package; import edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.credential.*; import edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.util.*; import com.nailabs.abac.process.*; import java.util.*; /** * A simple trust target node which contains a standard target of the form: * <V: A.r <<-- S>. * * @version $Id:,v 1.51 2003/02/28 01:04:31 jjacobs Exp $ */ public class SimpleTTNode extends StandardTTNode { /** Child nodes which form control edges in the TTG */ protected TTGNodeSet controlChildren = new TTGNodeSet(); /** Linking goals to whoch this node is a solution */ protected TTGNodeSet linkingSolutionParents = new TTGNodeSet(); /** A flag to signal whether to complete step (4) in opponentSensProcess */ protected boolean isSensFrontiered = false; /** Constructor which used a single trust target */ public SimpleTTNode(TrustTarget target) { super(target); processor = new ProcessingState(false, false); subName = "StandardTarget"; } /** Convenience constructor which also creates a trust target */ public SimpleTTNode(Entity v, Role r, EntityExpression subject) throws CredentialParsingException, TrustTargetParsingException { this(new TrustTarget(v, (EntityExpression)r, subject)); } /** Convenience accessor method for the target role expression */ public Role getRoleExpression() { return (Role)((TrustTarget)getGoal()).getTargetRole(); } /** Processing that occurs if this negotiation context is the verifier */ public void verifierProcess(NegotiationContext context) { TTGNodeSet children = new TTGNodeSet(); FrontierManager frontier = context.getFrontier(); TTG graph = context.getGraph(); Iterator subjects = frontier.getCredentialsDefiningRole(getRoleExpression()); debug("satisfaction", "found subjects for "+ getRoleExpression() + " = " + (subjects.hasNext())); while(subjects.hasNext()) { StaticCredential cred = (StaticCredential); EntityExpression e = cred.getSubject(); debug("satisfaction", "e = " + e); ResultEvidenceMap map = frontier.getOppoFrontier(e); if(map == null)break; // no e prime's so go to next e Iterator oppoFrontier = map.resultSet().iterator(); while(oppoFrontier.hasNext()) { EntityExpression ePrime =(EntityExpression); //add edge not node TrustTarget childTarget = createTarget(context, ePrime); //TTGNode child = graph.getNode((Goal)childTarget); //perform the operation on graph & add to message w/ evidence if(!implicationChildren.values().contains(childTarget)) { HashSet chain = frontier.getOppoChain(e, ePrime); chain.add(cred); debug("evidence", "chain(" + e + "," + ePrime + ") = " + chain); graph.addImplicationEdge(getGoal(), childTarget, chain); //add child to list of child for the worklist children.add(graph.getNodeByHash(childTarget)); } } } graph.setVerifierProcessed(getGoal()); } /** opponent process non-sensitive target or its subject isn't opponent */ private void opponentProcess(NegotiationContext context, ResultEvidenceMap frontier, boolean isSimp) throws CredentialParsingException, TrustTargetParsingException { TTGNodeSet children = new TTGNodeSet(); Role aDotR = getRoleExpression(); Entity s = (Entity)getSubject(); Entity v = (Entity)getVerifier(); Entity o = context.getOpponent(); TTG graph = context.getGraph(); debug("process", "frontier = " + frontier.toString()); // (1) If S is a member of simpFrontier(A.r), or // (1) If O is a member of sensFrontier(A.r) if(frontier.resultSet().contains(s)) { debug("process", "frontier contains subject"); // then O can add implication edge T <--< // or O can add implication edge T <--< TrustTarget child = new TrustTarget(v, s, s); TrivialTTNode childNode =(TrivialTTNode)graph.getNodeByHash(child); if(!implicationChildren.values().contains(childNode)) { HashSet evidence = (isSimp)? context.getFrontier().getSimpChain(aDotR, s): context.getFrontier().getSensChain(aDotR, s); // this case should always happen but possibly might not graph.addImplicationEdge(getGoal(), child, evidence); children.add(graph.getNodeByHash(child)); } } // (2) If S not a member of simpFrontier or // O is not a member of sensFrontier else { debug("process","fontier doesn't contain subject " + s); // then for each e in sens- or simp-Frontier(A.r) Iterator expressions = frontier.resultSet().iterator(); while(expressions.hasNext()) { EntityExpression e = (EntityExpression); // that is not an entity if(e instanceof Entity)continue; TrustTarget child = new TrustTarget(v, e, s); TargetNode childNode = (TargetNode)graph.getNodeByHash(child); if(!implicationChildren.values().contains(childNode)) { // O can add an implication edge T <--< // or an implication edge T <--< HashSet evidence = (isSimp)? context.getFrontier().getSimpChain(aDotR, e): context.getFrontier().getSensChain(aDotR, e); graph.addImplicationEdge(getGoal(), child, evidence); children.add(graph.getNodeByHash(child)); } } } // (3) If this node is satisfied or both (1) & (2) are done graph.setOpponentProcessed(getGoal()); } /** opponent process a sensitive role */ private void opponentSensProcess(NegotiationContext context) throws CredentialParsingException, TrustTargetParsingException { TTGNodeSet children = new TTGNodeSet(); EntityExpression s = getSubject(); // In the crrent case self is always the opponent of the verifier. Entity o = context.getSelf(); //context.getOpponent(); Entity v = getVerifier(); Role aDotR = getRoleExpression(); EntityExpression self = context.getSelf(); TTG graph = context.getGraph(); TargetNode ackChild, acChild = null; FrontierManager frontier = context.getFrontier(); debug("process", "------------Begin opponentSensProcess-------------"); // (1) add control edge T <--< EntityExpression eAck = context.getAck(aDotR); TrustTarget ackTarget = new TrustTarget((Entity)self, eAck, v); ackChild = (TargetNode)graph.getNodeByHash(ackTarget); if(!controlChildren.values().contains(ackChild)) { graph.addControlEdge(getGoal(), (Goal)ackTarget); ackChild = (TargetNode)graph.getNodeByHash(ackTarget); children.add(ackChild); } debug("process", "---------- Begin step 2-------------------------"); // (2) If is satisfied, O can add the // implication edge T <-- if(acChild == null || acChild.getSatisfactionValue()==SatisfactionState.SATISFIED){ TargetNode cnode = (TargetNode)graph.getNodeByHash(new TrustTarget(v, o, o)); TrustTarget child = new TrustTarget(v, o, o); debug("process", "child = " + child); if(!implicationChildren.values().contains(cnode)) { //frontier.getSensChain(aDotR, o); HashSet chain = new HashSet(); chain.add(cred); graph.addImplicationEdge(getGoal(), child, chain); children.add(graph.getNodeByHash(child)); } debug("process", "---------- Begin step 5-----------------------"); // (5) Mark T as opponent processed graph.setOpponentProcessed(getGoal()); return; } } else { // (5) Mark T as opponent procressed (because there is no AC policy) graph.setOpponentProcessed(getGoal()); return; } } // (4) For e in sensFrontier(A.r) that is not an entity, // O can add an implication edge T <--< // TBD: this needs to be modified to be the frontiers of all // the children credentials of A.r debug("process", "Entering Step 4"); debug("process", "A.r = " + aDotR + ", o = " + o + ", v = " + v); Iterator creds = frontier.getCredentialsDefiningRole(aDotR); while(creds.hasNext()) { StaticCredential definingCred = (StaticCredential); EntityExpression subjectRole = definingCred.getSubject(); ResultEvidenceMap sensFrontier = frontier.getSensFrontier(subjectRole); Iterator sens = sensFrontier.resultSet().iterator(); debug("process", "sensfrontier = " + sensFrontier.resultSet()); debug("process", "subject role = " + subjectRole); while(sens.hasNext() && !isSensFrontiered) { EntityExpression e = (EntityExpression); debug("process", "found sensitive role = " + e); if(e instanceof Entity)continue; // skip entities TrustTarget tt = new TrustTarget(v, e, o); TargetNode frontierChild = (TargetNode)graph.getNodeByHash(tt); if(!implicationChildren.values().contains(frontierChild)) { HashSet chain = frontier.getSensChain(subjectRole, e); chain.add(definingCred); graph.addImplicationEdge(getGoal(), tt, chain); children.add(graph.getNode(tt)); } } isSensFrontiered = true; } debug("process", "------------End opponentSensProcess-------------"); } /** * Processing that occurs if the negotiation for this context is the * the opponent. This method matches the algorithm in section 5.4 */ public void opponentProcess(NegotiationContext context) { EntityExpression s = getSubject(); //Entity o = context.getOpponent(); Entity o = context.getSelf(); Role aDotR = getRoleExpression(); FrontierManager frontier = context.getFrontier(); debug("process", "opponent processing -- " + toString()); try { if(!o.equals(s)) { debug("process", "opponent processing with simp frontier"); opponentProcess(context, frontier.getSimpFrontier(aDotR), true); } else if(frontier.isSensitive(aDotR)) { debug("process", "opponent processing sensitive role: " + aDotR); opponentSensProcess(context); } else { debug("process", "opponent processing with sens frontier"); opponentProcess(context, frontier.getSensFrontier(aDotR), false); } } catch(Exception ex) { debug("process", "WARNING ONLY!"); ex.printStackTrace(); debug("process", "WARNING ONLY!"); } } private boolean addControlEdge(Entity v, EntityExpression e, EntityExpression s) { return false; } /** * Records the new state and then propagates it to the parent listeners. * @param state The new satisfaction state to be propagated. */ public TTGNodeSet receive(TrustTarget source, SatisfactionState state) { TTGNodeSet results = super.receive(source, state); Iterator i = linkingSolutionParents.values().iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) { try { // this will fail if the parent is a linking goal LinkingGoalNode parent = (LinkingGoalNode); TTGNodeSet branchResult = parent.receive((TrustTarget)getGoal(), state); if(branchResult == null && branchResult.size() > 0) { results.addAll(branchResult); } } catch(Exception ex) { // to print out exception uncomment ex.printStackTrace(); } } return results; } /** Add a linking solution parent to this node */ public void addLinkingSolutionParent(LinkingGoalNode parent) { if(parent != null){ debug("node", "adding implication parent"); linkingSolutionParents.add(parent); parent.receive((TrustTarget)getGoal(), satisfier); } } /** Add a control child to this node */ public void addControlChild(TargetNode child) { controlChildren.add(child); } /** * Convenience method for creating a target and catching potential * exceptions that may occur. */ protected TrustTarget createTarget(NegotiationContext context, EntityExpression ex) { try { return new TrustTarget(context.getSelf(), ex, getSubject()); } catch(Exception x) { x.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }