330 | | |
331 | | That status will be empty. To create an experiment, get the attached experiment file: |
| 330 | Where $YOUR_EXPERIMENT_CONTROLLER_URL is the URL of your experiment controller. If that URL is reachable as https://localhost:23235 you can omit it. You can also set the FEDD_URL environment variable to the url and omit it. We will omit the {{{--url}}} below. |
| 331 | |
| 332 | That status will be empty. To create an experiment, get the [attachment:local.xml attached experiment file], save it as {{{local.xml}}} and do: |
| 333 | |
| 334 | {{{ |
| 335 | $ fedd_create.py --file local.xml --experiment_name test-exp |
| 336 | localname: test-exp |
| 337 | fedid: 9e863dced90c570396ed8e3d433c412132b981f0 |
| 338 | status: starting |
| 339 | }}} |
| 340 | |
| 341 | The output indicates that the experiment is swapping in. You can get more information using the [FeddCommands#fedd_spewlog.py fedd_spewlog.py] command or [FeddCommands#fedd_multistatus.py fedd_multistatus.py] as well as watching the fedd log files and DETER web interface. The [FeddCommands#fedd_terminate.py fedd_terminate.py] command will delete the experiment. There are [FeddCommands many command line tools to try]. |
| 342 | |