package com.nailabs.abac.test; import*; import java.util.*; import com.nailabs.abac.process.*; import com.nailabs.abac.credential.RtmlEntity; import com.nailabs.abac.credential.RtmlExpression; import; import edu.stanford.rt.credential.CredentialStore; import edu.stanford.rt.credential.RTContext; import edu.stanford.rt.parser.RTParser; import edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.credential.Entity; import edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.credential.EntityExpression; import edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.credential.Role; import edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.credential.RoleName; import edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.credential.SimpleRoleName; import edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.credential.StaticCredential; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; public class RtmlTest extends TestEngine { public static void parsePrepInfo(HashMap conf) { String section = "PrepInfo"; HashSet propSet = (HashSet)conf.get(section); Properties props = new Properties(); try { Iterator i = propSet.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer((String), "="); Entity key = (Entity)RtmlExpression.getEntityExpression(st.nextToken()); props.setProperty(key.toString(), st.nextToken()); } props.list(System.out); conf.put(section, props); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static void parseEntityId(HashMap map) { String section = "EntityID"; RtmlEntity eid = null; HashSet propSet = (HashSet)map.get(section); Properties props = new Properties(); try { Iterator i = propSet.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) { props.load(new StringBufferInputStream((String); } eid = new RtmlEntity(props.getProperty("ShortName"), props.getProperty("HashCode")); //props.list(System.out); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } map.put(section, eid); } public static void parseResourcePolicy(HashMap conf) { ResourcePolicy policy = new ResourcePolicy(); String section = "ResourcePolicy"; HashSet policySet = (HashSet)conf.get(section); if(policySet == null)policySet = new HashSet(); Iterator i = policySet.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) { try { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer((String), "="); String key = st.nextToken(); Role value = //(Role)StaticCredential.getRole(st.nextToken()); (Role)RtmlExpression.getEntityExpression(st.nextToken()); policy.addResourceFact(key, value); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } conf.put(section, policy); System.out.println("ResourcePolicy = " + policy); } public static void parseAckPolicy(HashMap conf) { AckPolicy policy = new AckPolicy(); String section = "AckPolicy"; HashSet policySet = (HashSet)conf.get(section); if(policySet == null)policySet = new HashSet(); Iterator i = policySet.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) { try { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer((String), "="); EntityExpression key = RtmlExpression.getEntityExpression(st.nextToken()); EntityExpression value = RtmlExpression.getEntityExpression(st.nextToken()); policy.addAckFact(key, value); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } conf.put(section, policy); System.out.println("AckPolicy = " + policy); } public static void parseRtmlProperties(HashMap map) { String section = "RTML"; HashSet propSet = (HashSet)map.get(section); Properties props = new Properties(); try { Iterator i = propSet.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) { props.load(new StringBufferInputStream((String); } //props.list(System.out); // CUSTOMIZED FOR TOMCAT if(props.containsKey("SystemDomain")) { System.setProperty("edu.stanford.rt.SystemDomain", props.getProperty("SystemDomain")); } map.put(section, props); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static void parseCredentialStore(HashMap map) { String section = "CredentialStore"; String fileName = ((Properties)map.get("RTML")).getProperty(section); RTParser parser = null; RTContext context = null; CredentialStore store = null; try { parser = new RTParser(); context = new RTContext(parser); store = new CredentialStore(parser); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File(fileName)); parser.parseCredentialStore(in, context, store); } catch (SAXParseException spex) { System.out.print("SAX Parser error in element " + spex.getPublicId()); System.out.print(": line = " + spex.getLineNumber()); System.out.println(", col = " + spex.getColumnNumber()); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } map.put("Parser", parser); map.put("RTContext", context); map.put(section, store); } public static void parseDiscoveryStore(HashMap map) { String section = "DDEStore"; String fileName = ((Properties)map.get("RTML")).getProperty(section); RTParser parser = null; RTContext context = null; CredentialStore store = null; try { parser = new RTParser(); context = new RTContext(parser); store = new CredentialStore(parser); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File(fileName)); parser.parseCredentialStore(in, context, store); } catch (SAXParseException spex) { System.out.print("SAX Parser error in element " + spex.getPublicId()); System.out.print(": line = " + spex.getLineNumber()); System.out.println(", col = " + spex.getColumnNumber()); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } map.put("DDEParser", parser); map.put("DDEContext", context); map.put(section, store); } public static HashMap loadConfiguration(String name) { HashMap map = edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.test.TestEngine.loadConfiguration(name); System.out.println("Loaded configuration from " + name); System.out.println("map = " + map ); parseEntityId(map); parseAckPolicy(map); parseACPolicy(map); parseResourcePolicy(map); // CUSTOMIZED FOR RTML parseRtmlProperties(map); parseCredentialStore(map); parsePolicyReachable(map); parseSelfReachable(map); parseStrategyHints(map); // CUSTOMIZED FOR DISCOVERY parsePrepInfo(map); parseDiscoveryStore(map); return map; } public static void main(String arg[]) { HashMap oConf = loadConfiguration((arg.length>0)?arg[0]:"alice.txt"); HashMap vConf = loadConfiguration((arg.length>1)?arg[1]:"medsup.txt"); String resourceID = (arg.length > 2)? arg[2]: "default"; ResourcePolicy resourcePolicy = (ResourcePolicy)vConf.get("ResourcePolicy"); TrustTarget primaryTT = null; // Create frontiers FrontierManager.addFrontier(vConf); FrontierManager.addFrontier(oConf); // Create entities for the negotiators Entity o = (Entity)oConf.get("EntityID"); Entity v = (Entity)vConf.get("EntityID"); System.out.println("vConf = " + vConf.toString()); System.out.println("oConf = " + oConf.toString()); // Initialize the contexts for each side NegotiationContext oContext = new NegotiationContext(oConf); NegotiationContext vContext = new NegotiationContext(vConf); PropertiesObserver oObs = new PropertiesObserver(oContext.getSelf()); PropertiesObserver vObs = new PropertiesObserver(vContext.getSelf()); RMINegotiator oAgent = null, vAgent = null; try { oAgent = new RMINegotiator(oContext); vAgent = new RMINegotiator(vContext); //v = new RtmlEntity("SAdmir", "FakeHashKeySAdmir"); //o = new RtmlEntity("USSH", "FakeHashKeyUSSH"); System.out.println("opponent = " + o + "," + o.hashCode()); System.out.println("verifier = " + v + "," + v.hashCode()); Role targetRole = resourcePolicy.requires(resourceID); System.out.println("target role = " + targetRole + "," + targetRole.hashCode()); primaryTT = new TrustTarget(v, targetRole, o); oContext.getGraph().addObserver(oObs); oContext.getStrategy().addObserver(oObs); vContext.getGraph().addObserver(vObs); vContext.getStrategy().addObserver(vObs); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } vAgent.setPeer(oAgent); System.out.println("Primary trust target = " + primaryTT); vAgent.setRoot(primaryTT); boolean success = vAgent.negotiate(); System.out.println("The negotiation has " + ((success)? "succeeded": "failed")); oObs.close(); vObs.close(); System.exit(0); } }