#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys import MySQLdb import tempfile from optparse import OptionParser from deter import fedid class opt_parser(OptionParser): def __init__(self): OptionParser.__init__(self, usage="%prog [opts] (--help for details)", version="0.1") self.add_option('-u', '--user', dest='users', action='append', default=[], help="Users to extract from DB") self.add_option('-p', '--project', dest='projects', action='append', default=[], help="Projects to extract from DB") self.add_option('-d', '--cert_dir', dest='cert_dir', default=None, help='Directory to store copies of certificates') self.add_option('-t','--experiment_controller', dest='tb', default=None, help='testbed from which attrs come (cert file)') def cert_to_fid(cstr): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp('.pem') try: try: f = os.fdopen(fd, "w") print >>f, cstr f.close() except IOError, e: print >>sys.stderr, "Error creating user %s" % u return fedid(file=path) finally: os.remove(path) def add_list(l, field, prefix=''): str = "" for x in l: if str: str += " OR " else: str = " %s (" % prefix str += "%s='%s'" % (field, x) if str: str += ")" return str fids = { } q_start = """ SELECT g.uid, CASE g.gid WHEN g.pid THEN g.pid ELSE CONCAT(g.pid, '/', g.gid) END FROM group_membership g """ q_end =""" ORDER BY g.uid """ opts, args = opt_parser().parse_args() if opts.users or opts.projects: q_start += '\nWHERE ' user_clause= add_list(opts.users, 'g.uid') if user_clause: prefix = 'AND' else: prefix = '' project_clause= add_list(opts.projects, 'g.pid', prefix) if opts.tb: try: tbc=fedid(file=opts.tb) except EnvironmentError, e: sys.exit('Cannot get testbed cert from %s: %s' % \ (e.filename, e.strerror)) else: sys.exit('need a testbed (--testbed)') if not opts.cert_dir: sys.exit('Need a certificate directory --cert-dir ') query = q_start + user_clause + project_clause + q_end db = MySQLdb.connect(db='tbdb') c = db.cursor() c.execute(query) print "# users %s" % ','.join(opts.users) print "# projects %s" % ','.join(opts.projects) for u, p, in c.fetchall(): print "(fedid:%s,%s,%s)-> access, (%s,%s,%s)" % \ (tbc, p, u, p, u, os.path.join(opts.cert_dir, "%s.pem" % u))