#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "graph.h" #include "routing.h" #include "net.h" #include "route_table.h" typedef set addr_set_t; typedef map addr_map_t; typedef map > addr_set_map_t; using namespace std; // Functor called by a for_each to remove a node (address) from the graph class node_remover : public unary_function { protected: graph &g; public: node_remover(graph& gg) : g(gg) { } void operator()(const string &s) { g.remove_node(s); } }; // Functor called by for_each to remove a node (leaf) from the given set. class leaf_remover : public unary_function { protected: addr_set_t &l; public: leaf_remover(addr_set_t& ll) : l(ll) { } void operator()(const string &s) { l.erase(s); } }; // Functor called by for_each to print a node's forwarding table to a file with // the name of the node (a parameter) in the outdir specified at object // creation time. Also in the object are sets of destination objects, a map // from node name to addresses, and the map from interfaces to leaf nodes. The // full routing matrix is also a parameter at creation time. class node_writer : public unary_function { protected: addr_set_t& addrs; // All destination addresses addr_set_map_t& node_addrs; // Node name to address set map addr_set_map_t& children; // Leaf nodes attached to an interface routing& r; // The routing const string& outdir; // The output directory bool compress; // True if we are compressing tables ostream *verbose; // Pointer to verbouse output stream mutable int num; // Number of calls to this functor public: node_writer(addr_set_t& a, addr_set_map_t& na, addr_set_map_t& c, routing& rr, const string& od, bool cm, ostream *v) : addrs(a), node_addrs(na), children(c), r(rr), outdir(od), compress(cm), verbose(v), num(0) { } void operator()(const string &n) const { string out_fn = outdir + "/" + n ; // destination filename ofstream out(out_fn.c_str()); // output stream addr_set_t& my_addrs = node_addrs[n]; // this node's addresses route_table rt; // The routes to compress // Build the route table for (addr_set_t::const_iterator d = addrs.begin(); d != addrs.end(); d++) { // Find the best route to each destination. Because a node may // have multiple addresses, we have to check each outgoing // interface and pick the shortest. string src; // outgoing interface of best route int best = 0; // length of best route string nh; // The next hop IP address for shortest route for (addr_set_t::const_iterator i = my_addrs.begin(); i != my_addrs.end(); i++) { if (src.empty() || r.path_cost(*i, *d) < best ) { src = *i; best = r.path_cost(*i, *d); } } // Ignore single hop paths unless not compressing. if (r.path_cost(src, *d) > 1 || !compress) { nh = r.next_hop(src, *d); if ( !nh.empty() ) { // Insert the nodes as the /24 containing them Net n(*d); n.set_mask(24); rt.insert(n, Host(nh)); } } else nh = *d; // Output children of the destination unless they are this // node's children and we are compressing. if ( my_addrs.count(*d) == 0 || !compress) { addr_set_map_t::iterator c = children.find(*d); if ( c != children.end()) { Host gw = Host(nh); for (addr_set_t::const_iterator i = (*c).second.begin(); i != (*c).second.end(); i++) rt.insert(Net(*i), gw); } } } // Collapse the route map (if we're compressing) and print it if (compress) rt.collapse(); out << rt; if (verbose && ++num % 10 == 0) *verbose << num << '\r'; } }; // Functor to output a leaf node's routing table. The table has the same name // as the node and is output into outdir. The parent_addr map (node to parent // address) is passed in. class leaf_writer : public unary_function { protected: addr_map_t& parent_addr; // Parent address map addr_set_t& addrs; // All destination addresses addr_set_map_t& children; // Leaf nodes attached to an interface const string& outdir; // The output directory bool compress; // Compress routing tables ostream *verbose; // Verbose