ]
     258$ns rtproto Static
     259$ns run
    199263= Interfaces to fedd =