Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of DesktopExoGeni

Mar 12, 2014 11:38:09 AM (11 years ago)



  • DesktopExoGeni

    v10 v11  
    174174Once an experiment is active, it completes stitching itself together and a user can log in to the various nodes using the native testbed mechanisms.  That stitching may take a minute or two after the federation system declares the experiment active.  Additionally it may take the dynamic routing some time to converge, depending on the complexity of the topology.
    176 Inside the DETER experiment, one can log into the nodes and interact with them by node name as usual.  Details are [ here].  With node b on ExoGENI and a on DETER, as shown above, this sequence shows the transparent connection.  A user logs into node a in the local experiment (experiment faber-smart5 in in project detertest) and pings node b from node a.
     176Inside the DETER experiment, one can log into the nodes and interact with them by node name as usual.  Details are [ here].  With node b on ExoGENI and a on DETER, as shown above, this sequence shows the transparent connection.  A user logs into node a in the local experiment (experiment faber-smart5 in in project detertest) and pings node b from node a.
    229229To connect a more complex ExoGENI topology, we look at routing from a two-node ExoGENI world into the same DETER topology.  The ExoGENI topology looks like this:
     233Node0 is running the fedd and will be accessible as before at hostname "b".  In addition we will make Node1 accessible throughout the DETER topology by its IP address.
     235When we create the ExoGENI topology we use the AutoIP feature of [ Flukes] to assign addresses.  By default Flukes puts the addresses on the subnet.  We move those addresses to the subnet by editing the nodes' properties.  DETER uses the network block for experiment interfaces.  It uses the net for addressing [ containers] management interfaces.
     237When the slice is ready, log in to Node0 and run the {{{init_fedd}}} utility as before.  In addition, add the following lines to {{{/usr/local/etc/fedd/desktop.config}}}:
     240# Export Interfaces (interfaces to run OSPF on/export to DETER).
     241# Comma-separated list of interface names
     242export_interfaces: eth1
     244# Export Networks (networks to export to OSPF - these usually correspond
     245# to export_interfaces).  Comma separated
     249With those settings, {{{}}} will export any routes discovered on {{{eth1}}} and network to the ospfd running in DETER.
     251The simplest way to export a complex ExoGENI topology is to just run ospfd inside the ExoGENI topology.  With these settings, the combined experiment will be able to route throughout the experiment as soon as routing converges.  For this simple topology to work, we log in to Noed1 in exoGENI and add a route to all the DETER nodes through Node0:
     254# ip route add via
     257Start up on Node0 as before and run the same {{{}}} command on DETER.