#!/usr/local/bin/python import sys import re import os import random import copy from optparse import OptionParser, OptionValueError from federation.remote_service import service_caller from federation.service_error import service_error from federation import topdl class constraint: def __init__(self, name=None, required=False, accepts=None, provides=None, match=None): self.name = name self.required = required self.accepts = accepts or [] self.provides = provides or [] self.match = match def __str__(self): return "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (self.name, self.required, ",".join(self.provides), ",".join(self.accepts)) def make_new_name(names, prefix="name"): """ Generate an identifier not present in names by appending an integer to prefix. The new name is inserted into names and returned. """ i = 0 n = "%s%d" % (prefix,i) while n in names: i += 1 n = "%s%d" % (prefix,i) names.add(n) return n def add_interfaces(top, mark): """ Add unconnected interfaces to the nodes whose names are keys in the mark dict. As the interface is added change the name field of the contstraint in mark into a tuple containing the node name, interface name, and topology in which they reside. """ for e in top.elements: if e.name in mark: con = mark[e.name] ii = make_new_name(set([x.name for x in e.interface]), "inf") e.interface.append( topdl.Interface(substrate=[], name=ii, element=e)) con.name = (e.name, ii, top) def localize_names(top, names, marks): """ Take a topology and rename any substrates or elements that share a name with an existing computer or substrate. Keep the original name as a localized_name attribute. In addition, remap any constraints or interfaces that point to the old name over to the new one. Constraints are found in the marks dict, indexed by node name. Those constraints name attributes have already been converted to triples (node name, interface name, topology) so only the node name needs to be changed. """ sub_map = { } for s in top.substrates: s.set_attribute('localized_name', s.name) if s.name in names: sub_map[s.name] = n = make_new_name(names, "substrate") s.name = n else: names.add(s.name) for e in [ e for e in top.elements if isinstance(e, topdl.Computer)]: e.set_attribute('localized_name', e.name) if e.name in names: nn= make_new_name(names, "computer") if e.name in marks: n, i, t = marks[e.name].name marks[e.name].name = (nn, i, t) e.name = nn else: names.add(e.name) # Interface mapping. The list comprehension creates a list of # substrate names where each element in the list is replaced by the # entry in sub_map indexed by it if present and left alone otherwise. for i in e.interface: i.substrate = [ sub_map.get(ii, ii) for ii in i.substrate ] def meet_constraints(candidates, provides, accepts): """ Try to meet all the constraints in candidates using the information in the provides and accepts dicts (which index constraints that provide or accept the given attribute). A constraint is met if it can be matched with another constraint that provides an attribute that the first constraint accepts. Only one match per pair is allowed, and we always prefer matching a required constraint to an unreqired one. If all the candidates can be matches, return True and return False otherwise. """ got_all = True for c in candidates: if not c.match: match = None for a in c.accepts: for can in provides.get(a,[]): # A constraint cannot satisfy itself, nor do we allow loops # within the same topology. This also excludes matched # constraints. if can.name != c.name and can.name[2] != c.name[2] and \ not can.match: match = can # Within providers, prefer matches against required # composition points if can.required: break # Within acceptance categories, prefer matches against required # composition points if match and match.required: break # Done checking all possible matches. if match: match.match = c c.match = match else: got_all = False return got_all def randomize_constraint_order(indexes): """ Randomly reorder the lists of constraints that provides and accepts hold. """ if not isinstance(indexes, tuple): indexes = (indexes,) for idx in indexes: for k in idx.keys(): random.shuffle(idx[k]) def remote_ns2topdl(uri, desc, cert): """ Call a remote service to convert the ns2 to topdl (and in fact all the way to a topdl.Topology. """ req = { 'description' : { 'ns2description': desc }, } r = service_caller('Ns2Topdl')(uri, req, cert) if r.has_key('Ns2TopdlResponseBody'): r = r['Ns2TopdlResponseBody'] ed = r.get('experimentdescription', None) if 'topdldescription' in ed: return topdl.Topology(**ed['topdldescription']) else: return None else: return None def connect_composition_points(top, contraints): """ top is a topology containing copies of all the topologies represented in the contsraints, flattened into one name space. This routine inserts the additional substrates required to interconnect the topology as described by the constraints. After the links are made, unused connection points are purged. """ done = set() for c in constraints: if c not in done and c.match: # c is an unprocessed matched constraint. Create a substrate # and attach it to the interfaces named by c and c.match. sn = make_new_name(names, "sub") s = topdl.Substrate(name=sn) connected = 0 # Walk through all the computers in the topology for e in [ e for e in top.elements \ if isinstance(e, topdl.Computer)]: # if the computer matches the computer and interface name in # either c or c.match, connect it. Once both computers have # been found and connected, exit the loop walking through all # computers. for comp, inf in (c.name[0:2], c.match.name[0:2]): if e.name == comp: for i in e.interface: if i.name == inf: i.substrate.append(sn) connected += 1 break break # Connected both, so add the substrate to the topology if connected == 2: top.substrates.append(s) break # c and c.match have been processed, so add them to the done set done.add(c) done.add(c.match) # All interfaces with matched constraints have been connected. Cull any # interfaces unassigned to a substrate for e in [ e for e in top.elements if isinstance(e, topdl.Computer)]: if any([ not i.substrate for i in e.interface]): e.interface = [ i for i in e.interface if i.substrate ] top.incorporate_elements() def import_ns2_constraints(contents): """ Contents is a list containing the lines of an annotated ns2 file. This routine extracts the constraint comment lines and convertes them into constraints in the namespace of the tcl experiment, as well as inserting them in the accepts and provides indices. Constraints are given in lines of the form name:required:provides:accepts where name is the name of the node in the current topology, if the second field is "required" this is a required constraint, a list of attributes that this connection point provides and a list that it accepts. The provides and accepts lists are comma-separated. The constraint is added to the marks dict under the name key and that dict is returned. """ marks = { } for l in contents: m = const_re.search(l) if m: exp = re.sub('\s', '', m.group(1)) nn, r, p, a = exp.split(":") p = p.split(",") a = a.split(",") c = constraint(name=nn, required=(r == 'required'), provides=p, accepts=a) marks[nn] = c return marks def import_ns2_component(fn): """ Pull a composition component in from an ns2 description. The Constraints are parsed from the comments using import_ns2_constraints and the topology is created using a call to a fedd exporting the Ns2Topdl function. A topdl.Topology object rempresenting the component's topology and a dict mapping constraints from the components names to the conttraints is returned. If either the file read or the conversion fails, appropriate Exceptions are thrown. """ f = open(fn, "r") contents = [ l for l in f ] marks = import_ns2_constraints(contents) top = remote_ns2topdl(opts.url, "".join(contents), cert) if not top: raise RuntimeError("Cannot create topology from: %s" % fn) return (top, marks) def index_constraints(constraints, provides, accepts): """ Add constraints to the provides and accepts indices based on what the attributes of the contstraints. """ for c in constraints: for attr, dict in ((c.provides, provides), (c.accepts, accepts)): for a in attr: if a not in dict: dict[a] = [c] else: dict[a].append(c) def multi_callback(option, opt_str, value, parser): """ Parse a --multifile command line option. The parameter is of the form filename,count. This splits the argument at the rightmost comma and inserts the filename, count tuple into the "files" option. It handles a couple error cases, too. This is an optparse.OptionParser callback. """ idx = value.rfind(',') if idx != -1: try: parser.values.files.append((value[0:idx], int(value[idx+1:]))) except ValueError, e: raise OptionValueError("Can't convert %s to int in multifile (%s)" \ % (value[idx+1:], value)) else: raise OptionValueError("Bad format (need a comma) for multifile: %s" \ % value) # Main line begins const_re = re.compile("\s*#\s*COMPOSITION:\s*([^:]+:[^:]+:.*)") parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('--url', dest='url', default="http://localhost:13235", help='url of ns2 to topdl service') parser.add_option('--certfile', dest='cert', default=None, help='Certificate to use as identity') parser.add_option('--seed', dest='seed', type='int', default=None, help='Random number seed') parser.add_option('--multifile', dest='files', default=[], type='string', action='callback', callback=multi_callback, help="Include file multiple times") opts, args = parser.parse_args() if opts.cert: cert = opts.cert elif os.access(os.path.expanduser("~/.ssl/emulab.pem"), os.R_OK): cert = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssl/emulab.pem") else: cert = None random.seed(opts.seed) files = opts.files files.extend([ (a, 1) for a in args]) names = set() constraints = [ ] provides = { } accepts = { } for fn, cnt in files: try: top, marks = import_ns2_component(fn) except service_error, e: print >>sys.stderr, "Remote error on %s: %s" % (fn, e) continue except EnvironmentError, e: print >>sys.stderr, "Error on %s: %s" % (fn, e) continue for i in range(0, cnt): t = top.clone() m = copy.deepcopy(marks) index_constraints(m.values(), provides, accepts) add_interfaces(t, m) localize_names(t, names, m) t.incorporate_elements() constraints.extend(m.values()) # Let the user know if they messed up on specifying constraints. if any([ not isinstance(c.name, tuple) for c in constraints]): print >>sys.stderr, "nodes not found for constraints on %s" % \ ",".join([ c.name for c in constraints \ if isinstance(c.name, basestring)]) constraints = [ c for c in constraints if isinstance(c.name, tuple )] # Mix up the constraint indexes randomize_constraint_order((provides, accepts)) # Now the various components live in the same namespace and are marked with # their composition requirements. if not meet_constraints([c for c in constraints if c.required], provides, accepts): sys.exit("Could not meet all required constraints") meet_constraints([ c for c in constraints if not c.match ], provides, accepts) # Make a topology containing all elements and substrates from components that # had matches. comp = topdl.Topology() for t in set([ c.name[2] for c in constraints if c.match]): comp.elements.extend([e.clone() for e in t.elements]) comp.substrates.extend([s.clone() for s in t.substrates]) # Add substrates and connections corresponding to composition points connect_composition_points(comp, constraints) print topdl.topology_to_xml(comp, top='experiment')