Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of DesktopExoGeni

Mar 3, 2014 5:21:53 PM (10 years ago)



  • DesktopExoGeni

    v6 v7  
    2828== Connecting a Single ExoGENI node to a DETER Experiment ==
     30This section is a tutorial description of setting up a federated experiment to an ExoGENI node.
     32=== Configuring ExoGENI ===
    3034The simplest form of lightweight federation is to conect a single ExoGNEI node to a deter experiment.  We do this by creating a single-node ExoGENI slide that runs teh federation software and connecting a DETER experiment to it when that experiment is created.
    5660There are some detailed debugging messages that libraries and other dependent software produce that are visible with {{{--debug}}} that are lost during normal logging.
     62=== Creating the experiment on DETER ===
    5864To connect the ExoGENI node to a DETER experiment, specify an federated experiment with the node that is to be on ExoGENI as being on testbed "desktop".  Here is an example DETER experiment description of that format:
    126132 * faber-smart2 which is in the process of being created.  It will eventually transition to active or failed.
    128 An experimenter can poll using {{{}}} or watch the debugging log using {{{}}}.  The second looks like:
    130 {{{
    131 users:~$ --experiment_name faber-smart5
     134An experimenter can poll using {{{}}} or watch the debugging log using {{{}}}.  The second looks like (where $EXPNAME is faber-smart5):
     137users:~$ --experiment_name $EXPNAME
    13213803 Mar 14 16:46:50 fedd.experiment_control.faber-smart5 Calling StartSegment at
    13313903 Mar 14 16:46:50 fedd.experiment_control.faber-smart5 Calling StartSegment at
    162168The {{{--experiment_name}}} parameter is the same as on the {{{}}} command, or selected from {{{}}} output.
     170The {{{}}} command prints changes to the log as they appear and terminates when the experiment transitions to either active or failed state.
     172=== Interacting with the Experiment ===
     174Once an experiment is active, it completes stitching itself together and a user can log in to the various nodes using the native testbed mechanisms.  That stitching may take a minute or two after the federation system declares the experiment active.  Additionally it may take the dynamic routing some time to converge, depending on the complexity of the topology.
     176Inside the DETER experiment, one can log into the nodes and interact with them by node name as usual.  Details are [ here].  With node b on ExoGENI and a on DETER, as shown above, this sequence shows the transparent connection.  A user logs into node a in the local experiment (experiment faber-smart5 in in project detertest) and pings node b from node a.
     178{{{$ ssh a.faber-test.detertest
     180a:~$ ping b
     181PING b-link0 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
     18264 bytes from b-link0 ( icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=152 ms
     18364 bytes from b-link0 ( icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=76.3 ms
     186While for all intents and purposes, b (in ExoGENI) is part of the experiment, the long ping times make it easy to identify:
     189a:~$ ping e
     190PING e-link3 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
     19164 bytes from e-link3 ( icmp_req=1 ttl=63 time=0.797 ms
     19264 bytes from e-link3 ( icmp_req=2 ttl=63 time=0.437 ms
     195Similarly, one can log into the ExoGENI node and see the DETER nodes by the same names:
     198root@server-18393:~# ping a
     199PING a-link2 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
     20064 bytes from a-link2 ( icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=76.7 ms
     20164 bytes from a-link2 ( icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=76.5 ms
     204It may be surprising, but the ExoGENI node can route to nodes throughout our multi-hop DETER topology:
     207root@server-18393:~# ping c
     208PING c-link3 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
     20964 bytes from c-link3 ( icmp_req=1 ttl=63 time=153 ms
     21064 bytes from c-link3 ( icmp_req=2 ttl=63 time=76.7 ms
     213The federated experiment in DETER runs [ ospf] on each node, and starts an ospf daemon on the ExoGENI node as well.  The ExoGENI node simply discovers the routing table from that connection.  We will show how to expolit this connection to interconnect more interesting topologoes.
     215=== Tearing The Experiment Down ===
     217To tear down the experiment, use the command:
     220users:~$ --experiment_name $EXPNAME
     223This releases the DETER resources and disconnects the ExoGENI node.  The ExoGENI slice remains intact and can be connected to another DETER experiment.
     225If an experimenter tears down the ExoGENI slice before the {{{}}} command is issued, or there is some other problem, the {{{--force}}} flag can be given to make {{{}}} purge all state that the federation system can reach.