Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of FeddDesktop

Sep 10, 2013 1:22:48 PM (11 years ago)



  • FeddDesktop

    v5 v6  
    2121The desktop controller will need to run some commands as root in order to connect the desktop to DETER.  Specifically, it will need to run ssh as root, create tap interfaces (through ssh), configure network routing, and append to the {{{/etc/hosts}}} file.  You can either do this by running the controller as root, or by giving the user that runs the controller the right to run commands through {{{sudo}}}. 
    23 Unless you are willing to type the password into a window in which the controller is running, it should be able to sudo without using a password.  The two commands that the controller runs are shell scripts called {{{connect}}} and {{{disconnect}}}.  The user configuring the desktop controller controls the rest of the pathname of those scripts.  You can configure sudo to allow those scripts to be run without a password.  See the sudo manual for details.
     23Unless you are willing to type the password into a window in which the controller is running, it should be able to sudo without using a password.  The two commands that the controller runs are shell scripts called {{{connect}}} and {{{disconnect}}}.  The user configuring the desktop controller controls the rest of the pathname of those scripts.  You can configure sudo to allow those scripts to be run without a password.  See the sudo manual for details, but these lines worked for me:
     26## Let members of group fedd run the connect/disconnect commands without a password
     27%fedd ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/sh /vim/fedd_desktop/local/connect, NOPASSWD: /bin/sh /
     31(That assumes that base: is set to /vim/fedd_desktop, which you will probably change.)
    2533The controller will also create tap interfaces, and the kernel code to do this must be loaded.  On linux this is done by: