#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use gateway_lib; use IO::File; use Getopt::Long; my $ssh_pubkey; my $ssh_privkey; my $tunnelip; my $peer; my @ports; my $fedkit_dir= "/usr/local/federation"; my $perl = "/usr/bin/perl"; my $iface_file; my $ssh = "/usr/bin/ssh"; my $use_file; my $ssh_port=22; my %opts = ( 'ssh_pubkey=s' => \$ssh_pubkey, 'ssh_privkey=s' => \$ssh_privkey, 'tunnelip' => \$tunnelip, 'peer=s' => \$peer, 'port=s', \@ports, 'fedkit=s' => \$fedkit_dir, 'perl=s' => \$perl, 'ssh=s' => \$ssh, 'ssh_port=s' => \$ssh_port, 'use_file' => \$use_file, ); exit(20) unless GetOptions(%opts); gateway_lib::read_config(gateway_lib::config_filename(), \%opts) if $use_file; my $tunnelparam = $tunnelip ? '--tunnelip' : ''; system("$perl -I$fedkit_dir/lib $fedkit_dir/bin/prep_gateway.pl --peer=$peer " . "--ssh_pubkey=$ssh_pubkey $tunnelparam"); exit(20) if $?; foreach my $p (@ports) { my ($type, $port, $host, $eport) = split(":", $p); $eport = $port unless $eport; my $fopt = ($type eq 'local' ? "-L" : "-R") . " :$port:$host:$eport"; my $cmd = "$ssh -N $fopt -p $ssh_port -o \"StrictHostKeyChecking no\" " . "-i $ssh_privkey $peer &"; system($cmd); die if $?; } exit(0); =pod =head1 NAME B - Do ssh service port forwarding. =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item BI Directory in which this software is installed. Generally not needed. =item BI The other gateway providing forwarding. =item BI Location of the perl binary. Usually unneeded. =item BI Forward the given port. Each port is given as type:lport:host:rport where type can be "local" or "remote". These correspont to B<-L> and B<-R> ssh port forwarding, respectively. The remaining parameters are exactly as for those parameters to ssh. =item BI The pathname of the ssh binary. Unusally unnecessary. =item BI A public to install as authorized. =item BI The identity to use for remote access =item B True if the testbed uses the DETER tunnelip extension to provide external connectivity information =item B If given read additional parameters from the file in /proj/I/exp/I.gw/conf where those are the current testbed project and experiment and the hostname is before the first dot. The file is option: value. =back =head1 SYNOPSIS In addition to providing the key initialization and DETER routing setup for a gateway without external access as B does, B forwards the given ports using ssh. B does not establish low level connectivity tunnels. =head1 AUTHORS Ted Faber =cut