import re
import xml.parsers.expat
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
from base64 import b64encode
from string import join
from fedid import fedid as fedid_class
class base:
def init_class(c, arg):
if isinstance(arg, dict):
return c(**arg)
print "%s" % arg
elif isinstance(arg, c):
return arg
return None
def make_list(a):
if isinstance(a, basestring) or isinstance(a, dict): return [ a ]
elif getattr(a, '__iter__', None): return a
else: return [ a ]
def init_string(s):
Force a string coercion for everything but a None.
if s is not None: return "%s" % s
else: return None
def remove_attribute(self, key):
to_del = None
attrs = getattr(self, 'attribute', [])
for i, a in enumerate(attrs):
if a.attribute == key:
to_del = i
if to_del: del attrs[i]
def get_attribute(self, key):
rv = None
attrs = getattr(self, 'attribute', None)
if attrs:
for a in attrs:
if a.attribute == key:
rv = a.value
return rv
def set_attribute(self, key, value):
attrs = getattr(self, 'attribute', None)
if attrs is None:
for a in attrs:
if a.attribute == key:
a.value = value
attrs.append(Attribute(key, value))
class ConsistencyError(RuntimeError): pass
class NamespaceError(RuntimeError): pass
class Attribute(base):
def __init__(self, attribute, value):
self.attribute = self.init_string(attribute)
self.value = self.init_string(value)
def clone(self):
return Attribute(attribute=self.attribute, value=self.value)
def to_dict(self):
return { 'attribute': self.attribute, 'value': self.value }
def to_xml(self):
return "%s%s" % \
(escape(self.attribute), escape(self.value))
class Capacity(base):
def __init__(self, rate, kind):
self.rate = float(rate)
self.kind = self.init_string(kind)
def clone(self):
return Capacity(rate=self.rate, kind=self.kind)
def to_dict(self):
return { 'rate': float(self.rate), 'kind': self.kind }
def to_xml(self):
return "%f%s" % (self.rate, self.kind)
class Latency(base):
def __init__(self, time, kind):
self.time = float(time)
self.kind = self.init_string(kind)
def clone(self):
return Latency(time=self.time, kind=self.kind)
def to_dict(self):
return { 'time': float(self.time), 'kind': self.kind }
def to_xml(self):
return "%s" % (self.time, self.kind)
class ServiceParam(base):
def __init__(self, name, type):
self.name = self.init_string(name)
self.type = self.init_string(type)
def clone(self):
return ServiceParam(self.name. self.type)
def to_dict(self):
return { 'name': name, 'type': type }
def to_xml(self):
return "%s%s" % (self.name, self.type)
class Service(base):
def __init__(self, name, importer=[], param=[], description=None,
self.name = self.init_string(name)
self.importer = [self.init_string(i) \
for i in self.make_list(importer)]
self.param = [ self.init_class(ServiceParam, p) \
for p in self.make_list(param) ]
self.description = self.init_string(description)
self.status = self.init_string(status)
def clone(self):
return Service(
importer=[ i for i in self.importer],
param=[p.clone() for p in self.param],
def to_dict(self):
rv = { }
if self.name is not None:
rv['name'] = self.name
if self.importer:
rv['importer'] = [ i for i in self.importer ]
if self.param:
rv['param'] = [ p.to_dict() for p in self.param ]
if self.description is not None:
rv['description'] = self.description
if self.status is not None:
rv['status'] = self.status
return rv
def to_xml(self):
rv = ''
if self.name is not None:
rv += '%s' % self.name
if self.importer:
rv += join(['%s' % i \
for i in self.importer],'')
if self.param:
rv += join(['%s' % p.to_xml() \
for p in self.param], '')
if self.description is not None:
rv += '%s' % self.description
if self.status is not None:
rv += '%s' % self.status
return rv
class Substrate(base):
def __init__(self, name, capacity=None, latency=None, attribute=[],
