Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of FeddGettingStarted

Mar 29, 2012 8:05:42 PM (13 years ago)



  • FeddGettingStarted

    v6 v7  
    133133# Software to install on each experiment node to form federated experiments.
    134134# The first parameter is the directory in which to install it and the second
    135 # the tra file to unpack.  These are the correct values for the fedkit
     135# the tar file to unpack.  These are the correct values for the fedkit
    136136# distributed with fedd.
    137137fedkit: /usr %(base)s/fedkit.tgz
    140 This file is [attachment:experiment.conf attached] to this page for download and editing.
     140The {{{fedd.conf}}} above is [attachment:experiment.conf attached] to this page for download and editing. 
     142We have [FeddConfig#MakingaFedidCertificate instructions] for creating a certificate suitable for use as a {{{cert_file}}}.
     144A {{{fedkit.tgz}}} can be created from the {{{fedkit}}} directory of the git repository.  Change to that directory and make.
     146The exp_map_db file is also [attachment:exp_map_db attached] and its contents are:
     154These are the addresses of known access controllers.  The tools can also request different mappings.
     156The most complex part of the configuration is setting up the ABAC policy.
     158=== Setting up the Experiment Controller's ABAC ===
     160For new federators we provide simple tools to create a policy based on the DETER projects and user accounts present in the loacl testbed.  The [] command will read the database on the boss node and output a human-readable configuration file that tells what attributes the experiment controller will assert on behalf of the user.
     162In particular, the example at the link above produces a file that looks like this:
     165# faber
     169# lahey
     174That output asserts that the holder of the X.509 identity with the hash 12ecc7415746281efa0ed58e180c51a5cba13a5 will be identified as the user {{{faber}}} and as a member of projects {{{emulab-ops}}} and {{{Deter}}}.  DETER issues all users an X.509 certificate and that certificate is extracted by the script.
     176To create a file that asserts all users and projects in your testbed, run {{{}}} on your boss node and save the output in a file called {{{exp_access_db}}}.
     178To convert those assertions to ABAC in a format that access controllers will understand:
     180 * copy {{{exp_access_db}}} to your experiment controller's home ({{{/usr/local/etc/fedd/experiment}}})
     181 * run [] to create the ABAC
     182   * {{{ --cert fedd.pem --dir /usr/local/etc/fedd/experiment/abac --make_dir exp_access_db}}} should do it
     184At this point you should be able to run your experiment controller:
     186{{{ --config=/usr/local/etc/fedd/experiment/fedd.conf --debug}}}
     188You can specify a log file with the --log option.