package com.nailabs.abac.test; import java.util.*; import*; import*; import com.nailabs.abac.process.*; import edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.credential.*; public class PropertiesObserver implements Observer { PrintStream out; int major = 0, minor = 0; int policy = 1; HashMap nodeMap = new HashMap(10); Entity me; boolean myLocal = false; boolean mySync = false; Vector aSync = new Vector(); public PropertiesObserver(Entity eid) { String name = eid.toString(); FrontierManager mgr = FrontierManager.getFrontier(eid); me = eid; try { String logName = name + ".log"; File propFile = new File(name + ".prop"); File logFile = new File(name + ".log"); if(propFile.exists()){ propFile.renameTo(logFile); } out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(name + ".prop")); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(out); } out.println("subject = " + name); printACPolicy(mgr.getACPolicy()); printAckPolicy(mgr.getAckPolicy()); out.println(); } private void printACPolicy(ACPolicy policy) { final String AC = "AC"; if(policy == null)return; Vector keys = policy.getProtectedCredentials(); if(keys == null)return; for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { Credential cred = (Credential)keys.elementAt(i); EntityExpression expr = policy.requires(cred); printPolicy(AC, cred.toString(), (expr == null)? "true": expr.toString()); } } private void printAckPolicy(AckPolicy policy) { final String ACK = "Ack"; if(policy == null)return; Vector keys = policy.getSensitiveRoles(); if(keys == null)return; for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { EntityExpression sensitive = (EntityExpression)keys.elementAt(i); printPolicy(ACK, sensitive.toString(), policy.requires(sensitive).toString()); } } protected void printPolicy(String type, String key, String value) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer("policy."); buff.append(policy++).append(" = "); buff.append(type).append("["); buff.append(key).append("] = ").append(value); out.println(buff.toString()); } private void printLocation(String msg) { if(msg.endsWith("init") || myLocal) { myLocal = false; return; } if(msg.endsWith("sync")) { mySync = (msg.endsWith("async")); //printValue("async", mySync + ""); //out.println(); return; } StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer("update."); buff.append(++major).append("."); buff.append(msg); out.println(buff.toString()); out.println(""); minor = 1; for(int offset = 0, max = aSync.size(); offset < max; offset++) { //printValue("offset", offset + "/" + aSync.size()); mySync = false; // it should already be set to false (sanity) printObject(aSync.elementAt(offset)); } aSync.clear(); } private void printMessage(String msg) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer("update."); buff.append(major).append("."); buff.append(minor).append("."); buff.append(msg); out.println(buff.toString()); } private void printValue(String label, String value) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(label); buff.append(" = ").append(value); printMessage(buff.toString()); } protected void printEdge(EdgeOperation edge) { //if(edge.getType().startsWith("LinkingImplication")) { //} _printEdge(edge); } protected void _printEdge(EdgeOperation edge) { printValue("type", "edge"); printValue("edgeType", edge.getType()); printValue("parentName", edge.getParent().toString()); printValue("childName", edge.getChild().toString()); printValue("childType", edge.getChild().getType()); printValue("childProcessing", edge.getProcessingState() + ""); HashSet evidence = edge.getEvidence(); //print out the credentials if(evidence != null) { Iterator i = evidence.iterator(); final String EVIDENCE = "evidence."; for(int n = 1; i.hasNext(); n++) { StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer(EVIDENCE); key.append(n); printValue(key.toString(),; } } out.println(); } protected void printNode(NodeOperation op) { Goal g = op.getGoal(); if(op.isRoot()) { if(g.getVerifier().equals(me)) { printLocation("location = local"); myLocal = true; } printValue("type", "node"); printValue("name", g.toString()); printValue("nodeType", g.getType()); printValue("isRoot", "True"); } else { printValue("type", "node"); printValue("name", g.toString()); printValue("processing", op.getProcessingState().toString()); } out.println(); } protected void printNode(TTGNode node) { printValue("type", "node"); printValue("nodeType", node.getGoal().getType()); printValue("name", node.getGoal().toString()); printValue("processing", node.getProcessingState().toString()); if(node instanceof TargetNode) { TargetNode tn = (TargetNode)node; int value = tn.getSatisfactionValue(); switch(value) { case SatisfactionState.SATISFIED: printValue("satisfied", "Satisfied"); break; case SatisfactionState.FAILED: printValue("satisfied", "Failed"); break; default: printValue("satisfied", "Unknown"); } } if(node instanceof LinkingGoalNode) { LinkingGoalNode lgn = (LinkingGoalNode)node; if(lgn.isComplete()) { printValue("satisfied", "Complete"); } else { printValue("satisfied", "Incomplete"); } } out.println(); } protected void printObject(Object obj) { if(mySync) { aSync.add(obj); //minor--; return; } if(obj instanceof EdgeOperation) { printEdge((EdgeOperation)obj); } else if(obj instanceof NodeOperation) { printNode((NodeOperation)obj); } else if(obj instanceof TTGNode) { printNode((TTGNode)obj); } else { minor--; //printValue("object", obj.toString()); } //out.println(); minor++; } public void update(TTGNode node) { if(!nodeMap.containsKey(node.getGoal().toString())) { nodeMap.put(node.getGoal().toString(), node); node.addObserver(this); } } public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { if(o instanceof TTG || o instanceof Strategy) { if(arg instanceof TTGNode) { update((TTGNode)arg); } if(arg instanceof String) { String property = (String)arg; if(property.startsWith("location")) { printLocation(property); return; } else { printMessage(property); } } printObject(arg); } printObject(o); //printValue("printing", "arg"); //printObject(arg); //out.println(); } public void close() { out.flush(); out.close(); } }