source: fedd/ @ ec36918

Last change on this file since ec36918 was 9e38ded, checked in by Ted Faber <faber@…>, 14 years ago

Parse options from a file.

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File size: 24.8 KB
3import sys
4import re
5import os
6import random
7import copy
9import xml.parsers.expat
11from optparse import OptionParser, OptionValueError
12from federation.remote_service import service_caller
13from federation.service_error import service_error
14from federation import topdl
16class config_error(RuntimeError): pass
18class constraint:
19    """
20    This is mainly a struct to hold constraint fields and convert to XML output
21    """
22    def __init__(self, name=None, required=False, accepts=None, provides=None,
23            topology=None, match=None):
24 = name
25        self.required = required
26        self.accepts = accepts or []
27        self.provides = provides or []
28        self.topology = None
29        self.match = match
31    def __str__(self):
32        return "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (, self.required,
33                ",".join(self.provides), ",".join(self.accepts))
35    def to_xml(self):
36        rv = "<constraint>"
37        rv += "<name>%s</name>" %
38        rv += "<required>%s</required>" % self.required
39        for p in self.provides:
40            rv += "<provides>%s</provides>" % p
41        for a in self.accepts:
42            rv += "<accepts>%s</accepts>" % a
43        rv+= "</constraint>"
44        return rv
46def constraints_from_xml(string=None, file=None, filename=None, 
47        top="constraints"):
48    """
49    Pull constraints from an xml file.  Only constraints in the top element are
50    recognized.  A constraint consists of a constraint element with one name,
51    one required, and multiple accepts nd provides elements.  Each contains a
52    string.  A list of constraints is returned.
53    """
54    class parser:
55        """
56        A little class to encapsulate some state used to parse the constraints.
57        The methods are all bound to the analogous handlers in an XML parser.
58        It collects the constraints in self.constraint.
59        """
60        def __init__(self, top):
61   = top
62            self.constraints = [ ]
63            self.chars = None
64            self.current = None
65            self.in_top = False
67        def start_element(self, name, attrs):
68            # Clear any collected strings (from inside elements)
69            self.chars = None
70            self.key = str(name)
72            # See if we've entered the containing context
73            if name ==
74                self.in_top = True
76            # Entering a constraint, create the object which also acts as a
77            # flag to indicate we're collecting constraint data.
78            if self.in_top:
79                if name == 'constraint':
80                    self.current = constraint()
82        def end_element(self, name):
83            if self.current:
84                # In a constraint and leaving an element.  Clean up any string
85                # we've collected and process elements we know.
86                if self.chars is not None:
87                    self.chars = self.chars.strip()
89                if name == 'required':
90                    if self.chars is None:
91                        self.current.required = False
92                    else:
93                        self.current.required = (self.chars.lower() == 'true')
94                elif name == 'name':
95           = self.chars
96                elif name == 'accepts':
97                    self.current.accepts.append(self.chars)
98                elif name == 'provides':
99                    self.current.provides.append(self.chars)
100                elif name == 'constraint':
101                    # Leaving this constraint.  Record it and clear the flag
102                    self.constraints.append(self.current)
103                    self.current = None
104                else:
105                    print >>sys.stderr, \
106                            "Unexpected element in constraint: %s" % name
107            elif name ==
108                # We've left the containing context
109                self.in_top = False
112        def char_data(self, data):
113            # Collect strings if we're in the overall context
114            if self.in_top:
115                if self.chars is None: self.chars = data
116                else: self.chars += data
118    # Beginning of constraints_from_xml.  Connect up the parser and call it
119    # properly for the kind of input supplied.
120    p = parser(top=top)
121    xp = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
123    xp.StartElementHandler = p.start_element
124    xp.EndElementHandler = p.end_element
125    xp.CharacterDataHandler = p.char_data
127    if len([x for x in (string, filename, file) if x is not None])!= 1:
128        raise RuntimeError("Exactly one one of file, filename and string " + \
129                "must be set")
130    elif filename:
131        f = open(filename, "r")
132        xp.ParseFile(f)
133        f.close()
134    elif file:
135        xp.ParseFile(file)
136    elif string:
137        xp.Parse(string, isfinal=True)
138    else:
139        return []
141    return p.constraints
144class ComposeOptionParser(OptionParser):
145    """
146    This class encapsulates the options to this script in one place.  It also
147    holds the callback for the multifile choice.
148    """
149    def __init__(self):
150        OptionParser.__init__(self)
151        self.add_option('--url', dest='url', default="http://localhost:13235",
152                help='url of ns2 to topdl service')
153        self.add_option('--certfile', dest='cert', default=None,
154                help='Certificate to use as identity')
155        self.add_option('--seed', dest='seed', type='int', default=None,
156                help='Random number seed')
157        self.add_option('--multifile', dest='files', default=[], type='string', 
158                action='callback', callback=self.multi_callback, 
159                help="Include file multiple times")
160        self.add_option('--output', dest='outfile', default=None,
161                help='Output file name')
162        self.add_option("--format", dest="format", type="choice", 
163                choices=("xml", "topdl", "tcl", "ns"),
164                help="Output file format")
165        self.add_option('--add_testbeds', dest='add_testbeds', default=False,
166                action='store_true',
167                help='add testbed attributes to each component')
168        self.add_option('--output_testbeds', dest='output_testbeds', 
169                default=False, action='store_true',
170                help='Output tb-set-node-testbed commands to ns2')
171        self.add_option('--lax', dest='lax', default=False,
172                action='store_true',
173                help='allow solutions where unrequired constraints fail')
174        self.add_option('--same_node', dest='same_node', action='store_true',
175                default=False, 
176                help='Allow loops to the same node to be created.')
177        self.add_option('--same_topology', dest='same_topo',
178                action='store_true', default=False, 
179                help='Allow links within the same topology to be created.')
180        self.add_option('--same_pair', dest='multi_pair',
181                action='store_true', default=False, 
182                help='Allow multiple links between the same nodes " + \
183                        "to be created.')
184        self.add_option('--config', dest='config', default=None,
185                help='Configuration file of options')
187    @staticmethod
188    def multi_callback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
189        """
190        Parse a --multifile command line option.  The parameter is of the form
191        filename,count.  This splits the argument at the rightmost comma and
192        inserts the filename, count tuple into the "files" option.  It handles
193        a couple error cases, too.
194        """
195        idx = value.rfind(',')
196        if idx != -1:
197            try:
198                parser.values.files.append((value[0:idx], int(value[idx+1:])))
199            except ValueError, e:
200                raise OptionValueError(
201                        "Can't convert %s to int in multifile (%s)" % \
202                                (value[idx+1:], value))
203        else:
204            raise OptionValueError(
205                    "Bad format (need a comma) for multifile: %s" % value)
207def warn(msg):
208    """
209    Exactly what you think.  Print a message to stderr
210    """
211    print >>sys.stderr, msg
214def make_new_name(names, prefix="name"):
215    """
216    Generate an identifier not present in names by appending an integer to
217    prefix.  The new name is inserted into names and returned.
218    """
219    i = 0
220    n = "%s%d" % (prefix,i)
221    while n in names:
222        i += 1
223        n = "%s%d" % (prefix,i)
224    names.add(n)
225    return n
227def base_name(n):
228    """
229    Extract a base name of the node to use for constructing a non-colliding
230    name.  This makes the composed topologies a little more readable.  It's a
231    single regexp, but the function name is more meaningful.
232    """
233    return re.sub('\d+$', '',n)
237def localize_names(top, names, marks):
238    """
239    Take a topology and rename any substrates or elements that share a name
240    with an existing computer or substrate.  Keep the original name as a
241    localized_name attribute.  In addition, remap any constraints or interfaces
242    that point to the old name over to the new one.  Constraints are found in
243    the marks dict, indexed by node name.  Those constraints name attributes
244    have already been converted to triples (node name, interface name,
245    topology) so only the node name needs to be changed.
246    """
247    sub_map = { }
248    for s in top.substrates:
249        s.set_attribute('localized_name',
250        if in names:
251            sub_map[] = n = make_new_name(names, base_name(
252   = n
253        else:
254            names.add(
256    for e in [ e for e in top.elements if isinstance(e, topdl.Computer)]:
257        e.set_attribute('localized_name',
258        if in names:
259            nn= make_new_name(names, base_name(
260            for c in marks.get(, []):
261       = nn
262   = nn
263        else:
264            names.add(
266        # Interface mapping.  The list comprehension creates a list of
267        # substrate names where each element in the list is replaced by the
268        # entry in sub_map indexed by it if present and left alone otherwise.
269        for i in e.interface:
270            i.substrate = [ sub_map.get(ii, ii) for ii in i.substrate ]
272def meet_constraints(candidates, provides, accepts, 
273        same_node=False, same_topo=False, multi_pair=False):
274    """
275    Try to meet all the constraints in candidates using the information in the
276    provides and accepts dicts (which index constraints that provide or accept
277    the given attribute). A constraint is met if it can be matched with another
278    constraint that provides an attribute that the first constraint accepts.
279    Only one match per pair is allowed, and we always prefer matching a
280    required constraint to an unreqired one.  If all the candidates can be
281    matches, return True and return False otherwise.
282    """
283    got_all = True
284    node_match = { }
285    for c in candidates:
286        if not c.match:
287            rmatch = None   # Match to a required constraint
288            umatch = None   # Match to an unrequired constraint
289            for a in c.accepts:
290                for can in provides.get(a,[]):
291                    # A constraint cannot satisfy itself nor can it match
292                    # multiple times.
293                    if can != c and not can.match:
294                        # Unless same_node is true disallow nodes satisfying
295                        # their own constraints.
296                        if not same_node and ==
297                            continue
298                        # Unless same_topo is true, exclude nodes in the same
299                        # topology.
300                        if not same_topo and can.topology == c.topology:
301                            continue
302                        # Don't allow multiple matches between the same nodes
303                        if not multi_pair and in node_match and \
304                       in node_match[]:
305                            continue
306                        # Now check that can also accepts c
307                        for ca in can.accepts:
308                            if ca in c.provides:
309                                if can.required: rmatch = can
310                                else: umatch = can
311                                break
313                        # Within providers, prefer matches against required
314                        # composition points.
315                        if rmatch:
316                            break
317                # Within acceptance categories, prefer matches against required
318                # composition points
319                if rmatch:
320                    break
322            # Move the better match over to the match variable
323            if rmatch: match = rmatch
324            elif umatch: match = umatch
325            else: match = None
327            # Done checking all possible matches.  Record the match or note an
328            # unmatched candidate.
329            if match:
330                match.match = c
331                c.match = match
332                # Note the match of the nodes
333                for a, b in ((,, (,
334                    if a in node_match: node_match[a].append(b)
335                    else: node_match[a] = [ b]
336            else:
337                got_all = False
338    return got_all
340def randomize_constraint_order(indexes):
341    """
342    Randomly reorder the lists of constraints that provides and accepts hold.
343    """
344    if not isinstance(indexes, tuple):
345        indexes = (indexes,)
347    for idx in indexes:
348        for k in idx.keys():
349            random.shuffle(idx[k])
351def remote_ns2topdl(uri, desc, cert):
352    """
353    Call a remote service to convert the ns2 to topdl (and in fact all the way
354    to a topdl.Topology.
355    """
357    req = { 'description' : { 'ns2description': desc }, }
359    r = service_caller('Ns2Topdl')(uri, req, cert)
361    if r.has_key('Ns2TopdlResponseBody'):
362        r = r['Ns2TopdlResponseBody']
363        ed = r.get('experimentdescription', None)
364        if 'topdldescription' in ed:
365            return topdl.Topology(**ed['topdldescription'])
366        else:
367            return None
368    else:
369        return None
371def connect_composition_points(top, contraints, names):
372    """
373    top is a topology containing copies of all the topologies represented in
374    the contsraints, flattened into one name space.  This routine inserts the
375    additional substrates required to interconnect the topology as described by
376    the constraints.  After the links are made, unused connection points are
377    purged.
378    """
379    done = set()
380    for c in constraints:
381        if c not in done and c.match:
382            # c is an unprocessed matched constraint.  Create a substrate
383            # and attach it to the interfaces named by c and c.match.
384            sn = make_new_name(names, "sub")
385            s = topdl.Substrate(name=sn)
387            # These are the nodes that need to be connected.  Put an new
388            # interface on each one and hook them to the new substrate.
389            for e in [ e for e in top.elements \
390                    if isinstance(e, topdl.Computer) \
391                        and in (,]:
392                ii = make_new_name(set([ for x in e.interface]), "inf")
393                e.interface.append(
394                        topdl.Interface(substrate=[sn], name=ii, element=e))
397            # c and c.match have been processed, so add them to the done set,
398            # and add the substrate
399            top.substrates.append(s)
400            done.add(c)
401            done.add(c.match)
403    top.incorporate_elements()
405def import_ns2_constraints(contents):
406    """
407    Contents is a list containing the lines of an annotated ns2 file.  This
408    routine extracts the constraint comment lines and convertes them into
409    constraints in the namespace of the tcl experiment, as well as inserting
410    them in the accepts and provides indices.
412    Constraints are given in lines of the form
413        name:required:provides:accepts
414    where name is the name of the node in the current topology, if the second
415    field is "required" this is a required constraint, a list of attributes
416    that this connection point provides and a list that it accepts.  The
417    provides and accepts lists are comma-separated.  The constraint is added to
418    the marks dict under the name key and that dict is returned.
419    """
421    const_re = re.compile("\s*#\s*COMPOSITION:\s*([^:]+:[^:]+:.*)")
423    constraints = [ ]
424    for l in contents:
425        m =
426        if m:
427            exp = re.sub('\s', '',
428            nn, r, p, a = exp.split(":")
429            if nn.find('(') != -1:
430                # Convert array references into topdl names
431                nn = re.sub('\\((\\d)\\)', '-\\1', nn)
432            p = p.split(",")
433            a = a.split(",")
434            constraints.append(constraint(name=nn, required=(r == 'required'),
435                    provides=p, accepts=a))
436    return constraints
438def import_ns2_component(fn):
439    """
440    Pull a composition component in from an ns2 description.  The Constraints
441    are parsed from the comments using import_ns2_constraints and the topology
442    is created using a call to a fedd exporting the Ns2Topdl function.  A
443    topdl.Topology object rempresenting the component's topology and a dict
444    mapping constraints from the components names to the conttraints is
445    returned.  If either the file read or the conversion fails, appropriate
446    Exceptions are thrown.
447    """
448    f = open(fn, "r")
449    contents = [ l for l in f ]
451    marks = import_ns2_constraints(contents)
452    top = remote_ns2topdl(opts.url, "".join(contents), cert)
453    if not top:
454        raise RuntimeError("Cannot create topology from: %s" % fn)
456    return (top, marks)
458def import_xml_component(fn):
459    """
460    Pull a component in from a topdl description.
461    """
462    return (topdl.topology_from_xml(filename=fn, top='experiment'), 
463            constraints_from_xml(filename=fn, top='constraints'))
465def index_constraints(constraints, provides, accepts, names):
466    """
467    Add constraints to the provides and accepts indices based on the attributes
468    of the contstraints.  Also index by name.
469    """
470    for c in constraints:
471        for attr, dict in ((c.provides, provides), (c.accepts, accepts)):
472            for a in attr:
473                if a not in dict: dict[a] = [c]
474                else: dict[a].append(c)
475        if in names: names[].append(c)
476        else: names[]= [ c ]
478def get_suffix(fn):
479    """
480    We get filename suffixes a couple places.  It;s worth using the same code.
481    This gets the shortest . separated suffix from a filename, or None.
482    """
483    idx = fn.rfind('.')
484    if idx != -1: return fn[idx+1:]
485    else: return None
488def output_composition(top, constraints, outfile=None, format=None, 
489        output_testbeds=False):
490    """
491    Output the composition to the file named by outfile (if any) in the format
492    given by format if any.  If both are None, output to stdout in topdl
493    """
494    def xml_out(f, top, constraints, output_testbeds):
495        """
496        Output into topdl.  Just call the topdl output, as the constraint
497        attributes should be in the topology.
498        """
499        print >>f, "<component>"
500        if constraints:
501            print >>f, "<constraints>"
502            for c in constraints:
503                print >>f, c.to_xml()
504            print >>f, "</constraints>"
505        print >>f, topdl.topology_to_xml(comp, top='experiment')
506        print >>f, "</component>"
508    def ns2_out(f, top, constraints, output_testbeds):
509        """
510        Reformat the constraint data structures into ns2 constraint comments
511        and output the ns2 using the topdl routine.
512        """
513        # Inner routines
514        # Deal with the possibility that the single string name is still in the
515        # constraint.
516        def name_format(n):
517            if isinstance(n, tuple): return n[0]
518            else: return n
521        # Format the required field back into a string. (ns2_out inner
522        def required_format(x):
523            if x: return "required"
524            else: return "optional"
526        def testbed_filter(e):
527            if isinstance(e, topdl.Computer) and e.get_attribute('testbed'):
528                return 'tb-set-node-testbed ${%s} "%s"' % \
529                        (topdl.to_tcl_name(, e.get_attribute('testbed'))
530            else:
531                return ""
533        if output_testbeds: filters = [ testbed_filter ] 
534        else: filters = [ ] 
536        # ns2_out main line
537        for c in constraints:
538            print >>f, "# COMPOSITION: %s:%s:%s:%s" % (
539                    topdl.to_tcl_name(name_format(,
540                    required_format(c.required), ",".join(c.provides),
541                    ",".join(c.accepts))
542        print >>f, topdl.topology_to_ns2(top, filters=filters)
544    # Info to map from format to output routine. 
545    exporters = {
546            'xml':xml_out, 'topdl':xml_out,
547            'tcl': ns2_out, 'ns': ns2_out,
548            }
550    if format:
551        # Explicit format set, use it
552        if format in exporters:
553            exporter = exporters[format]
554        else:
555            raise RuntimeError("Unknown format %s" % format)
556    elif outfile:
557        # Determine the format from the suffix (if any)
558        s = get_suffix(outfile)
559        if s and s in exporters:
560            exporter = exporters[s]
561        else:
562            raise RuntimeError("Unknown format (suffix) %s" % outfile)
563    else:
564        # Both outfile and format are empty
565        exporter = xml_out
567    # The actual output.  Open the file, if any, and call the exporter
568    if outfile: f = open(outfile, "w")
569    else: f = sys.stdout
570    exporter(f, top, constraints, output_testbeds)
571    if outfile: f.close()
573def import_components(files):
574    """
575    Pull in the components.  The input is a sequence of tuples where each tuple
576    includes the name of the file to pull the component from and the number of
577    copies to make of it.  The routine to read a file is picked by its suffix.
578    On completion, a tuple containing the number of components successfully
579    read, a list of the topologies, a set of names in use accross all
580    topologies (for inserting later names), the constraints extracted, and
581    indexes mapping the attribute provices and accepted tinto the lists of
582    constraints that provide or accept them is returned.
583    """
584    importers = {
585            'tcl': import_ns2_component, 
586            'ns': import_ns2_component, 
587            'xml':import_xml_component,
588            'topdl':import_xml_component,
589            }
590    names = set()
591    constraints = [ ]
592    provides = { }
593    accepts = { }
594    components = 0
595    topos = [ ]
597    for fn, cnt in files:
598        try:
599            s = get_suffix(fn)
600            if s and s in importers:
601                top, cons = importers[s](fn)
602            else:
603                warn("Unknown suffix on file %s.  Ignored" % fn)
604                continue
605        except service_error, e:
606            warn("Remote error on %s: %s" % (fn, e))
607            continue
608        except EnvironmentError, e:
609            warn("Error on %s: %s" % (fn, e))
610            continue
612        # Parsed the component and sonctraints, now work through the rest of
613        # the pre-processing.  We do this once per copy of the component
614        # requested, cloning topologies and constraints each time.
615        for i in range(0, cnt):
616            components += 1
617            t = top.clone()
618            c = copy.deepcopy(cons)
619            marks = { }
620            # Bind the constraints in m (the marks copy) to this topology
621            for cc in c:
622                cc.topology = t
623            index_constraints(c, provides, accepts, marks)
624            localize_names(t, names, marks)
625            constraints.extend(c)
626            topos.append(t)
628    return (components, topos, names, constraints, provides, accepts)
630def parse_config(fn, opts):
631    """
632    Pull configuration options from a file given in fn.  These mirror the
633    command line options.
634    """
635    # These functions make up a jump table for parsing lines of config.
636    # They're dispatched from directives below.
637    def file(args, opts):
638        i = args.find(',')
639        if i == -1: opts.files.append((args, 1))
640        else: 
641            try:
642                opts.files.append((args[0:i], int(args[i+1:])))
643            except ValueError:
644                raise config_error("Cannot convert %s to an integer" % \
645                        args[i+1:])
647    def url(args, opts):
648        opts.url=args
650    def output(args, opts):
651        opts.outfile=args
653    def format(args, opts):
654        valid = ("xml", "topdl", "tcl", "ns")
655        if args in valid:
656            opts.format = args
657        else: 
658            raise config_error("Bad format %s. Must be one of %s" % \
659                    (args, valid))
661    def tb_out(args, opts):
662        opts.output_testbeds = True
664    def tb_add(args, opts):
665        opts.add_testbeds = True
667    def seed(args, opts):
668        try:
669            opts.seed = int(args)
670        except ValueError:
671            raise config_error("Cannot convert %s to an integer" % args)
673    def lax(args, opts):
674        opts.lax = True
676    def same_node(args, opts):
677        opts.same_node = True
679    def same_topo(args, opts):
680        opts.same_topo = True
682    def same_pair(args, opts):
683        opts.multi_pair = True
685    directives = {
686            'file': file,
687            'multifile': file,
688            'output': output,
689            'url': url,
690            'format': format,
691            'output_testbeds': tb_out,
692            'add_testbeds': tb_add,
693            'seed': seed,
694            'lax': lax,
695            'same_node': same_node,
696            'same_topo': same_topo,
697            'same_pair': same_pair,
698            }
699    comment_re = re.compile('^\s*#')
700    blank_re = re.compile('^\s*$')
702    # Parse_config code begins
703    f = open(fn, "r")
704    try:
705        for i, l in enumerate(f):
706            if blank_re.match(l) or comment_re.match(l):
707                continue
709            if l.find('=') != -1: dir, args = l.split('=', 1)
710            else: dir, args = (l, "")
712            dir, args = (dir.strip(), args.strip())
714            try:
715                if dir in directives: directives[dir](args, opts)
716                else: file(dir, opts)
717            except config_error, e:
718                raise config_error("%s in line %d" % (e, i+1))
719    finally:
720        if f: f.close()
723# Main line begins
724parser = ComposeOptionParser()
726opts, args = parser.parse_args()
728if opts.config:
729    try:
730        parse_config(opts.config, opts)
731    except EnvironmentError, e:
732        sys.exit("Can't open configuration: %s" %e)
733    except config_error, e:
734        sys.exit(e)
736if opts.cert:
737    cert = opts.cert
738elif os.access(os.path.expanduser("~/.ssl/emulab.pem"), os.R_OK):
739    cert = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssl/emulab.pem")
741    cert = None
745files = opts.files
746files.extend([ (a, 1) for a in args])
748# Pull 'em in.
749components, topos, names, constraints, provides, accepts = \
750        import_components(files)
752# If more than one component was given, actually do the composition, otherwise
753# this is probably a format conversion.
754if components > 1:
755    # Mix up the constraint indexes
756    randomize_constraint_order((provides, accepts))
758    # Now the various components live in the same namespace and are marked with
759    # their composition requirements.
761    if not meet_constraints([c for c in constraints if c.required], 
762            provides, accepts, opts.same_node, opts.same_topo, opts.multi_pair):
763        if opts.lax:
764            warn("warning: could not meet all required constraints")
765        else:
766            sys.exit("Failed: could not meet all required constraints")
768    meet_constraints([ c for c in constraints if not c.match ], 
769            provides, accepts, opts.same_node, opts.same_topo, opts.multi_pair)
771    # Add testbed attributes if requested
772    if opts.add_testbeds:
773        for i, t in enumerate(topos):
774            for e in [ e for e in t.elements if isinstance(e, topdl.Computer)]:
775                e.set_attribute('testbed', 'testbed%03d' % i)
777    # Make a topology containing all elements and substrates from components
778    # that had matches.
779    comp = topdl.Topology()
780    for t in set([ c.topology for c in constraints if c.match]):
781        comp.elements.extend([e.clone() for e in t.elements])
782        comp.substrates.extend([s.clone() for s in t.substrates])
784    # Add substrates and connections corresponding to composition points
785    connect_composition_points(comp, constraints, names)
787elif components == 1:
788    comp = topos[0]
789    if opts.add_testbeds:
790        for e in [ e for e in comp.elements if isinstance(e, topdl.Computer)]:
791            e.set_attribute('testbed', 'testbed001')
794    sys.exit("Did not read any components.")
796# Put out the composition with only the unmatched constraints
797output_composition(comp, [c for c in constraints if not c.match], 
798        opts.outfile, opts.format, opts.output_testbeds)
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