localname=[], status=None, service=[], operation=[]):
self.name = self.init_string(name)
self.capacity = self.init_class(Capacity, capacity)
self.latency = self.init_class(Latency, latency)
self.attribute = [ self.init_class(Attribute, a) \
for a in self.make_list(attribute) ]
self.localname = [ self.init_string(ln)\
for ln in self.make_list(localname) ]
self.status = self.init_string(status)
self.service = [ self.init_class(Service, s) \
for s in self.make_list(service)]
self.operation = [self.init_string(op) \
for op in self.make_list(operation)]
self.interfaces = [ ]
def clone(self):
if self.capacity: c = self.capacity.clone()
else: c = None
if self.latency: l = self.latency.clone()
else: l = None
return Substrate(name=self.name,
attribute = [a.clone() for a in self.attribute],
localname = [ ln for ln in self.localname],
status = self.status,
service = [ s.clone() for s in self.service],
operation=[ op for op in self.operation])
def to_dict(self):
rv = { 'name': self.name }
if self.capacity:
rv['capacity'] = self.capacity.to_dict()
if self.latency:
rv['latency'] = self.latency.to_dict()
if self.attribute:
rv['attribute'] = [ a.to_dict() for a in self.attribute ]
if self.localname:
rv['localname'] = [ ln for ln in self.localname ]
if self.status:
rv['status'] = self.status
if self.service:
rv['service'] = [s.to_dict() for s in self.service]
if self.operation:
rv['operation'] = [op for op in self.operation]
return rv
def to_xml(self):
rv = "%s" % escape(self.name)
if self.capacity is not None:
rv += "%s" % self.capacity.to_xml()
if self.latency is not None:
rv += "%s" % self.latency.to_xml()
if self.attribute:
rv += join(["%s" % a.to_xml() \
for a in self.attribute], "")
if self.localname:
rv += join(['%s' % ln \
for ln in self.localname], '')
if self.status is not None:
rv += '%s' % self.status
if self.service:
rv += join(['%s%s' % op \
for op in self.operation], '')
return rv
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
del d['interfaces']
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
# Import everything from the pickle dict (except what we excluded in
# __getstate__)
self.interfaces = []
class CPU(base):
def __init__(self, type, attribute=[]):
self.type = self.init_string(type)
self.attribute = [ self.init_class(Attribute, a) for a in \
self.make_list(attribute) ]
def clone(self):
return CPU(type=self.type,
attribute = [a.clone() for a in self.attribute])
def to_dict(self):
rv = { 'type': self.type}
if self.attribute:
rv['attribute'] = [ a.to_dict() for a in self.attribute ]
return rv
def to_xml(self):
rv = "%s" % escape(self.type)
if self.attribute:
rv += join(["%s" % a.to_xml() \
for a in self.attribute], "")
return rv
class Storage(base):
def __init__(self, amount, persistence, attribute=[]):
self.amount = float(amount)
self.presistence = self.init_string(persistence)
self.attribute = [ self.init_class(Attribute, a) \
for a in self.make_list(attribute) ]
def clone(self):
return Storage(amount=self.amount, persistence=self.persistence,
attribute = [a.clone() for a in self.attribute])
def to_dict(self):
rv = { 'amount': float(self.amount), 'persistence': self.persistence }
if self.attribute:
rv['attribute'] = [ a.to_dict() for a in self.attribute ]
return rv
def to_xml(self):
rv = "%f%s" % \
(self.amount, escape(self.persistence))
if self.attribute:
rv += join(["%s" % a.to_xml() \
for a in self.attribute], "")
return rv
class OperatingSystem(base):
def __init__(self, name=None, version=None, distribution=None,
distributionversion=None, attribute=[]):
self.name = self.init_string(name)
self.version = self.init_string(version)
self.distribution = self.init_string(distribution)
self.distributionversion = self.init_string(distributionversion)
self.attribute = [ self.init_class(Attribute, a) \
for a in self.make_list(attribute) ]
def clone(self):
return OperatingSystem(name=self.name,
attribute = [ a.clone() for a in self.attribute])
def to_dict(self):
rv = { }
if self.name: rv['name'] = self.name
if self.version: rv['version'] = self.version
if self.distribution: rv['distribution'] = self.distribution
if self.distributionversion:
rv['distributionversion'] = self.distributionversion
if self.attribute:
rv['attribute'] = [ a.to_dict() for a in self.attribute ]
return rv
def to_xml(self):
rv = ""
if self.name: rv += "%s" % escape(self.name)
if self.version: rv += "%s" % escape(self.version)
if self.distribution:
rv += "%s" % escape(self.distribution)
if self.distributionversion:
rv += "%s" % \
if self.attribute:
rv += join(["%s" % a.to_xml() \
for a in self.attribute], "")
return rv
class Software(base):
def __init__(self, location, install=None, attribute=[]):
self.location = self.init_string(location)
self.install = self.init_string(install)
self.attribute = [ self.init_class(Attribute, a)\
for a in self.make_list(attribute) ]
def clone(self):
return Software(location=self.location, install=self.install,
attribute=[a.clone() for a in self.attribute])
def to_dict(self):
rv = { 'location': self.location }
if self.install: rv['install'] = self.install
if self.attribute:
rv['attribute'] = [ a.to_dict() for a in self.attribute ]
return rv
def to_xml(self):
rv = "%s" % escape(self.location)
if self.install: rv += "%s" % self.install
if self.attribute:
rv += join(["%s" % a.to_xml() \
for a in self.attribute], "")
return rv
class Interface(base):
def __init__(self, substrate, name=None, capacity=None, latency=None,
attribute=[], element=None):
self.name = self.init_string(name)
self.substrate = self.make_list(substrate)
self.capacity = self.init_class(Capacity, capacity)
self.latency = self.init_class(Latency, latency)
self.attribute = [ self.init_class(Attribute, a) \
for a in self.make_list(attribute) ]
self.element = element
self.subs = [ ]
def clone(self):
if self.capacity: c = self.capacity.clone()
else: c = None
if self.latency: l = self.latency.clone()
else: l = None
return Interface(substrate=[s for s in self.substrate], name=self.name,
capacity=c, latency=l,
attribute = [ a.clone() for a in self.attribute])
def to_dict(self):
rv = { 'substrate': self.substrate, 'name': self.name }
if self.capacity:
rv['capacity'] = self.capacity.to_dict()
if self.latency:
rv['latency'] = self.latency.to_dict()
if self.attribute:
rv['attribute'] = [ a.to_dict() for a in self.attribute ]
return rv
def to_xml(self):
rv = join(["%s" % escape(s) \
for s in self.substrate], "")
rv += "%s" % self.name
if self.capacity:
rv += "%s" % self.capacity.to_xml()
if self.latency:
rv += "%s" % self.latency.to_xml()
if self.attribute:
rv += join(["%s" % a.to_xml() \
for a in self.attribute], "")
return rv
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
del d['subs']
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
# Import everything from the pickle dict (except what we excluded in
# __getstate__)
self.subs = []
class ID(base):
def __init__(self, fedid=None, uuid=None, uri=None, localname=None,
self.fedid=fedid_class(hexstr="%s" % fedid)
self.uuid = self.init_string(uuid)
self.uri = self.init_string(uri)
self.localname =self.init_string( localname)
self.kerberosUsername = self.init_string(kerberosUsername)
def clone(self):
return ID(self.fedid, self.uuid, self.uri, self.localname,
def to_dict(self):
rv = { }
if self.fedid: rv['fedid'] = self.fedid
if self.uuid: rv['uuid'] = self.uuid
if self.uri: rv['uri'] = self.uri
if self.localname: rv['localname'] = self.localname
if self.kerberosUsername: rv['kerberosUsername'] = self.kerberosUsername
return rv
def to_xml(self):
if self.uuid: rv = "%s" % b64encode(self.uuid)
elif self.fedid: rv = "%s" % \
elif self.uri: rv = "%s" % escape(self.uri)
elif self.localname:
rv = "%s" % escape(self.localname)
elif self.kerberosUsername:
rv = "%s" % \
return rv
class Computer(base):
def __init__(self, name, cpu=[], os=[], software=[], storage=[],
interface=[], attribute=[], localname=[], status=None, service=[],
def assign_element(i):
i.element = self
self.name = self.init_string(name)
self.cpu = [ self.init_class(CPU, c) for c in self.make_list(cpu) ]
self.os = [ self.init_class(OperatingSystem, c) \
for c in self.make_list(os) ]
self.software = [ self.init_class(Software, c) \
for c in self.make_list(software) ]
self.storage = [ self.init_class(Storage, c) \
for c in self.make_list(storage) ]
self.interface = [ self.init_class(Interface, c) \
for c in self.make_list(interface) ]
self.attribute = [ self.init_class(Attribute, a) \
for a in self.make_list(attribute) ]
self.localname = [ self.init_string(ln)\
for ln in self.make_list(localname) ]
self.status = self.init_string(status)
self.service = [ self.init_class(Service, s) \
for s in self.make_list(service)]
self.operation = [self.init_string(op) \
for op in self.make_list(operation)]
map(assign_element, self.interface)
def clone(self):
# Copy the list of names
return Computer(name=self.name,
cpu=[x.clone() for x in self.cpu],
os=[x.clone() for x in self.os],
software=[x.clone() for x in self.software],
storage=[x.clone() for x in self.storage],
interface=[x.clone() for x in self.interface],
attribute=[x.clone() for x in self.attribute],
localname =[ ln for ln in self.localname],
status = self.status,
service = [s.clone() for s in self.service],
operation = [op for op in self.operation])
def to_dict(self):
rv = { }
if self.name:
rv['name'] = self.name
if self.cpu:
rv['cpu'] = [ c.to_dict() for c in self.cpu ]
if self.os:
rv['os'] = [ o.to_dict() for o in self.os ]
if self.software:
rv['software'] = [ s.to_dict() for s in self.software ]
if self.storage:
rv['storage'] = [ s.to_dict for s in self.storage ]
if self.interface:
rv['interface'] = [ i.to_dict() for i in self.interface ]
if self.attribute:
rv['attribute'] = [ i.to_dict() for i in self.attribute ]
if self.localname:
rv['localname'] = [ ln for ln in self.localname ]
if self.status:
rv['status'] = self.status
if self.service:
rv['service'] = [s.to_dict() for s in self.service]
if self.operation:
rv['operation'] = [op for op in self.operation]
return { 'computer': rv }
def to_xml(self):
rv = "%s" % escape(self.name)
if self.cpu:
rv += join(["%s" % c.to_xml() for c in self.cpu], "")
if self.os:
rv += join(["%s" % o.to_xml() for o in self.os], "")
if self.software:
rv += join(["%s" % s.to_xml() \
for s in self.software], "")
if self.storage:
rv += join(["%s" % s.to_xml() \
for s in self.stroage], "")
if self.interface:
rv += join(["%s" % i.to_xml()
for i in self.interface], "")
if self.attribute:
rv += join(["%s" % a.to_xml() \
for a in self.attribute], "")
if self.localname:
rv += join(['%s' % ln \
for ln in self.localname], '')
if self.status is not None:
rv += '%s' % self.status
if self.service:
rv += join(['%s%s' % op \
for op in self.operation], '')
return "%s" % rv
class Testbed(base):
def __init__(self, uri, type, interface=[], attribute=[], localname=[],
status=None, service=[], operation=[]):
self.uri = self.init_string(uri)
self.type = self.init_string(type)
self.interface = [ self.init_class(Interface, c) \
for c in self.make_list(interface) ]
self.attribute = [ self.init_class(Attribute, c) \
for c in self.make_list(attribute) ]
self.localname = [ self.init_string(ln)\
for ln in self.make_list(localname) ]
self.status = self.init_string(status)
self.service = [ self.init_class(Service, s) \
for s in self.make_list(service)]
self.operation = [self.init_string(op) \
for op in self.make_list(operation)]
def clone(self):
return Testbed(self.uri, self.type,
interface=[i.clone() for i in self.interface],
attribute=[a.cone() for a in self.attribute],
localname = [ ln for ln in self.localname ],
service=[s.clone() for s in self.service ],
operation = [ op for op in self.operation ])
def to_dict(self):
rv = { }
if self.uri: rv['uri'] = self.uri
if self.type: rv['type'] = self.type
if self.interface:
rv['interface'] = [ i.to_dict() for i in self.interface]
if self.attribute:
rv['attribute'] = [ a.to_dict() for a in self.attribute]
if self.localname:
rv['localname'] = [ ln for ln in self.localname ]
if self.status:
rv['status'] = self.status
if self.service:
rv['service'] = [s.to_dict() for s in self.service]
if self.operation:
rv['operation'] = [op for op in self.operation]
return { 'testbed': rv }
def to_xml(self):
rv = "%s%s" % \
(escape(self.uri), escape(self.type))
if self.interface:
rv += join(["%s" % i.to_xml()
for i in self.interface], "")
if self.attribute:
rv += join(["%s" % a.to_xml() \
for a in self.attribute], "")
if self.localname:
rv += join(['%s' % ln \
for ln in self.localname], '')
if self.status is not None:
rv += '%s' % self.status
if self.service:
rv += join(['%s%s' % op \
for op in self.operation], '')
return "%s" % rv
class Segment(base):
def __init__(self, id, type, uri, interface=[], attribute=[]):
self.id = self.init_class(ID, id)
self.type = self.init_string(type)
self.uri = self.init_string(uri)
self.interface = [ self.init_class(Interface, c) \
for c in self.make_list(interface) ]
self.attribute = [ self.init_class(Attribute, c) \
for c in self.make_list(attribute) ]
def clone(self):
return Segment(self.id.clone(), self.type, self.uri,
interface=[i.clone() for i in self.interface],
attribute=[a.clone() for a in self.attribute])
def to_dict(self):
rv = { }
if self.id: rv['id'] = self.id.to_dict()
if self.type: rv['type'] = self.type
if self.uri: rv['uri'] = self.uri
if self.interface:
rv['interface'] = [ i.to_dict() for i in self.interface ]
if self.attribute:
rv['attribute'] = [ a.to_dict() for a in self.attribute ]
return { 'segment': rv }
def to_xml(self):
rv = "%s%s%s" % \
(self.id.to_xml(), escape(self.uri), escape(self.type))
if self.interface:
rv += join(["%s" % i.to_xml()
for i in self.interface], "")
if self.attribute:
rv += join(["%s" % a.to_xml() \
for a in self.attribute], "")
return "%s" % rv
class Other(base):
def __init__(self, interface=[], attribute=[]):
self.interface = [ self.init_class(Interface, c) \
for c in self.make_list(interface) ]
self.attribute = [ self.init_class(Attribute, c) \
for c in self.make_list(attribute) ]
def clone(self):
return Other(interface=[i.clone() for i in self.interface],
attribute=[a.clone() for a in attribute])
def to_dict(self):
rv = {}
if self.interface:
rv['interface'] = [ i.to_dict() for i in self.interface ]
if self.attribute:
rv['attribute'] = [ a.to_dict() for a in self.attribute ]
return {'other': rv }
def to_xml(self):
rv = ""
if self.interface:
rv += join(["%s" % i.to_xml()
for i in self.interface], "")
if self.attribute:
rv += join(["%s" % a.to_xml() \
for a in self.attribute], "")
return "%s" % rv
class Topology(base):
version = "1.0"
def init_element(e):
e should be of the form { typename: args } where args is a dict full of
the right parameters to initialize the element. e should have only one
key, but we walk e's keys in an arbitrary order and instantiate the
first key we know how to.
classmap = {
'computer': Computer,
'testbed': Testbed,
'segment': Segment,
'other': Other,
if isinstance(e, dict):
for k in e.keys():
cl = classmap.get(k, None)
if cl: return cl(**e[k])
return e
def __init__(self, substrates=[], elements=[], attribute=[],
if version is None: self.version = Topology.version
else: self.version = version
self.substrates = [ self.init_class(Substrate, s) \
for s in self.make_list(substrates) ]
self.elements = [ self.init_element(e) \
for e in self.make_list(elements) ]
self.attribute = [ self.init_class(Attribute, c) \
for c in self.make_list(attribute) ]
def name_element_interfaces(e):
names = set([i.name for i in e.interface if i.name])
inum = 0
for i in [ i for i in e.interface if not i.name]:
while inum < 1000:
n = "inf%03d" % inum
inum += 1
if n not in names:
i.name = n
raise NamespaceError("Cannot make new interface name")
def name_interfaces(self):
For any interface without a name attribute, assign a unique one within
its element.
for e in self.elements:
def incorporate_elements(self):
# Could to this init in one gulp, but we want to look for duplicate
# substrate names
substrate_map = { }
for s in self.substrates:
s.interfaces = [ ]
if not substrate_map.has_key(s.name):
substrate_map[s.name] = s
raise ConsistencyError("Duplicate substrate name %s" % s.name)
for e in self.elements:
for i in e.interface:
i.element = e
i.subs = [ ]
for sn in i.substrate:
# NB, interfaces have substrate names in their substrate
# attribute.
if substrate_map.has_key(sn):
sub = substrate_map[sn]
raise ConsistencyError("No such substrate for %s" % sn)
def clone(self):
return Topology(substrates=[s.clone() for s in self.substrates],
elements=[e.clone() for e in self.elements],
attribute=[a.clone() for a in self.attribute],
def make_indices(self):
sub_index = dict([(s.name, s) for s in self.substrates])
elem_index = dict([(n, e) for e in self.elements for n in e.name])
def to_dict(self):
rv = { }
rv['version'] = self.version
if self.substrates:
rv['substrates'] = [ s.to_dict() for s in self.substrates ]
if self.elements:
rv['elements'] = [ s.to_dict() for s in self.elements ]
if self.attribute:
rv['attribute'] = [ s.to_dict() for s in self.attribute]
return rv
def to_xml(self):
rv = "%s" % escape(self.version)
if self.substrates:
rv += join(["%s" % s.to_xml() \
for s in self.substrates], "")
if self.elements:
rv += join(["%s" % e.to_xml() \
for e in self.elements], "")
if self.attribute:
rv += join(["%s" % a.to_xml() \
for a in self.attribute], "")
return rv
def __setstate__(self, d):
# Import everything from the pickle dict and call incorporate to
# connect them.
def topology_from_xml(string=None, file=None, filename=None, top="topology"):
class parser:
def __init__(self, top):
self.stack = [ ]
self.chars = ""
self.key = ""
self.have_chars = False
self.current = { }
self.in_cdata = False
self.in_top = False
self.top = top
def start_element(self, name, attrs):
self.chars = ""
self.have_chars = False
self.key = str(name)
if name == self.top:
self.in_top = True
if self.in_top:
self.stack.append((self.current, self.key))
self.current = { }
def end_element(self, name):
if self.in_top:
if self.have_chars:
self.chars = self.chars.strip()
if len(self.chars) >0:
addit = self.chars
addit = self.current
addit = self.current
parent, key = self.stack.pop()
if parent.has_key(key):
if isinstance(parent[key], list):
parent[key] = [parent[key], addit]
parent[key] = addit
self.current = parent
self.key = key
self.chars = ""
self.have_chars = False
if name == self.top:
self.in_top= False
def char_data(self, data):
if self.in_top:
self.have_chars = True
self.chars += data
p = parser(top=top)
xp = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
xp.StartElementHandler = p.start_element
xp.EndElementHandler = p.end_element
xp.CharacterDataHandler = p.char_data
num_set = len([ x for x in (string, filename, file)\
if x is not None ])
if num_set != 1:
raise RuntimeError("Exactly one one of file, filename and string " + \
"must be set")
elif filename:
f = open(filename, "r")
elif file:
elif string:
xp.Parse(string, True)
return None
return Topology(**p.current[top])
def topology_from_startsegment(req):
Generate a topology from a StartSegment request to an access controller.
This is a little helper to avoid some gross looking syntax. It accepts
either a request enclosed in the StartSegmentRequestBody, or one with that
outer dict removed.
if 'StartSegmentRequestBody' in req: r = req['StartSegmentRequestBody']
else: r = req
if 'segmentdescription' in r and \
'topdldescription' in r['segmentdescription']:
return Topology(**r['segmentdescription']['topdldescription'])
return None
def topology_to_xml(t, top=None):
Print the topology as XML, recursively using the internal classes to_xml()
if top: return "<%s>%s%s>" % (top, t.to_xml(), top)
else: return t.to_xml()
def topology_to_vtopo(t):
nodes = [ ]
lans = [ ]
for eidx, e in enumerate(t.elements):
if isinstance(e, Computer):
if e.name: name = e.name
else: name = "unnamed_node%d" % eidx
ips = [ ]
for idx, i in enumerate(e.interface):
ip = i.get_attribute('ip4_address')
port = "%s:%d" % (name, idx)
for idx, s in enumerate(i.subs):
bw = 100000
delay = 0.0
if s.capacity:
bw = s.capacity.rate
if i.capacity:
bw = i.capacity.rate
if s.latency:
delay = s.latency.time
if i.latency:
bw = i.latency.time
'member': port,
'vname': s.name,
'ip': ip,
'vnode': name,
'delay': delay,
'bandwidth': bw,
'ips': ":".join(ips),
'vname': name,
return { 'node': nodes, 'lan': lans }
def to_tcl_name(n):
t = re.sub('-(\d+)', '(\\1)', n)
return t
def generate_portal_command_filter(cmd, add_filter=None):
def rv(e):
s =""
if isinstance(e, Computer):
gw = e.get_attribute('portal')
if add_filter and callable(add_filter):
add = add_filter(e)
add = True
if gw and add:
s = "%s ${%s}\n" % (cmd, to_tcl_name(e.name))
return s
return rv
def generate_portal_image_filter(image):
def rv(e):
s =""
if isinstance(e, Computer):
gw = e.get_attribute('portal')
if gw:
s = "tb-set-node-os ${%s} %s\n" % (to_tcl_name(e.name), image)
return s
return rv
def generate_portal_hardware_filter(type):
def rv(e):
s =""
if isinstance(e, Computer):
gw = e.get_attribute('portal')
if gw:
s = "tb-set-hardware ${%s} %s\n" % (to_tcl_name(e.name), type)
return s
return rv
def topology_to_ns2(t, filters=[], routing="Manual"):
out = """
set ns [new Simulator]
source tb_compat.tcl
for e in t.elements:
rpms = ""
tarfiles = ""
if isinstance(e, Computer):
name = to_tcl_name(e.name)
out += "set %s [$ns node]\n" % name
if e.os and len(e.os) == 1:
osid = e.os[0].get_attribute('osid')
if osid:
out += "tb-set-node-os ${%s} %s\n" % (name, osid)
hw = e.get_attribute('type')
if hw:
out += "tb-set-hardware ${%s} %s\n" % (name, hw)
for s in e.software:
if s.install:
tarfiles += "%s %s " % (s.install, s.location)
rpms += "%s " % s.location
if rpms:
out += "tb-set-node-rpms ${%s} %s\n" % (name, rpms)
if tarfiles:
out += "tb-set-node-tarfiles ${%s} %s\n" % (name, tarfiles)
startcmd = e.get_attribute('startup')
if startcmd:
out+= 'tb-set-node-startcmd ${%s} "%s"\n' % (name, startcmd)
for f in filters:
out += f(e)
out+= "\n"
for idx, s in enumerate(t.substrates):
loss = s.get_attribute('loss')
if s.latency: delay = s.latency.time
else: delay = 0
if s.capacity: rate = s.capacity.rate
else: rate = 100000
name = to_tcl_name(s.name or "sub%d" % idx)
if len(s.interfaces) > 2:
# Lan
members = [ to_tcl_name("${%s}") % i.element.name \
for i in s.interfaces]
out += 'set %s [$ns make-lan "%s" %fkb %fms ]\n' % \
(name, " ".join([to_tcl_name(m) for m in members]),
rate, delay)
if loss:
"tb-set-lan-loss ${%s} %f\n" % (name, float(loss))
for i in s.interfaces:
e = i.element
ip = i.get_attribute("ip4_address")
if ip:
out += "tb-set-ip-lan ${%s} ${%s} %s\n" % \
(to_tcl_name(e.name), name, ip)
if i.capacity and i.capacity.rate != rate:
out += "tb-set-node-lan-bandwidth ${%s} ${%s} %fkb\n" % \
(to_tcl_name(e.name), name, i.capacity.rate)
if i.latency and i.latency.time != delay:
out += "tb-set-node-lan-delay ${%s} ${%s} %fms\n" % \
(to_tcl_name(e.name), name, i.latency.time)
iloss = i.get_attribute('loss')
if loss and iloss != loss :
out += "tb-set-node-lan-loss ${%s} ${%s} %f\n" % \
(to_tcl_name(e.name), name, float(loss))
out+= "\n"
elif len(s.interfaces) == 2:
f = s.interfaces[0]
t = s.interfaces[1]
out += "set %s [$ns duplex-link ${%s} ${%s} %fkb %fms DropTail]\n" %\
(name, to_tcl_name(f.element.name),
to_tcl_name(t.element.name), rate, delay)
if loss:
out += "tb-set-link-loss ${%s} %f\n" % (name, float(loss))
for i in s.interfaces:
lloss = i.get_attribute("loss")
cap_override = i.capacity and \
i.capacity.rate != rate
delay_override = i.latency and \
i.latency.time != delay
loss_override = lloss and lloss != loss
if cap_override or delay_override or loss_override:
if i.capacity: cap = i.capacity.rate
else: cap = rate
if i.latency: delay = i.latency.time
if lloss: loss = lloss
else: loss = loss or 0.0
out += "tb-set-link-simplex-params ${%s} ${%s} %fms %fkb %f\n"\
% (name, to_tcl_name(i.element.name),
delay, cap, loss)
ip = i.get_attribute('ip4_address')
if ip:
out += "tb-set-ip-link ${%s} ${%s} %s\n" % \
(to_tcl_name(i.element.name), name, ip)
out+= "\n"
for f in filters:
out+= f(s)
out+="$ns rtproto %s" % routing
$ns run
return out
def topology_to_rspec(t, filters=[]):
out = '\n' + \
ifname = { }
ifnode = { }
for e in [e for e in t.elements if isinstance(e, Computer)]:
name = e.name
virt_type = e.get_attribute("virtualization_type") or "emulab-vnode"
exclusive = e.get_attribute("exclusive") or "1"
hw = e.get_attribute("type") or "pc";
slots = e.get_attribute("slots") or "1";
startup = e.get_attribute("startup")
extras = ""
if startup: extras += '\t\tstartup_command="%s"\n' % startup
out += '\t\n'
out += '\t\t\n' % (hw, slots)
for i, ii in enumerate(e.interface):
out += '\t\t\n' % ii.name
ifnode[ii] = name
for f in filters:
out += f(e)
out += '\t\n'
for i, s in enumerate(t.substrates):
if len(s.interfaces) == 0:
out += '\t\n' % s.name
if s.capacity and s.capacity.kind == "max":
bwout = True
out += '\t\t%d\n' % s.capacity.rate
bwout = False
if s.latency and s.latency.kind == "max":
out += '\t\t%d\n' % s.latency.time
elif bwout:
out += '\t\t0\n'
for ii in s.interfaces:
out += ('\t\t\n') % (ifnode[ii], ii.name)
for f in filters:
out += f(s)
out += '\t\n'
out += '\n'
return out