#!/usr/local/bin/python import re import string import logging import httplib from M2Crypto import SSL from M2Crypto.SSL import SSLError from fedid import fedid from service_error import service_error from urlparse import urlparse # If this is an old enough version of M2Crypto.SSL that has an # ssl_verify_callback that doesn't allow 0-length signed certs, create a # version of that callback that does. This is edited from the original in # M2Crypto.SSL.cb. This version also elides the printing to stderr. if not getattr(SSL.cb, 'ssl_verify_callback_allow_unknown_ca', None): from M2Crypto.SSL.Context import map from M2Crypto import m2 def ssl_verify_callback(ssl_ctx_ptr, x509_ptr, errnum, errdepth, ok): unknown_issuer = [ m2.X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY, m2.X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE, m2.X509_V_ERR_CERT_UNTRUSTED, m2.X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT ] ssl_ctx = map()[ssl_ctx_ptr] if errnum in unknown_issuer: if ssl_ctx.get_allow_unknown_ca(): ok = 1 # CRL checking goes here... if ok: if ssl_ctx.get_verify_depth() >= errdepth: ok = 1 else: ok = 0 return ok else: def ssl_verify_callback(ssl_ctx_ptr, x509_ptr, errnum, errdepth, ok): raise ValueError("This should never be called") class fedd_ssl_context(SSL.Context): """ Simple wrapper around an M2Crypto.SSL.Context to initialize it for fedd. """ def __init__(self, my_cert, trusted_certs=None, password=None): """ construct a fedd_ssl_context @param my_cert: PEM file with my certificate in it @param trusted_certs: PEM file with trusted certs in it (optional) """ SSL.Context.__init__(self) # load_cert takes a callback to get a password, not a password, so if # the caller provided a password, this creates a nonce callback using a # lambda form. if password != None and not callable(password): # This is cute. password = lambda *args: password produces a # function object that returns itself rather than one that returns # the object itself. This is because password is an object # reference and after the assignment it's a lambda. So we assign # to a temp. pwd = str(password) password =lambda *args: pwd # The calls to str below (and above) are because the underlying SSL # stuff is intolerant of unicode. if password != None: self.load_cert(str(my_cert), callback=password) else: self.load_cert(str(my_cert)) # If no trusted certificates are specified, allow unknown CAs. if trusted_certs: self.load_verify_locations(trusted_certs) self.set_verify(SSL.verify_peer, 10) else: # More legacy code. Recent versions of M2Crypto express the # allow_unknown_ca option through a callback turned to allow it. # Older versions use a standard callback that respects the # attribute. This should work under both regines. callb = getattr(SSL.cb, 'ssl_verify_callback_allow_unknown_ca', ssl_verify_callback) self.set_allow_unknown_ca(True) self.set_verify(SSL.verify_peer, 10, callback=callb) def read_simple_accessdb(fn, auth, mask=[]): """ Read a simple access database. Each line is a fedid (of the form fedid:hexstring) and a comma separated list of atributes to be assigned to it. This parses out the fedids and adds the attributes to the authorizer. comments (preceded with a #) and blank lines are ignored. Exceptions (e.g. file exceptions and ValueErrors from badly parsed lines) are propagated. """ rv = [ ] lineno = 0 fedid_line = re.compile("fedid:([" + string.hexdigits + "]+)\s+" +\ "(\w+\s*(,\s*\w+)*)") # If a single string came in, make it a list if isinstance(mask, basestring): mask = [ mask ] f = open(fn, 'r') for line in f: lineno += 1 line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or len(line) == 0: continue m = fedid_line.match(line) if m : fid = fedid(hexstr=m.group(1)) for a in [ a.strip() for a in m.group(2).split(",") \ if not mask or a.strip() in mask ]: auth.set_attribute(fid, a.strip()) else: raise ValueError("Badly formatted line in accessdb: %s line %d" %\ (fn, lineno)) f.close() return rv def pack_id(id): """ Return a dictionary with the field name set by the id type. Handy for creating dictionaries to be converted to messages. """ if isinstance(id, fedid): return { 'fedid': id } elif id.startswith("http:") or id.startswith("https:"): return { 'uri': id } else: return { 'localname': id} def unpack_id(id): """return id as a type determined by the key""" for k in ("localname", "fedid", "uri", "kerberosUsername"): if id.has_key(k): return id[k] return None def set_log_level(config, sect, log): """ Set the logging level to the value passed in sect of config.""" # The getattr sleight of hand finds the logging level constant # corrersponding to the string. We're a little paranoid to avoid user # mayhem. if config.has_option(sect, "log_level"): level_str = config.get(sect, "log_level") try: level = int(getattr(logging, level_str.upper(), -1)) if logging.DEBUG <= level <= logging.CRITICAL: log.setLevel(level) else: log.error("Bad experiment_log value: %s" % level_str) except ValueError: log.error("Bad experiment_log value: %s" % level_str) def copy_file(src, dest, size=1024): """ Exceedingly simple file copy. Throws an IOError if there's a problem. """ s = open(src,'r') d = open(dest, 'w') buf = s.read(size) while buf != "": d.write(buf) buf = s.read(size) s.close() d.close() def get_url(url, cf, destdir, fn=None, max_retries=5): """ Get data from a federated data store. This presents the client cert/fedid to the http server. We retry up to max_retries times. """ po = urlparse(url) if not fn: fn = po.path.rpartition('/')[2] retries = 0 ok = False failed_exception = None while not ok and retries < 5: try: conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(po.hostname, port=po.port, cert_file=cf, key_file=cf) conn.putrequest('GET', po.path) conn.endheaders() response = conn.getresponse() lf = open("%s/%s" % (destdir, fn), "w") buf = response.read(4096) while buf: lf.write(buf) buf = response.read(4096) lf.close() ok = True except IOError, e: failed_excpetion = e retries += 1 except httplib.HTTPException, e: failed_exception = e retries += 1 except SSLError, e: failed_exception = e retries += 1 if retries > 5 and failed_exception: raise failed_excpetion