output mutable int num; // Number of calls on this functor public: leaf_writer(addr_map_t& pa, addr_set_t& a, addr_set_map_t& c, const string& od, bool cm, ostream *v ) : parent_addr(pa), addrs(a), children(c), outdir(od), compress(cm), verbose(v), num(0) { } void operator()(const string &n) const { string out_fn = outdir + "/" + n; ofstream out(out_fn.c_str()); // Compressed leaves have a single default route if (compress) out << " " << parent_addr[n] << endl; else { // For uncompressed leaves, all thr routes go to the parent, // but we have to enumerate them as all addresses and the // children of any address with leaves. string my_parent = parent_addr[n]; out << my_parent << "/32 " << my_parent << endl; for (addr_set_t::const_iterator d = addrs.begin(); d != addrs.end(); d++) { out << *d << "/32 " << my_parent << endl; addr_set_map_t::iterator c = children.find(*d); if ( c != children.end() ) { for (addr_set_t::const_iterator i = (*c).second.begin(); i != (*c).second.end(); i++) out << *i << "/32 " << my_parent << endl; } } } if (verbose && ++num % 10 == 0) *verbose << num << '\r'; } }; void parse_graph_description(graph& g, addr_set_t& nodes, addr_set_t& addrs, addr_set_t& leaves, addr_map_t& leaf_addr, addr_set_map_t& node_addrs, istream *in=0) { // Create the basic data structures from the input format. The input is a // series of lines of the form: // node: addr,addr,addr // or // addr: addr,addr,addr // // The first line lists a node's interfaces and the second the // interconnections between addresses. The nodes are captured in nodes and // leaves (a potential leaf is in both, nodes with multiple interfaces are // only in nodes). Addrs is all addresses, leaf_add maps a leaf node to // its only address, node_addrs maps each node or leaf to its address(es). // g is the grahp of address interconnections. string line; // Currnet line if (!in ) in = &cin; while (getline(*in, line, '\n')) { string::size_type p = line.find(':'); // String offsets for parsing string::size_type q; // String offsets for parsing string name; // Node name string ename; // Edge name (an address) graph::node *node = 0; // Curren graph node (address) bool make_node; // True if this is a node addr_set_t my_addrs; // Current set of node addrs if (p != string::npos) { name = line.substr(0, p); if (name.find_first_not_of("0123456789.") != string::npos) { make_node = true; } else { node = g.get_node(name); addrs.insert(name); make_node = false; } } else continue; p += 2; while ( (q = line.find(',', p)) != string::npos) { ename = line.substr(p, q-p); if (make_node) { my_addrs.insert(ename); } else { g.get_node(ename); node->add_edge(ename, 1.0); } p = q+1; } ename = line.substr(p); if (make_node) { my_addrs.insert(ename); nodes.insert(name); node_addrs[name] = my_addrs; if (my_addrs.size() == 1) { // Potential leaf node. No need to cross connect, but we do // need to list it and its interfaces as leaves. We won't know // if it is a leaf node until we find out if it is on a lan. leaves.insert(name); leaf_addr[name] = ename; } else { // Not a leaf. Add it to nodes and interconnect its interfaces. for (addr_set_t::const_iterator i = node_addrs[name].begin(); i != node_addrs[name].end(); i ++) { for (addr_set_t::const_iterator j =node_addrs[name].begin(); j != node_addrs[name].end(); j ++) { if ( *i != *j && !g.has_edge(*i, *j)) { graph::node *a = g.get_node(*i); g.get_node(*j); a->add_edge(*j, 1.0); } } } } } else { g.get_node(ename); node->add_edge(ename, 1.0); } } } void trim_leaves(graph &g, addr_set_t& nodes, addr_set_t& leaves, addr_map_t& leaf_addr, addr_set_t& addrs, addr_map_t& parent_addr, addr_set_map_t& children) { // Leaves is the set of nodes that may be leaves - nodes connected to one // node. Walk that set, eliminate false positives, and for the real leaves // remove them from the node set, the addr_set and set their parent_addr // (the upstream interface), and add the leaf to the parent interface's // children map. addr_set_t graph_remove; // nodes to remove from the graph addr_set_t leaf_remove; // leaves to remove from the leaves set. for (addr_set_t::const_iterator l = leaves.begin(); l != leaves.end(); l++) { string la = leaf_addr[*l]; // leaf address graph::node *ln = g.get_node(la); // leaf address node if (ln-> degree() == 1 ) { graph::edge e = *ln->begin(); // edge string pa = e.get_node_name(); // parent address addr_set_map_t::iterator c = children.find(pa); // children entry parent_addr[*l] = pa; if (c != children.end() ) (*c).second.insert(la); else { children[pa] = addr_set_t(); children[pa].insert(la); } // This is a confirmed leaf, so get it out of nodes. nodes.erase(*l); // NB cannot remove parent address as it may be a destination from // other palces in the net. graph_remove.insert(la); addrs.erase(la); } else { // Not a leaf after all, leave it in nodes and remove it from // leaves. leaf_remove.insert(*l); } } // Clean up the data structures we've been pulling things from. for_each(graph_remove.begin(), graph_remove.end(), node_remover(g)); for_each(leaf_remove.begin(), leaf_remove.end(), leaf_remover(leaves)); g.fix_edges(); } enum { OUTPUT_OPT='o', DEBUG_OPT='d', NOCOMPRESS_OPT='C', INPUT_OPT='f'}; struct option opts[] = { { "output", required_argument, 0, OUTPUT_OPT}, { "input", required_argument, 0, INPUT_OPT}, { "debug", no_argument, 0, DEBUG_OPT}, { "uncompressed", required_argument, 0, NOCOMPRESS_OPT}, }; void fatal(const string& my_name) { cerr << "Usage: " << my_name << ": [options] [outputdir [filename]]" << endl; exit(20); } int main(int argc, char**argv) { addr_set_t nodes; // Set of nodenames (not addresses) addr_set_t addrs; // All valid destination addresses addr_set_t leaves; // Leaf nodes addr_map_t parent_addr; // Map from leaf address to parent address addr_map_t leaf_addr; // Map from leaf node name to leaf address addr_set_map_t node_addrs; // Map from each node to its addresses addr_set_map_t children; // Map from a parent addess to its // leaf children graph g; // Graph represention string my_name = argv[0]; // The name of the program string outdir; // Output directory string uncompressed_dir; // Output for uncompressed routing tables int fl; // Option parsing bool debug=false; // True for debugging output ifstream *inf = 0; // Input file, if any while (( fl = getopt_long(argc, argv, "o:dC:", opts, 0)) != -1) { switch (fl) { case DEBUG_OPT: debug = true; break; case OUTPUT_OPT: outdir = optarg; break; case INPUT_OPT: if (!(inf = new ifstream(optarg))) { cerr << "Cannot open " << optarg << endl; fatal(my_name); } break; case NOCOMPRESS_OPT: uncompressed_dir=optarg; break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc > 0 && outdir.empty()) { outdir = argv[0]; argc--; argv++; } if (argc > 0 && !inf) { if (!(inf = new ifstream(optarg))) { cerr << "Cannot open " << optarg << endl; fatal(my_name); } argc--; argv++; } if (outdir.empty()) fatal(my_name); parse_graph_description(g, nodes, addrs, leaves, leaf_addr, node_addrs,inf); trim_leaves(g, nodes, leaves, leaf_addr, addrs, parent_addr, children); routing r = routing(g, debug ? &cerr: 0); for_each(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), node_writer(addrs, node_addrs, children, r, outdir, true, debug ? &cerr : 0)); if (debug) cerr << endl; for_each(leaves.begin(), leaves.end(), leaf_writer(parent_addr, addrs, children, outdir, true, debug ? &cerr : 0)); if (debug) cerr << endl; if (!uncompressed_dir.empty()) { for_each(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), node_writer(addrs, node_addrs, children, r, uncompressed_dir, false, debug ? &cerr : 0)); if (debug) cerr << endl; for_each(leaves.begin(), leaves.end(), leaf_writer(parent_addr, addrs, children, uncompressed_dir, false, debug ? &cerr : 0)); if (debug) cerr << endl; } }