#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Kevin Lahey, lahey@isi.edu # July 11, 2007 # Set up ssh tunnel infrastructure for federation: # # * Set up the synchronization system # # * Figure out our location. # From DETER: # + bring up em0 and assign the appropriate address (with only one # tunnel node, this'll be static) # + ssh out to WAIL node using the experiment name, creating a tunnel # for each of the experimental interfaces that is up (one, for now) # # From WAIL: # + exit and wait for the ssh from DETER, which'll trigger the # setup of everything else # # * pick out the experimental interface, remove the IP address # # * identify the tun interface created, and bridge it to the # experimental interface use strict; use Getopt::Std; use POSIX qw(strftime); use Sys::Hostname; my $TMCC = "/usr/local/etc/emulab/tmcc"; my $SSH = "/usr/local/bin/ssh"; my $HOME = "/users/lahey"; # Where are we gonna get this info from!? Hardcoding is definitely not # gonna happen! my $tunnel_ip = ""; my $tunnel_iface = "em0"; my $remote_node = "detertunnel."; my $remote_node_domain = ".deter.emulab.net"; my $ssh_port_fwds = "-R :139:users.isi.deterlab.net:139 -R :7777:boss.isi.deterlab.net:7777"; my $debug = 1; my $remote; my $count; my $addr; sub find_new_tun; sub setup_network($; $; $; $); # Option use is as follows: # -r remote execution on WAIL; set up as appropriate my $usage = "Usage: fed-tun.pl [-t remote-testbed-fqdn] [-r hostname count]\n"; my %opts; if ($#ARGV != 0 && !getopts('rt:', \%opts)) { die "$usage"; } if (defined($opts{'t'})) { $remote_node_domain = $opts{'t'}; } if (defined($opts{'r'})) { $remote = 1; die "$usage" if ($#ARGV != 1); $count = pop @ARGV; $addr = pop @ARGV; } # Set up synchronization, so that the various user machines won't try to # contact boss before the tunnels are set up. # XXX: put off for now # Need these to make the Ethernet tap and bridge to work... system("kldload /boot/kernel/if_bridge.ko"); system("kldload /boot/kernel/if_tap.ko"); # Ask tmcd to figure out experiment and project; these should # be available as environment variables (PID, EID, and NODE) for # a startup script, but if run explicitly, we might not have 'em. my $project; my $experiment; my $node_id; open(TMCD, "$TMCC status |") || die "tmcc failed\n"; while () { print if ($debug); if (/ALLOCATED=([\w\-]+)\/([\w\-]+) NICKNAME=([\w\-]+)/) { $project = $1; $experiment = $2; $node_id = $3; } } close(TMCD); die "Didn't find experiment or project name\n" if (!$project || !$experiment); print "project $project experiment $experiment node $node_id\n" if ($debug); # Figure out whether we're sourcing the tunnel or sinking it. For now # I'll do something ugly and use the hostname. my $hostname = hostname(); my @names = split(/\./, $hostname); if ($#names > 1) { my $domain = $names[$#names - 1]; if (!$remote && $domain ne "deterlab") { # Fix up ssh (ugh!) system("sed 's/tunnel.simplefed/wailtunnel.$experiment/' $HOME/root-id_rsa.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys"); die "Not on DETER; exiting for now\n"; } } else { die "Failed to find a name for this host; exiting\n"; } if (!$remote) { # If we're at DETER, open up a separate tunnel to the remote host for # each of the different experiment net interfaces on this machine. # Execute this startup script on the far end, but with the -r option # to indicate that it's getting invoked remotely and should start # setting up. # Lame DETER setup hacks: system("ifconfig $tunnel_iface $tunnel_ip"); system("route add -net -netmask 0xffffff00"); system("route add -net -netmask 0xfffff000"); system("route add"); # XXX: fix up ssh. Ugh. system("cp $HOME/root-id_rsa /root/.ssh/id_rsa"); system("cp $HOME/root-id_rsa.pub /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"); # XXX: Do we need to clear out previously created bridge interfaces? my $remote_name = $remote_node . $experiment . $remote_node_domain; my $count = 0; open(IFFILE, "/var/emulab/boot/ifmap") || die "couldn't open ifmap\n"; while () { my @a = split(' '); my $iface = $a[0]; my $addr = $a[1]; my $bridge = "bridge" . $count; my $tun = "tap" . $count; print "Found $iface, $addr, to bridge on $bridge\n" if ($debug); system("$SSH -w $count:$count $ssh_port_fwds $remote_name \"$HOME/fed-tun.pl -r $addr $count\" &"); # XXX: Ack, ssh will never return, since it's doing tunneling. # Unfortunately, though, it also could take quite a few seconds # to do the DNS lookup and actually run the command on the # other side. Hence, the delay. Shudder: sleep 10; setup_network($tun, $bridge, $iface, $addr); $count++; } close(IFFILE); } else { # We're on the remote system; for now, we just grab and use # the one experimental interface. Later, we'll actually look # at the address passed to match up the appropriate interfaces. my $iter = 0; open(IFFILE, "/var/emulab/boot/ifmap") || die "couldn't open ifmap\n"; while () { die "Argh, too many experimental interfaces!" if ($iter > 0); my @a = split(' '); my $iface = $a[0]; my $addr = $a[1]; my $bridge = "bridge" . $count; my $tun = "tap" . $count; setup_network($tun, $bridge, $iface, $addr); $iter++; } close(IFFILE); } print "all done!\n" if ($debug); exit; # XXX: Unused. Find the name of the new tunnel interface my %tuns_used; sub find_new_tun { my @tuns = split(/ /, `ifconfig -l`); my $tun; print @tuns . "\n"; foreach my $tun (@tuns) { print "Looking at $tun\n"; if (!$tuns_used{$tun}) { $tuns_used{$tun} = 1; print "Found $tun\n"; return $tun; } } } # Set up the bridging for the new stuff... sub setup_network($; $; $; $) { my ($tun, $bridge, $iface, $addr) = @_; print "Got new $tun\n" if ($debug); print "setting up $bridge with $iface and nuking $addr\n" if ($debug); system("ifconfig $bridge create"); system("ifconfig $iface delete $addr"); system("ifconfig $bridge addm $iface up"); system("ifconfig $bridge addm $tun"); }