Version 1 (modified by 13 years ago) (diff) | ,
Multi-Party Experiment Creation Example
This example walks through creating a multiparty experiment from a single experiment description. That description may have been created from a compostion program or created by hand. We describe the key elements of the experiment description and walk through the creation.
Experiment Description
The ns-2 description of our example is:
# SERVICE: project_export:deter/a::project=TIED # SERVICE: project_export:deter/b::project=SAFER # SERVICE: seer_master:deter/a:deter/a,deter/b # SERVICE: local_seer_control:deter/a # SERVICE: local_seer_control:deter/b set ns [new Simulator] source tb_compat.tcl set a [$ns node] set b [$ns node] set c [$ns node] set d [$ns node] set e [$ns node] set deter_os "Ubuntu1004-STD" set seer_tar "/users/faber/seer-deploy/seer-u10-current.tgz" tb-set-node-os $a $deter_os tb-set-node-testbed $a "deter/a" tb-set-node-tarfiles $a "/usr/local/" $seer_tar tb-set-node-startcmd $a "sudo python /usr/local/seer/ Basic" tb-set-node-os $b $deter_os tb-set-node-testbed $b "deter/a" tb-set-node-tarfiles $b "/usr/local" $seer_tar tb-set-node-startcmd $b "sudo python /usr/local/seer/ Basic" tb-set-node-os $c $deter_os tb-set-node-testbed $c "deter/b" tb-set-node-tarfiles $c "/usr/local" $seer_tar tb-set-node-startcmd $c "sudo python /usr/local/seer/ Basic" tb-set-node-os $d $deter_os tb-set-node-testbed $d "deter/b" tb-set-node-tarfiles $d "/usr/local" $seer_tar tb-set-node-startcmd $d "sudo python /usr/local/seer/ Basic" tb-set-node-os $e $deter_os tb-set-node-testbed $e "deter/b" tb-set-node-tarfiles $e "/usr/local" $seer_tar tb-set-node-startcmd $e "sudo python /usr/local/seer/ Basic" set link0 [ $ns duplex-link $a $b 100Mb 0ms DropTail] set link1 [ $ns duplex-link $c $b 100Mb 0ms DropTail] set lan0 [ $ns make-lan "$c $d $e" 100Mb 0ms ] $ns rtproto Static $ns run
Attachments (3)
- multi-swap-example.tcl (1.5 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
- multi-swap-example.xml (5.2 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
multi.png (2.3 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
Basic image of the experiment
Download all attachments as: .zip