#!/usr/local/bin/python import sys, os import re import tempfile import subprocess import logging import time import signal import util from ssh_emulab_segment import ssh_emulab_segment from xmlrpc_emulab_segment import xmlrpc_emulab_segment class start_segment(ssh_emulab_segment, xmlrpc_emulab_segment): def __init__(self, log=None, keyfile=None, debug=False, boss=None, ops=None, cert=None): ssh_emulab_segment.__init__(self, log=log, keyfile=keyfile, debug=debug) xmlrpc_emulab_segment.__init__(self, boss=boss, ops=ops, cert=cert) def set_up_experiment_filespace(self, user, host, pid, eid, tmpdir): """ Send all the software and configuration files into the experiment's file space. To reduce the number of ssh connections, we script many changes and execute the script. """ # Configuration directories on the remote machine proj_dir = "/proj/%s/exp/%s/tmp" % (pid, eid) softdir_root = "/proj/%s/software/" % pid softdir = "%s/%s" % (softdir_root, eid) # Local software dir lsoftdir = "%s/software" % tmpdir # Open up a temporary file to contain a script for setting up the # filespace for the new experiment. self.log.info("[start_segment]: creating script file") try: sf, scriptname = tempfile.mkstemp() scriptfile = os.fdopen(sf, 'w') except EnvironmentError: return False scriptbase = os.path.basename(scriptname) # Script the filesystem changes # Set umask to 007. Since we are operating # within /proj, we want to permit all proj users # read and write. This is especially necessary # since creating directory hierarchy (mkdir -p). print >>scriptfile, "umask 007" print >>scriptfile, "/bin/rm -rf %s" % proj_dir # Clear and create the software directory print >>scriptfile, "/bin/rm -rf %s/*" % softdir print >>scriptfile, 'mkdir %s' % proj_dir print >>scriptfile, 'chmod 0770 %s' % proj_dir if os.path.isdir(lsoftdir): print >>scriptfile, 'mkdir %s' % softdir_root print >>scriptfile, 'chmod 0770 %s' % softdir_root print >>scriptfile, 'mkdir %s' % softdir print >>scriptfile, 'chmod 0770 %s' % softdir print >>scriptfile, "rm -f %s" % scriptbase scriptfile.close() # Move the script to the remote machine # XXX: could collide tempfile names on the remote host if self.scp_file(scriptname, user, host, scriptbase): os.remove(scriptname) else: return False # Execute the script (and the script's last line deletes it) if not self.ssh_cmd(user, host, "sh -x %s" % scriptbase): return False for f in os.listdir(tmpdir): if not os.path.isdir("%s/%s" % (tmpdir, f)): if not self.scp_file("%s/%s" % (tmpdir, f), user, host, "%s/%s" % (proj_dir, f)): return False if os.path.isdir(lsoftdir): for f in os.listdir(lsoftdir): if not os.path.isdir("%s/%s" % (lsoftdir, f)): if not self.scp_file("%s/%s" % (lsoftdir, f), user, host, "%s/%s" % (softdir, f)): return False return True def __call__(self, parent, eid, pid, user, tclfile, tmpdir, timeout=0, gid=None): """ Start a sub-experiment on a federant. Get the current state, and terminate the experiment if it exists. The group membership of the experiment is difficult to determine or change, so start with a clean slate. Create a new one and ship data and configs and start the experiment. There are small ordering differences based on the initial state of the sub-experiment. """ state = self.get_state(pid, eid) if state != 'none': self.terminate_exp(pid, eid) if not self.make_null_experiment(pid, eid, tmpdir, gid): return False if not self.set_up_experiment_filespace(user, self.ops, pid, eid, tmpdir): return False # Put the file into a string to pass to emulab. try: tcl = "".join([ l for l in open(tclfile,"r")]) except EnvironmentError, e: self.log.error("Can't read %s: %s" % (tclfile, e)) return False # Stage the new configuration if not self.modify_exp(pid, eid, tcl): self.log.error("modify failed") return False if not self.swap_exp(pid, eid, 'in'): self.log.error("swap in failed") return False # Everything has gone OK. self.get_mapping(pid,eid) return True class stop_segment(ssh_emulab_segment, xmlrpc_emulab_segment): def __init__(self, log=None, keyfile=None, debug=False, boss=None, ops=None, cert=None): ssh_emulab_segment.__init__(self, log=log, keyfile=keyfile, debug=debug) xmlrpc_emulab_segment.__init__(self, boss=boss, ops=ops, cert=cert) def __call__(self, parent, user, pid, eid, gid=None, terminate=False): """ Stop a sub experiment by calling swapexp on the federant """ self.log.info("[stop_segment]: Stopping %s" % eid) rv = False try: # Clean out tar files: we've gone over quota in the past self.ssh_cmd(user, self.ops, "rm -rf /proj/%s/software/%s" % (pid, eid)) rv = self.swap_exp(pid, eid, 'out') if terminate: rv = self.terminate_exp(pid, eid) except self.ssh_cmd_timeout: rv = False return rv class info_segment(ssh_emulab_segment, xmlrpc_emulab_segment): def __init__(self, log=None, keyfile=None, debug=False, boss=None, ops=None, cert=None): ssh_emulab_segment.__init__(self, log=log, keyfile=keyfile, debug=debug) xmlrpc_emulab_segment.__init__(self, boss=boss, ops=ops, cert=cert) def __call__(self, parent, user, pid, eid): self.log.info("[info_segment]: Getting info from %s" % eid) self.get_mapping(pid,eid) return True class operation_segment(ssh_emulab_segment, xmlrpc_emulab_segment): def __init__(self, log=None, keyfile=None, debug=False, boss=None, ops=None, cert=None): ssh_emulab_segment.__init__(self, log=log, keyfile=keyfile, debug=debug) xmlrpc_emulab_segment.__init__(self, boss=boss, ops=ops, cert=cert) def __call__(self, parent, op, targets, param, top): for l, p in targets.items(): self.log.info("[operation_segment]: Calling op %s on %s(%s)" % \ (op, l,p)) self.do_operation(op, l, p, param, top) return True class exports_segment(ssh_emulab_segment, xmlrpc_emulab_segment): ''' Class to export parameters from this segment. For a standard segment these are calculated, so there is no testbed interaction. For shared-NAT DETER installations, this is more involved. This class is a hook for that more involved setup. ''' def __init__(self, log=None, keyfile=None, debug=False, boss=None, ops=None, cert=None): ssh_emulab_segment.__init__(self, log=log, keyfile=keyfile, debug=debug) xmlrpc_emulab_segment.__init__(self, boss=boss, ops=ops, cert=cert) def __call__(self, parent, eid, pid, user, connInfo, tmpdir, timeout=0, gid=None): ''' Install the parameter values into each output parameter in each connInfo entry. This class understands peer and ssh_port output variables. ''' for c in connInfo: for p in c.get('parameter', []): # Only set output parameters if p.get('type', '') != 'output': continue name = p.get('name', '') # Debugging output k = p.get('key', None) if name == 'peer': if parent.nat_portal: value = parent.nat_portal elif k and k.index('/') != -1: value = "%s.%s.%s%s" % \ (k[k.index('/')+1:], eid, pid, parent.domain) else: self.log.error("Bad export request: %s" % p) continue p['value'] = value self.log.debug("Assigning %s to %s" % (k, value)) elif name == 'ssh_port': value = parent.ssh_port p['value'] = value self.log.debug("Assigning %s to %s" % (k, value)) else: self.log.error("Unknown export parameter: %s" % \ p.get('name')) continue return True