package com.nailabs.abac.credential; import*; import java.util.*; import edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.credential.*; import edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.engine.*; import edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.util.*; import edu.stanford.rt.parser.*; import edu.stanford.rt.credential.*; /** * A service object which encapsulates the functions of a CredentialManager * that are necessary for remote and local discovery. */ public class DiscoveryService { /** The graphine which performs the actual searches */ protected RtmlEngine engine; /** An RTML parser which can be shared for all discovery services */ protected static RTParser parser = null; /** AN RTML context which can be shared across all discovery services */ protected static RTContext context = null; static { try { parser = new RTParser(); context = new RTContext(parser); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** Default constructor */ public DiscoveryService(String storeFile) { try { parser = new RTParser(); context = new RTContext(parser); CredentialStore store = new CredentialStore(parser); parser.parseCredentialStore (new FileInputStream(new File(storeFile)), context, store); this.engine = new RtmlEngine(store); } catch (Exception ex) { //ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * For each result in the map, match the RTML for the domain of the * rtml credential. */ protected String[] soapify(ResultEvidenceMap map) { Object results[] = map.resultSet().toArray(); int max = results.length; String[] evidence = new String[max]; for(int i = 0; i < max; i++) { Object obj = map.getResultEvidence(results[i]); if(obj instanceof RtmlCredential) { RtmlCredential cred = (RtmlCredential)obj; evidence[i] = cred.toXML(); } else { evidence[i] = results[i] + " -" + obj.toString(); } } return evidence; } /** * Convert a collection of RTMLCredential instances into a * set of their CredentialDomain instances. */ protected String[] soapify(Collection c) { //String[] credentials = new String[c.size()]; HashSet credentials = new HashSet(c.size()); Iterator results = c.iterator(); String output[]; int i = 0; while(results.hasNext()) { Object obj =; if(obj instanceof RtmlCredential) { RtmlCredential cred = (RtmlCredential)obj; //credentials[i++] = cred.toXML(); credentials.add(cred.toXML()); } else { //credentials[i++] = obj.toString(); credentials.add(obj.toString()); } } output = new String[credentials.size()]; results = credentials.iterator(); for(i = 0; results.hasNext(); i++) { output[i] =; } return output; } /** * For a specified entity name, return all CredentialDomain * instances which were issued by the entity. */ public String[] getCredentialsIssuedBy(String entityName) { Entity e = new RtmlEntity(entityName); return soapify(engine.getCredentialsIssuedBy(e)); //return soapify(engine.backwardSearch(e)); } /** * For the specified role, return all CredentialDomain * instances which define the specified role (entity.role). */ public String[] findCredentialsDefiningRole(String entity, String role) { Entity e = new RtmlEntity(entity); edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.credential.Role r = new edu.stanford.peer.rbtm.credential.Role(e, role); Iterator results = engine.findCredentialsDefiningRole(r); HashSet evidence = new HashSet(); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer("DefiningRole("); buff.append(entity).append(".").append(role).append(") = "); while(results.hasNext()) { Object result =; //System.out.println("def result = " + result); buff.append(result.toString()).append(" "); evidence.add(result); } System.out.println(buff.toString()); return soapify(evidence); } /** * For a given entity expression, find the CredentialDomain * instances which define credentials that have the entity expression as * a subject. */ public String[] findCredentialsBySubject(String expr) { EntityExpression ee = null; try { ee = StaticCredential.getEntityExpression(expr); ee = RtmlExpression.convert(ee); } catch (Exception cpe) { cpe.printStackTrace(); } Iterator results = engine.findCredentialsBySubject(ee); HashSet evidence = new HashSet(); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer("BySubject("); buff.append(expr).append(") = "); while(results.hasNext()) { Object result =; //System.out.println("subj result = " + result); buff.append(result).append(" "); if(!evidence.contains(result)) { evidence.add(result); } } System.out.println(buff.toString()); return soapify(evidence); } /** * Add a new CredentialDomain to the underlying * CredentialStore. * @param xml an xml block which defined a CredentialDomain */ public void addCredentialDomain(String xml) { try { InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes()); CredentialDomain domain = parser.parseCredentialDomain(in, context); synchronized(engine) { engine.addDomain(domain); } } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }