#!/usr/local/bin/python import os,sys from ZSI import * from M2Crypto import SSL from M2Crypto.SSL.SSLServer import SSLServer import M2Crypto.httpslib import xml.parsers.expat import re import random import string import subprocess import tempfile import copy import traceback from threading import * from subprocess import * from fedd_services import * from fedd_internal_services import * from fedd_util import * import parse_detail from service_error import * class fedd_create_experiment_local: scripts = ["fed_bootstrap", "federate.sh", "smbmount.FreeBSD.pl", "smbmount.Linux.pl", "make_hosts", "fed-tun.pl", "fed-tun.ucb.pl", "fed_evrepeater", "rc.accounts.patch"] def __init__(self, cert_file=None, cert_pwd=None, exp_stem="faber-splitter", debug=False, muxmax=2, nthreads=2, randomize_experiments=False, scp_exec="/usr/bin/scp", scripts_dir="./", splitter=None, ssh_exec="/usr/bin/ssh", ssh_identity_file=None, ssh_keygen="/usr/bin/ssh-keygen", ssh_pubkey_file=None, ssh_type="rsa", tbmap=None, tclsh="/usr/local/bin/otclsh", tcl_splitter="/usr/testbed/lib/ns2ir/parse.tcl", trace_file=None, trusted_certs=None, ): self.scripts = fedd_create_experiment_local.scripts self.thread_with_rv = fedd_create_experiment_local.pooled_thread self.thread_pool = fedd_create_experiment_local.thread_pool self.cert_file = cert_file self.cert_pwd = cert_pwd self.exp_stem = exp_stem self.debug = debug self.muxmax = muxmax self.nthreads = nthreads self.randomize_experiments = randomize_experiments self.scp_exec = scp_exec self.scripts_dir = scripts_dir self.splitter = splitter self.ssh_exec=ssh_exec self.ssh_keygen = ssh_keygen self.ssh_identity_file = ssh_identity_file self.ssh_type = ssh_type self.tclsh = tclsh self.tcl_splitter = tcl_splitter self.tbmap = tbmap self.trace_file = trace_file self.trusted_certs=trusted_certs self.def_expstart = \ "sudo -H /bin/sh FEDDIR/fed_bootstrap >& /tmp/federate"; self.def_mexpstart = "sudo -H FEDDIR/make_hosts FEDDIR/hosts"; self.def_gwstart = \ "sudo -H FEDDIR/fed-tun.pl -f GWCONF>& /tmp/bridge.log"; self.def_mgwstart = \ "sudo -H FEDDIR/fed-tun.pl -f GWCONF >& /tmp/bridge.log"; self.def_gwimage = "FBSD61-TUNNEL2"; self.def_gwtype = "pc"; if ssh_pubkey_file: try: f = open(ssh_pubkey_file, 'r') self.ssh_pubkey = f.read() f.close() except IOError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Cannot read sshpubkey") # Confirm federation scripts in the right place for s in self.scripts: if not os.path.exists(self.scripts_dir + "/" + s): raise service_error(service_error.server_config, "%s/%s not in local script dir" % (self.scripts_dir, s)) class thread_pool: def __init__(self): self.changed = Condition() self.started = 0 self.terminated = 0 def acquire(self): self.changed.acquire() def release(self): self.changed.release() def wait(self, timeout = None): self.changed.wait(timeout) def start(self): self.changed.acquire() self.started += 1 self.changed.notifyAll() self.changed.release() def terminate(self): self.changed.acquire() self.terminated += 1 self.changed.notifyAll() self.changed.release() def clear(self): self.changed.acquire() self.started = 0 self.terminated =0 self.changed.notifyAll() self.changed.release() class pooled_thread(Thread): def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}, pdata=None, trace_file=None): Thread.__init__(self, group, target, name, args, kwargs) self.rv = None self.exception = None self.target=target self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.pdata = pdata self.trace_file = trace_file def run(self): if self.pdata: self.pdata.start() if self.target: try: self.rv = self.target(*self.args, **self.kwargs) except service_error, s: self.exception = s if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file, "Thread exception: %s %s" % \ (s.code_string(), s.desc) except: self.exception = sys.exc_info()[1] if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file, \ "Unexpected thread exception: %s" % \ self.exception print >>self.trace_file, "Trace: %s" % \ traceback.format_exc() if self.pdata: self.pdata.terminate() def copy_file(self, src, dest, size=1024): """ Exceedingly simple file copy. """ s = open(src,'r') d = open(dest, 'w') buf = "x" while buf != "": buf = s.read(size) d.write(buf) s.close() d.close() def scp_file(self, file, user, host, dest=""): """ scp a file to the remote host. """ scp_cmd = [self.scp_exec, file, "%s@%s:%s" % (user, host, dest)] trace = self.trace_file if not trace: try: trace = open("/dev/null", "w") except IOError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Cannot open /dev/null??"); if not self.debug: rv = call(scp_cmd, stdout=trace, stderr=trace) else: if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file, "debug [scp_file]: %s" % \ " ".join(scp_cmd) rv = 0 return rv == 0 def ssh_cmd(self, user, host, cmd, wname=None): sh_str = "%s %s@%s %s" % (self.ssh_exec, user, host, cmd) trace = self.trace_file if not trace: try: trace = open("/dev/null", "w") except IOError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Cannot open /dev/null??"); if not self.debug: sub = Popen(sh_str, shell=True, stdout=trace, stderr=trace) return sub.wait() == 0 else: if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file,"debug [ssh_cmd]: %s" % sh_str return True def ship_scripts(self, host, user, dest_dir): if self.ssh_cmd(user, host, "mkdir -p %s" % dest_dir): for s in self.scripts: if not self.scp_file("%s/%s" % (self.scripts_dir, s), user, host, dest_dir): return False return True else: return False def ship_configs(self, host, user, src_dir, dest_dir): if not self.ssh_cmd(user, host, "mkdir -p %s" % dest_dir): return False if not self.ssh_cmd(user, host, "chmod 770 %s" % dest_dir): return False for f in os.listdir(src_dir): if os.path.isdir(f): if not self.ship_configs(host, user, "%s/%s" % (src_dir, f), "%s/%s" % (dest_dir, f)): return False else: if not self.scp_file("%s/%s" % (src_dir, f), user, host, dest_dir): return False return True def start_segment(self, tb, eid, tbparams, tmpdir, timeout=0): host = "%s%s" % (tbparams[tb]['host'], tbparams[tb]['domain']) user = tbparams[tb]['user'] pid = tbparams[tb]['project'] # XXX base_confs = ( "hosts",) tclfile = "%s.%s.tcl" % (eid, tb) expinfo_exec = "/usr/testbed/bin/expinfo" proj_dir = "/proj/%s/exp/%s/tmp" % (pid, eid) tarfiles_dir = "/proj/%s/tarfiles/%s" % (pid, eid) rpms_dir = "/proj/%s/rpms/%s" % (pid, eid) state_re = re.compile("State:\s+(\w+)") no_exp_re = re.compile("^No\s+such\s+experiment") state = None cmd = [self.ssh_exec, "%s@%s" % (user, host), expinfo_exec, pid, eid] if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file, "status request: %s" % " ".join(cmd) if not self.trace_file: try: st_file = open("/dev/null", "w") except IOError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Cannot open /dev/null!?") else: st_file = self.trace_file status = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=st_file) for line in status.stdout: m = state_re.match(line) if m: state = m.group(1) else: m = no_exp_re.match(line) if m: state = "none" rv = status.wait() # If the experiment is not present the subcommand returns a non-zero # return value. If we successfully parsed a "none" outcome, ignore the # return code. if rv != 0 and state != "none": raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Cannot get status of segment %s:%s/%s" % (tb, pid, eid)) if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file, "%s: %s" % (tb, state) print >>self.trace_file, "transferring experiment to %s" % tb if not self.scp_file("%s/%s/%s" % (tmpdir, tb, tclfile), user, host): return False # Clear and create the tarfiles and rpm directories for d in (tarfiles_dir, rpms_dir): if not self.ssh_cmd(user, host, "/bin/sh -c \"'/bin/rm -rf %s/*'\"" % d): return False if not self.ssh_cmd(user, host, "mkdir -p %s" % d, "create tarfiles"): return False if state == 'active': # Remote experiment is active. Modify it. for f in base_confs: if not self.scp_file("%s/%s" % (tmpdir, f), user, host, "%s/%s" % (proj_dir, f)): return False if not self.ship_scripts(host, user, proj_dir): return False if not self.ship_configs(host, user, "%s/%s" % (tmpdir, tb), proj_dir): return False if os.path.isdir("%s/tarfiles" % tmpdir): if not self.ship_configs(host, user, "%s/tarfiles" % tmpdir, tarfiles_dir): return False if os.path.isdir("%s/rpms" % tmpdir): if not self.ship_configs(host, user, "%s/rpms" % tmpdir, tarfiles_dir): return False if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file, "Modifying %s on %s" % (eid, tb) if not self.ssh_cmd(user, host, "/usr/testbed/bin/modexp -r -s -w %s %s %s" % \ (pid, eid, tclfile), "modexp"): return False return True elif state == "swapped": # Remote experiment swapped out. Modify it and swap it in. for f in base_confs: if not self.scp_file("%s/%s" % (tmpdir, f), user, host, "%s/%s" % (proj_dir, f)): return False if not self.ship_scripts(host, user, proj_dir): return False if not self.ship_configs(host, user, "%s/%s" % (tmpdir, tb), proj_dir): return False if os.path.isdir("%s/tarfiles" % tmpdir): if not self.ship_configs(host, user, "%s/tarfiles" % tmpdir, tarfiles_dir): return False if os.path.isdir("%s/rpms" % tmpdir): if not self.ship_configs(host, user, "%s/rpms" % tmpdir, tarfiles_dir): return False if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file, "Modifying %s on %s" % (eid, tb) if not self.ssh_cmd(user, host, "/usr/testbed/bin/modexp -w %s %s %s" % (pid, eid, tclfile), "modexp"): return False if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file, "Swapping %s in on %s" % (eid, tb) if not self.ssh_cmd(user, host, "/usr/testbed/bin/swapexp -w %s %s in" % (pid, eid), "swapexp"): return False return True elif state == "none": # No remote experiment. Create one. We do this in 2 steps so we # can put the configuration files and scripts into the new # experiment directories. # Tarfiles must be present for creation to work if os.path.isdir("%s/tarfiles" % tmpdir): if not self.ship_configs(host, user, "%s/tarfiles" % tmpdir, tarfiles_dir): return False if os.path.isdir("%s/rpms" % tmpdir): if not self.ship_configs(host, user, "%s/rpms" % tmpdir, tarfiles_dir): return False if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file, "Creating %s on %s" % (eid, tb) if not self.ssh_cmd(user, host, "/usr/testbed/bin/startexp -i -f -w -p %s -e %s %s" % \ (pid, eid, tclfile), "startexp"): return False # After startexp the per-experiment directories exist for f in base_confs: if not self.scp_file("%s/%s" % (tmpdir, f), user, host, "%s/%s" % (proj_dir, f)): return False if not self.ship_scripts(host, user, proj_dir): return False if not self.ship_configs(host, user, "%s/%s" % (tmpdir, tb), proj_dir): return False if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file, "Swapping %s in on %s" % (eid, tb) if not self.ssh_cmd(user, host, "/usr/testbed/bin/swapexp -w %s %s in" % (pid, eid), "swapexp"): return False return True else: if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file, "unknown state %s" % state return False def stop_segment(self, tb, eid, tbparams): user = tbparams[tb]['user'] host = "%s%s" % (tbparams[tb]['host'], tbparams[tb]['domain']) pid = tbparams[tb]['project'] if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file, "Stopping %s on %s" % (eid, tb) return self.ssh_cmd(user, host, "/usr/testbed/bin/swapexp -w %s %s out" % (pid, eid)) def generate_ssh_keys(self, dest, type="rsa" ): """ Generate a set of keys for the gateways to use to talk. Keys are of type type and are stored in the required dest file. """ valid_types = ("rsa", "dsa") t = type.lower(); if t not in valid_types: raise ValueError trace = self.trace_file if not trace: try: trace = open("/dev/null", "w") except IOError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Cannot open /dev/null??"); # May raise CalledProcessError rv = call([self.ssh_keygen, '-t', t, '-N', '', '-f', dest], stdout=trace, stderr=trace) if rv != 0: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Cannot generate nonce ssh keys. %s return code %d" \ % (self.ssh_keygen, rv)) def gentopo(self, str): class topo_parse: def __init__(self): self.str_subelements = ('vname', 'vnode', 'ips', 'ip', 'member') self.int_subelements = ( 'bandwidth',) self.float_subelements = ( 'delay',) self.nodes = [ ] self.lans = [ ] self.element = { } self.topo = { \ 'nodes': { 'node': self.nodes },\ 'lans' : { 'lan' : self.lans },\ } self.chars = "" def end_element(self, name): if name == 'node': self.nodes.append(self.element) self.element = { } elif name == 'lan': self.lans.append(self.element) self.element = { } elif name in self.str_subelements: self.element[name] = self.chars self.chars = "" elif name in self.int_subelements: self.element[name] = int(self.chars) self.chars = "" elif name in self.float_subelements: self.element[name] = float(self.chars) self.chars = "" def found_chars(self, data): self.chars += data.rstrip() tp = topo_parse(); parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate() parser.EndElementHandler = tp.end_element parser.CharacterDataHandler = tp.found_chars parser.Parse(str) return tp.topo def genviz(self, topo): """ Generate the visualization the virtual topology """ neato = "/usr/local/bin/neato" # These are used to parse neato output and to create the visualization # file. vis_re = re.compile('^\s*"?([\w\-]+)"?\s+\[.*pos="(\d+),(\d+)"') vis_fmt = "%s%s%s" + \ "%s" try: # Node names nodes = [ n['vname'] for n in topo['nodes']['node'] ] topo_lans = topo['lans']['lan'] except KeyError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Bad topology") lans = { } links = { } # Walk through the virtual topology, organizing the connections into # 2-node connections (links) and more-than-2-node connections (lans). # When a lan is created, it's added to the list of nodes (there's a # node in the visualization for the lan). for l in topo_lans: if links.has_key(l['vname']): if len(links[l['vname']]) < 2: links[l['vname']].append(l['vnode']) else: nodes.append(l['vname']) lans[l['vname']] = links[l['vname']] del links[l['vname']] lans[l['vname']].append(l['vnode']) elif lans.has_key(l['vname']): lans[l['vname']].append(l['vnode']) else: links[l['vname']] = [ l['vnode'] ] # Open up a temporary file for dot to turn into a visualization try: df, dotname = tempfile.mkstemp() dotfile = os.fdopen(df, 'w') except IOError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Failed to open file in genviz") # Generate a dot/neato input file from the links, nodes and lans try: print >>dotfile, "graph G {" for n in nodes: print >>dotfile, '\t"%s"' % n for l in links.keys(): print >>dotfile, '\t"%s" -- "%s"' % tuple(links[l]) for l in lans.keys(): for n in lans[l]: print >>dotfile, '\t "%s" -- "%s"' % (n,l) print >>dotfile, "}" dotfile.close() except TypeError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Single endpoint link in vtopo") except IOError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Cannot write dot file") # Use dot to create a visualization dot = Popen([neato, '-Gstart=rand', '-Gepsilon=0.005', '-Gmaxiter=2000', '-Gpack=true', dotname], stdout=PIPE) # Translate dot to vis format vis_nodes = [ ] vis = { 'node': vis_nodes } for line in dot.stdout: m = vis_re.match(line) if m: vn = m.group(1) vis_node = {'name': vn, \ 'x': int(m.group(2)),\ 'y' : int(m.group(3)),\ } if vn in links.keys() or vn in lans.keys(): vis_node['type'] = 'lan' else: vis_node['type'] = 'node' vis_nodes.append(vis_node) rv = dot.wait() os.remove(dotname) if rv == 0 : return vis else: return None def get_access(self, tb, nodes, user, tbparam): """ Get access to testbed through fedd and set the parameters for that tb """ translate_attr = { 'slavenodestartcmd': 'expstart', 'slaveconnectorstartcmd': 'gwstart', 'masternodestartcmd': 'mexpstart', 'masterconnectorstartcmd': 'mgwstart', 'connectorimage': 'gwimage', 'connectortype': 'gwtype', 'tunnelcfg': 'tun', 'smbshare': 'smbshare', } # XXX multi-level access uri = self.tbmap.get(tb, None) if not uri: raise service_error(serice_error.server_config, "Unknown testbed: %s" % tb) # The basic request req = {\ 'destinationTestbed' : { 'uri' : uri }, 'user': user, 'allocID' : { 'username': 'test' }, 'access' : [ { 'sshPubkey' : self.ssh_pubkey } ] } # node resources if any if nodes != None and len(nodes) > 0: rnodes = [ ] for n in nodes: rn = { } image, hw, count = n.split(":") if image: rn['image'] = [ image ] if hw: rn['hardware'] = [ hw ] if count: rn['count'] = int(count) rnodes.append(rn) req['resources']= { } req['resources']['node'] = rnodes # No retry loop here. Proxy servers must correctly authenticate # themselves without help try: ctx = fedd_ssl_context(self.cert_file, self.trusted_certs, password=self.cert_pwd) except SSL.SSLError: raise service_error(service_error.server_config, "Server certificates misconfigured") loc = feddServiceLocator(); port = loc.getfeddPortType(uri, transport=M2Crypto.httpslib.HTTPSConnection, transdict={ 'ssl_context' : ctx }) # Reconstruct the full request message msg = RequestAccessRequestMessage() msg.set_element_RequestAccessRequestBody( pack_soap(msg, "RequestAccessRequestBody", req)) try: resp = port.RequestAccess(msg) except ZSI.ParseException, e: raise service_error(service_error.req, "Bad format message (XMLRPC??): %s" % str(e)) r = unpack_soap(resp) if r.has_key('RequestAccessResponseBody'): r = r['RequestAccessResponseBody'] else: raise service_error(service_error.proxy, "Bad proxy response") e = r['emulab'] p = e['project'] tbparam[tb] = { "boss": e['boss'], "host": e['ops'], "domain": e['domain'], "fs": e['fileServer'], "eventserver": e['eventServer'], "project": unpack_id(p['name']), "emulab" : e } for u in p['user']: tbparam[tb]['user'] = unpack_id(u['userID']) for a in e['fedAttr']: if a['attribute']: key = translate_attr.get(a['attribute'].lower(), None) if key: tbparam[tb][key]= a['value'] class current_testbed: def __init__(self, eid, tmpdir): self.begin_testbed = re.compile("^#\s+Begin\s+Testbed\s+\((\w+)\)") self.end_testbed = re.compile("^#\s+End\s+Testbed\s+\((\w+)\)") self.current_testbed = None self.testbed_file = None self.def_expstart = \ "sudo -H /bin/sh FEDDIR/fed_bootstrap >& /tmp/federate"; self.def_mexpstart = "sudo -H FEDDIR/make_hosts FEDDIR/hosts"; self.def_gwstart = \ "sudo -H FEDDIR/fed-tun.pl -f GWCONF>& /tmp/bridge.log"; self.def_mgwstart = \ "sudo -H FEDDIR/fed-tun.pl -f GWCONF >& /tmp/bridge.log"; self.def_gwimage = "FBSD61-TUNNEL2"; self.def_gwtype = "pc"; self.eid = eid self.tmpdir = tmpdir def __call__(self, line, master, allocated, tbparams): # Capture testbed topology descriptions if self.current_testbed == None: m = self.begin_testbed.match(line) if m != None: self.current_testbed = m.group(1) if self.current_testbed == None: raise service_error(service_error.req, "Bad request format (unnamed testbed)") allocated[self.current_testbed] = \ allocated.get(self.current_testbed,0) + 1 tb_dir = "%s/%s" % (self.tmpdir, self.current_testbed) if not os.path.exists(tb_dir): try: os.mkdir(tb_dir) except IOError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Cannot create %s" % tb_dir) try: self.testbed_file = open("%s/%s.%s.tcl" % (tb_dir, self.eid, self.current_testbed), 'w') except IOError: self.testbed_file = None return True else: return False else: m = self.end_testbed.match(line) if m != None: if m.group(1) != self.current_testbed: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Mismatched testbed markers!?") if self.testbed_file != None: self.testbed_file.close() self.testbed_file = None self.current_testbed = None elif self.testbed_file: # Substitute variables and put the line into the local # testbed file. gwtype = tbparams[self.current_testbed].get('gwtype', self.def_gwtype) gwimage = tbparams[self.current_testbed].get('gwimage', self.def_gwimage) mgwstart = tbparams[self.current_testbed].get('mgwstart', self.def_mgwstart) mexpstart = tbparams[self.current_testbed].get('mexpstart', self.def_mexpstart) gwstart = tbparams[self.current_testbed].get('gwstart', self.def_gwstart) expstart = tbparams[self.current_testbed].get('expstart', self.def_expstart) project = tbparams[self.current_testbed].get('project') line = re.sub("GWTYPE", gwtype, line) line = re.sub("GWIMAGE", gwimage, line) if self.current_testbed == master: line = re.sub("GWSTART", mgwstart, line) line = re.sub("EXPSTART", mexpstart, line) else: line = re.sub("GWSTART", gwstart, line) line = re.sub("EXPSTART", expstart, line) # XXX: does `` embed without doing enything else? line = re.sub("GWCONF", "FEDDIR`hostname`.gw.conf", line) line = re.sub("PROJDIR", "/proj/%s/" % project, line) line = re.sub("EID", self.eid, line) line = re.sub("FEDDIR", "/proj/%s/exp/%s/tmp/" % \ (project, self.eid), line) print >>self.testbed_file, line return True class allbeds: def __init__(self, get_access): self.begin_allbeds = re.compile("^#\s+Begin\s+Allbeds") self.end_allbeds = re.compile("^#\s+End\s+Allbeds") self.in_allbeds = False self.get_access = get_access def __call__(self, line, user, tbparams): # Testbed access parameters if not self.in_allbeds: if self.begin_allbeds.match(line): self.in_allbeds = True return True else: return False else: if self.end_allbeds.match(line): self.in_allbeds = False else: nodes = line.split('|') tb = nodes.pop(0) self.get_access(tb, nodes, user, tbparams) return True class gateways: def __init__(self, eid, master, tmpdir, gw_pubkey, gw_secretkey, copy_file): self.begin_gateways = \ re.compile("^#\s+Begin\s+gateways\s+\((\w+)\)") self.end_gateways = re.compile("^#\s+End\s+gateways\s+\((\w+)\)") self.current_gateways = None self.control_gateway = None self.active_end = { } self.eid = eid self.master = master self.tmpdir = tmpdir self.gw_pubkey_base = gw_pubkey self.gw_secretkey_base = gw_secretkey self.copy_file = copy_file def gateway_conf_file(self, gw, master, eid, pubkey, privkey, active_end, tbparams, dtb, myname, desthost, type): """ Produce a gateway configuration file from a gateways line. """ sproject = tbparams[gw].get('project', 'project') dproject = tbparams[dtb].get('project', 'project') sdomain = ".%s.%s%s" % (eid, sproject, tbparams[gw].get('domain', ".example.com")) ddomain = ".%s.%s%s" % (eid, dproject, tbparams[dtb].get('domain', ".example.com")) boss = tbparams[master].get('boss', "boss") fs = tbparams[master].get('fs', "fs") event_server = "%s%s" % \ (tbparams[master].get('eventserver', "event_server"), tbparams[master].get('domain', "example.com")) remote_event_server = "%s%s" % \ (tbparams[dtb].get('eventserver', "event_server"), tbparams[dtb].get('domain', "example.com")) remote_script_dir = "/proj/%s/exp/%s/tmp" % ( dproject, eid) local_script_dir = "/proj/%s/exp/%s/tmp" % ( sproject, eid) tunnel_cfg = tbparams[gw].get("tun", "false") conf_file = "%s%s.gw.conf" % (myname, sdomain) remote_conf_file = "%s%s.gw.conf" % (desthost, ddomain) # translate to lower case so the `hostname` hack for specifying # configuration files works. conf_file = conf_file.lower(); remote_conf_file = remote_conf_file.lower(); if dtb == master: active = "false" elif gw == master: active = "true" elif active_end.has_key['%s-%s' % (dtb, gw)]: active = "false" else: active_end['%s-%s' % (gw, dtb)] = 1 active = "true" gwconfig = open("%s/%s/%s" % (self.tmpdir, gw, conf_file), "w") print >>gwconfig, "Active: %s" % active print >>gwconfig, "TunnelCfg: %s" % tunnel_cfg print >>gwconfig, "BossName: %s" % boss print >>gwconfig, "FsName: %s" % fs print >>gwconfig, "EventServerName: %s" % event_server print >>gwconfig, "RemoteEventServerName: %s" % remote_event_server print >>gwconfig, "Type: %s" % type print >>gwconfig, "RemoteScriptDir: %s" % remote_script_dir print >>gwconfig, "EventRepeater: %s/fed_evrepeater" % \ local_script_dir print >>gwconfig, "RemoteExperiment: %s/%s" % (dproject, eid) print >>gwconfig, "LocalExperiment: %s/%s" % (sproject, eid) print >>gwconfig, "RemoteConfigFile: %s/%s" % \ (remote_script_dir, remote_conf_file) print >>gwconfig, "Peer: %s%s" % (desthost, ddomain) print >>gwconfig, "Pubkeys: %s/%s" % (local_script_dir, pubkey) print >>gwconfig, "Privkeys: %s/%s" % (local_script_dir, privkey) gwconfig.close() return active == "true" def __call__(self, line, allocated, tbparams): # Process gateways if not self.current_gateways: m = self.begin_gateways.match(line) if m: self.current_gateways = m.group(1) if allocated.has_key(self.current_gateways): # This test should always succeed tb_dir = "%s/%s" % (self.tmpdir, self.current_gateways) if not os.path.exists(tb_dir): try: os.mkdir(tb_dir) except IOError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Cannot create %s" % tb_dir) else: # XXX print >>sys.stderr, \ "Ignoring gateways for unknown testbed %s" \ % self.current_gateways self.current_gateways = None return True else: return False else: m = self.end_gateways.match(line) if m : if m.group(1) != self.current_gateways: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Mismatched gateway markers!?") if self.control_gateway: try: cc = open("%s/%s/client.conf" % (self.tmpdir, self.current_gateways), 'w') print >>cc, "ControlGateway: %s" % \ self.control_gateway if tbparams[self.master].has_key('smbshare'): print >>cc, "SMBSHare: %s" % \ tbparams[self.master]['smbshare'] print >>cc, "ProjectUser: %s" % \ tbparams[self.master]['user'] print >>cc, "ProjectName: %s" % \ tbparams[self.master]['project'] cc.close() except IOError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Error creating client config") else: if self.trace_file: print >>sys.stderr, "No control gateway for %s" %\ self.current_gateways self.current_gateways = None else: dtb, myname, desthost, type = line.split(" ") if type == "control" or type == "both": self.control_gateway = "%s.%s.%s%s" % (myname, self.eid, tbparams[self.current_gateways]['project'], tbparams[self.current_gateways]['domain']) try: active = self.gateway_conf_file(self.current_gateways, self.master, self.eid, self.gw_pubkey_base, self.gw_secretkey_base, self.active_end, tbparams, dtb, myname, desthost, type) except IOError, e: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Failed to write config file for %s" % \ self.current_gateway) gw_pubkey = "%s/keys/%s" % \ (self.tmpdir, self.gw_pubkey_base) gw_secretkey = "%s/keys/%s" % \ (self.tmpdir, self.gw_secretkey_base) pkfile = "%s/%s/%s" % \ ( self.tmpdir, self.current_gateways, self.gw_pubkey_base) skfile = "%s/%s/%s" % \ ( self.tmpdir, self.current_gateways, self.gw_secretkey_base) if not os.path.exists(pkfile): try: self.copy_file(gw_pubkey, pkfile) except IOError: service_error(service_error.internal, "Failed to copy pubkey file") if active and not os.path.exists(skfile): try: self.copy_file(gw_secretkey, skfile) except IOError: service_error(service_error.internal, "Failed to copy secretkey file") return True class shunt_to_file: def __init__(self, begin, end, filename): self.begin = re.compile(begin) self.end = re.compile(end) self.in_shunt = False self.file = None self.filename = filename def __call__(self, line): if not self.in_shunt: if self.begin.match(line): self.in_shunt = True try: self.file = open(self.filename, "w") except: self.file = None raise return True else: return False else: if self.end.match(line): if self.file: self.file.close() self.file = None self.in_shunt = False else: if self.file: print >>self.file, line return True class shunt_to_list: def __init__(self, begin, end): self.begin = re.compile(begin) self.end = re.compile(end) self.in_shunt = False self.list = [ ] def __call__(self, line): if not self.in_shunt: if self.begin.match(line): self.in_shunt = True return True else: return False else: if self.end.match(line): self.in_shunt = False else: self.list.append(line) return True class shunt_to_string: def __init__(self, begin, end): self.begin = re.compile(begin) self.end = re.compile(end) self.in_shunt = False self.str = "" def __call__(self, line): if not self.in_shunt: if self.begin.match(line): self.in_shunt = True return True else: return False else: if self.end.match(line): self.in_shunt = False else: self.str += line return True def create_experiment(self, req, fid): try: tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="split-") except IOError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Cannot create tmp dir") gw_pubkey_base = "fed.%s.pub" % self.ssh_type gw_secretkey_base = "fed.%s" % self.ssh_type gw_pubkey = tmpdir + "/keys/" + gw_pubkey_base gw_secretkey = tmpdir + "/keys/" + gw_secretkey_base tclfile = tmpdir + "/experiment.tcl" tbparams = { } pid = "dummy" gid = "dummy" eid = self.exp_stem if self.randomize_experiments: for i in range(0,5): eid += random.choice(string.ascii_letters) # XXX fail_soft = False try: os.mkdir(tmpdir+"/keys") except OSError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Can't make temporary dir") req = req.get('CreateRequestBody', None) if not req: raise service_error(service_error.req, "Bad request format (no CreateRequestBody)") # The tcl parser needs to read a file so put the content into that file file_content=req.get('experimentdescription', None) if file_content: try: f = open(tclfile, 'w') f.write(file_content) f.close() except IOError: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Cannot write temp experiment description") else: raise service_error(service_error.req, "No experiment description") try: self.generate_ssh_keys(gw_secretkey, self.ssh_type) except ValueError: raise service_error(service_error.server_config, "Bad key type (%s)" % self.ssh_type) user = req.get('user', None) if user == None: raise service_error(service_error.req, "No user") master = req.get('master', None) if master == None: raise service_error(service_error.req, "No master testbed label") tclcmd = [self.tclsh, self.tcl_splitter, '-s', '-x', str(self.muxmax), '-m', master, pid, gid, eid, tclfile] tclparser = Popen(tclcmd, stdout=PIPE) allocated = { } started = { } parse_current_testbed = self.current_testbed(eid, tmpdir) parse_allbeds = self.allbeds(self.get_access) parse_gateways = self.gateways(eid, master, tmpdir, gw_pubkey_base, gw_secretkey_base, self.copy_file) parse_vtopo = self.shunt_to_string("^#\s+Begin\s+Vtopo", "^#\s+End\s+Vtopo") parse_hostnames = self.shunt_to_file("^#\s+Begin\s+hostnames", "^#\s+End\s+hostnames", tmpdir + "/hosts") parse_tarfiles = self.shunt_to_list("^#\s+Begin\s+tarfiles", "^#\s+End\s+tarfiles") parse_rpms = self.shunt_to_list("^#\s+Begin\s+rpms", "^#\s+End\s+rpms") for line in tclparser.stdout: line = line.rstrip() if parse_current_testbed(line, master, allocated, tbparams): continue elif parse_allbeds(line, user, tbparams): continue elif parse_gateways(line, allocated, tbparams): continue elif parse_vtopo(line): continue elif parse_hostnames(line): continue elif parse_tarfiles(line): continue elif parse_rpms(line): continue else: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Bad tcl parse? %s" % line) vtopo = self.gentopo(parse_vtopo.str) if not vtopo: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Failed to generate virtual topology") vis = self.genviz(vtopo) if not vis: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Failed to generate visualization") # Copy tarfiles and rpms needed at remote sites into a staging area try: for t in parse_tarfiles.list: if not os.path.exists("%s/tarfiles" % tmpdir): os.mkdir("%s/tarfiles" % tmpdir) self.copy_file(t, "%s/tarfiles/%s" % \ (tmpdir, os.path.basename(t))) for r in parse_rpms.list: if not os.path.exists("%s/rpms" % tmpdir): os.mkdir("%s/rpms" % tmpdir) self.copy_file(r, "%s/rpms/%s" % \ (tmpdir, os.path.basename(r))) except IOError, e: raise service_error(service_error.internal, "Cannot stage tarfile/rpm: %s" % e.strerror) thread_pool_info = self.thread_pool() threads = [ ] for tb in [ k for k in allocated.keys() if k != master]: # Wait until we have a free slot to start the next testbed load thread_pool_info.acquire() while thread_pool_info.started - \ thread_pool_info.terminated >= self.nthreads: thread_pool_info.wait() thread_pool_info.release() # Create and start a thread to start the segment, and save it to # get the return value later t = self.pooled_thread(target=self.start_segment, args=(tb, eid, tbparams, tmpdir, 0), name=tb, pdata=thread_pool_info, trace_file=self.trace_file) threads.append(t) t.start() # Wait until all finish (the first clause of the while is to make sure # one starts) thread_pool_info.acquire() while thread_pool_info.started == 0 or \ thread_pool_info.started > thread_pool_info.terminated: thread_pool_info.wait() thread_pool_info.release() # If none failed, start the master failed = [ t.getName() for t in threads if not t.rv ] if len(failed) == 0: if not self.start_segment(master, eid, tbparams, tmpdir): failed.append(master) # If one failed clean up if len(failed) > 0: succeeded = [tb for tb in allocated.keys() if tb not in failed] if fail_soft: raise service_error(service_error.partial, \ "Partial swap in on %s" % ",".join(succeeded)) else: for tb in succeeded: self.stop_segment(tb, eid, tbparams) raise service_error(service_error.federant, "Swap in failed on %s" % ",".join(failed)) else: if self.trace_file: print >>self.trace_file, "Experiment started" return { 'emulab' : [ tbparams[tb]['emulab'] \ for tb in tbparams.keys() \ if tbparams[tb].has_key('emulab') ],\ 'experiment': vtopo,\ 'vis' : vis } if __name__ == '__main__': from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', default=False, action='store_true', help='print actions rather than take them') parser.add_option('-f', '--file', dest='tcl', help='tcl file to parse') parser.add_option('-m', '--master', dest='master', help='testbed label for matster testbd') parser.add_option('-t', '--trace', dest='trace', default=None, help='file to print intermediate messages to') parser.add_option('-T', '--trace-stderr', dest='trace', action='store_const',const=sys.stderr, help='file to print intermediate messages to') opts, args = parser.parse_args() trace_file = None if opts.trace: try: trace_file = open(opts.trace, 'w') except IOError: print >>sys.stderr, "Can't open trace file" if opts.debug: if not trace_file: trace_file = sys.stderr if opts.tcl != None: try: f = open(opts.tcl, 'r') content = ''.join(f) f.close() except IOError, e: sys.exit("Can't read %s: %s" % (opts.tcl, e)) else: sys.exit("Must specify a file name") if not opts.master: sys.exit("Must supply master tb label (--master)"); obj = fedd_create_experiment_local( debug=opts.debug, scripts_dir="/users/faber/testbed/federation", cert_file="./fedd_client.pem", cert_pwd="faber", ssh_pubkey_file='/users/faber/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', trusted_certs="./cacert.pem", tbmap = { 'deter':'https://users.isi.deterlab.net:23235', 'emulab':'https://users.isi.deterlab.net:23236', 'ucb':'https://users.isi.deterlab.net:23237', }, trace_file=trace_file ) rv = obj.create_experiment( {\ 'experimentdescription' : content, 'master' : opts.master, 'user': [ {'userID' : { 'username' : 'faber' } } ], }, None) print rv