#/usr/local/bin/python import ABAC import Creddy import sys import os, os.path from string import join from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from xml.parsers.expat import ParserCreate from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import rmtree class proof: """ Class to make manipulating proofs a little simpler. Keeps track of the target and does some of the credential formatting. """ def __init__(self, me, p, a, c): """ P is the principal (string), a is the attribute to prove (string) and c is the list of abac certificates that prove (or partially prove) the connection. """ self.prover = "%s" % me self.principal = "%s" % p self.attribute = a self.creds = c or [] def creds_to_certs(self): ids = set([c.issuer_cert() for c in self.creds]) attrs = set([c.attribute_cert() for c in self.creds]) out_ids = [] d = mkdtemp() for i, c in enumerate(ids): try: der_name = os.path.join(d, 'file%04d.der' % i) pem_name = os.path.join(d, 'file%04d.pem' % i) f = open(der_name, 'w') f.write(c) f.close() cid = Creddy.ID(der_name) tf = open(pem_name, 'w') cid.write_cert(tf) tf.close() tf = open(pem_name, 'r') out_ids.append(tf.read()) tf.close() except EnvironmentError, e: print "Certs to creds Error: %s" % e pass rmtree(d) return out_ids + list(attrs) def __str__(self): """ User friendly output format """ rv = "prover: %s\nprincipal: %s\nattribute: %s" % \ (self.prover, self.principal, self.attribute) if self.creds: rv += '\n' rv += join(["%s <- %s"%(c.head().string(), c.tail().string()) \ for c in self.creds], '\n') return rv def to_dict(self): """ Dict with the credentials encoded as X.509 certificates """ return { 'prover': self.prover, 'principal': self.principal, 'attribute': self.attribute, 'credential': self.creds_to_certs(), } def to_context(self): """ Return an ABAC context containing just the credentials in the proof """ ctxt = ABAC.Context() for c in self.creds_to_certs(): if ctxt.load_id_chunk(c) != ABAC.ABAC_CERT_SUCCESS: ctxt.load_attribute_chunk(c) return ctxt def to_xml(self): """ Convert the proof to a simple XML format """ rv = "\n" rv += "%s\n" % self.prover rv += "%s\n" % self.principal rv += "%s\n" % self.attribute for c in self.creds_to_certs(): rv += "%s\n" % b64encode(c) rv += "" return rv def save_to_xml(self, fn, mode='w'): """ Write an XML reprsentation to fn. Mode is 'w' or 'a' to overwrite or append to the file. """ f = open(fn, mode) print >>f, self.to_xml() f.close() @staticmethod def from_xml(filename=None, file=None, string=None): """ Create a proof from the XML representation """ class parse_proof: def element_end(self, name): if name =='proof': self.proof = proof(self.me, self.pr, self.attr, self.context.credentials()) elif name =='prover': self.me = self.chars.strip() elif name =='principal': self.pr = self.chars.strip() elif name == 'attribute': self.attr = self.chars.strip() elif name == 'credential': c = b64decode(self.chars) if self.context.load_id_chunk(c) != ABAC.ABAC_CERT_SUCCESS: self.context.load_attribute_chunk(c) else: print "Doh!" def element_start(self, name, attrs): self.chars = '' def cdata(self, data): self.chars += data def __init__(self): self.p = ParserCreate() self.me = None self.pr = None self.attr = None self.proof = None self.context = ABAC.Context() self.chars = '' self.p.CharacterDataHandler = self.cdata self.p.EndElementHandler = self.element_end self.p.StartElementHandler = self.element_start pp = parse_proof() if filename: pp.p.ParseFile(open(filename, 'r')) elif file: pp.p.ParseFile(file) elif string: pp.p.Parse(string, True) else: print "Doh1" return pp.proof @staticmethod def from_dict(d): """ Reverse the to_dict process """ if d: if 'prover' in d and 'principal' in d and 'attribute' in d: ac = ABAC.Context() self = proof(d['prover'], d['principal'], d['attribute'], None) for c in d.get('credential', []): if ac.load_id_chunk(c) != ABAC.ABAC_CERT_SUCCESS: ac.load_attribute_chunk(c) self.creds = ac.credentials() return self else: return None else: return None