package edu.stanford.rt.parser; //imports Apache Xerces API import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.w3c.dom.*; // imports XML Security PublicKey api import; import; import; import*; import java.util.*; import edu.stanford.rt.datatype.*; import edu.stanford.rt.credential.*; import edu.stanford.rt.util.*; /** * @author Ninghui Li, Sandra Qiu
* * RTParser parses a XML-format CredentialStore document and transforms * the various elements into their corresponding Java objects. */ public class RTParser implements TagNameConstants, Constants { /** The DOM parser this transformer uses*/ private DOMParser parser; /** * Constructor for RTParser. */ public RTParser() throws Exception { parser = new DOMParser(); parser.setFeature( "", true); parser.setErrorHandler(new ParsingErrorHandler()); } /** * Method createSystemDomain. * The method for creating system domain. * *** Only useful for our parser. * @return ApplicationDomain * @throws Exception */ public synchronized ApplicationDomain createSystemDomain() throws Exception { String spec = System.getProperty("edu.stanford.rt.SystemDomain", "C:\\rtml\\schemas\\systemSpec.xml"); return parseSystemDomain(new FileInputStream(new File(spec))); } /** * Method parseSystemDomain.
* parses system domain from a XML input source, typically a * XML file. The system domain element in the source should be * the root element. * @param in * @return ApplicationDomain * @throws Exception */ public synchronized ApplicationDomain parseSystemDomain(InputStream in) throws Exception { parser.parse(new InputSource(in)); Document document = parser.getDocument(); Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); return transformSystemDomain(root); } /** * Method parseSystemDomain.
* parses system domain from a XML input source, typically a * XML file. The system domain element in the source should be * the root element. * @param in * @return CredentialDomain * @throws Exception */ public synchronized CredentialDomain parseCredentialDomain(InputStream in, RTContext context) throws Exception { parser.parse(new InputSource(in)); Document document = parser.getDocument(); Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); return transformCredential(root, context); } /** * Method transformSystemDomain.
* transforms the XML element to the built-in system * ApplicationDomain. * @param root * XML element of system domain. * @return ApplicationDomain * @throws DomainSpecException */ public synchronized ApplicationDomain transformSystemDomain(Element root) throws DomainSpecException { if (!root.getTagName().equals(APP_DOMAIN_SPEC)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not an ApplicationDomainSpecification element."); String uri = root.getAttribute(URI); ApplicationDomain spec = new ApplicationDomain(uri, true, null); String hashID = root.getAttribute(ID); if (hashID.length() == 0) { // compute the hashID ourselves. // hashID = getHash(spec); } HashID id = new HashID(HashID.APPLICATION_DOMAIN, hashID); spec.setHashID(id); // Add XML schema date types spec.addType(new TimeType("dateTime")); spec.addType(new TimeType("date")); spec.addType(new TimeType("time")); spec.addType(new TimeType("gYear")); spec.addType(new TimeType("gYearMonth")); spec.addType(new TimeType("gMonth")); spec.addType(new TimeType("gMonthDay")); spec.addType(new TimeType("gDay")); Element[] elements = RTParser.getChildElements(root); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Element childEle = elements[i]; String childName = childEle.getTagName(); if (childName.equals(INTEGER_TYPE)) { IntegerType intType = transformIntegerTypeDeclaration(childEle); spec.addType(intType); } else if (childName.equals(DECIMAL_TYPE)) { DecimalType decimalType = transformDecimalTypeDeclaration(childEle); spec.addType(decimalType); } else if (childName.equals(STRING_TYPE)) { StringType stringType = transformStringTypeDeclaration(childEle); spec.addType(stringType); } else if (childName.equals(ENUM_TYPE)) { EnumType enumType = transformEnumTypeDeclaration(childEle, spec); spec.addType(enumType); } else if (childName.equals(RECORD_TYPE)) { RecordType recordType = transformRecordTypeDeclaration(childEle, spec); spec.addType(recordType); } else if (childName.equals(TREE_TYPE)) { TreeType treeType = transformTreeTypeDeclaration(childEle); spec.addType(treeType); } } // end of for()... spec.setComplete(); return spec; } /** * Method getFirstChildElement.
Returns the first child element of ELEMENT_NODE type for the given parent element. * @param parent * @return Element */ static public Element getFirstChildElement(Element parent) { Element ele = null; NodeList nodes = parent.getChildNodes(); int n = nodes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); short type = node.getNodeType(); if (type != org.w3c.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; ele = (Element) node; break; } return ele; } /** * Method getFirstChildElementByTagName.
* returns the first child element with the given tag name. * @param parent * @param tagName * @return Element */ /** */ static public Element getFirstChildElementByTagName( Element parent, String tagName) { Element ele = null; NodeList nodes = parent.getElementsByTagName(tagName); ele = (Element) nodes.item(0); return ele; } /** * Method getChildElements.
* returns an array of child elements of ELEMNENT_NODE type. * @param parent * @return Element[] */ static public Element[] getChildElements(Element parent) { ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(); NodeList nodes = parent.getChildNodes(); int n = nodes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); short type = node.getNodeType(); if (type != org.w3c.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; elements.add((Element) node); } // put into an array of Elements. int size = elements.size(); Element[] eleArray = new Element[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { eleArray[i] = (Element) elements.get(i); } return eleArray; } /** * Method parseCredentialStore.
* parses credential store from an XML input source, typically an * XML file. The CredentialStore element should be a * root element. * @param in * @param rtContext * the context in which the parsing occurs. * @param credentialStore * the credential store being constructed. * @throws DomainSpecException */ public synchronized void parseCredentialStore( InputStream in, RTContext rtContext, CredentialStore credentialStore) throws Exception { parser.parse(new InputSource(in)); Document document = parser.getDocument(); Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); transformCredentialStore(root, rtContext, credentialStore); } /** * Method transformCredentialStore.
* @param root * the XML element of credential store * @param rtContext * @param credentialStore * @throws DomainSpecException * @throws CredException */ public synchronized void transformCredentialStore( Element root, RTContext rtContext, CredentialStore credentialStore) throws DomainSpecException, CredException { String rootTag = root.getTagName(); if (!rootTag.equals(CREDENTIAL_STORE)) { throw new DomainSpecException("Not a CredentialStore document."); } Element[] elements = getChildElements(root); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { String tag = elements[i].getTagName(); if (tag.equals(APP_DOMAIN_SPEC)) { ApplicationDomain spec = transformDomain(elements[i], rtContext); HashID id = spec.getHashID(); rtContext.addApplicationDomain(id, spec); } else if (tag.equals(PRINCIPAL_INFO)) { // TODO // rtContext.addPrincipal(PublickeyPrincipal, PublicKeyPrincipalInfo); } else if (tag.equals(CREDENTIAL)) { CredentialDomain credentialDomain = transformCredential(elements[i], rtContext); HashID id = credentialDomain.getHashID(); credentialStore.addCredentialDomain( id, credentialDomain); } // else if (tag.equals(ACCESS_RULE)) // { // CredentialDomain accessRuleDomain = // transformAccessRule(elements[i], rtContext); // HashID id = accessRuleDomain.getHashID(); // credentialStore.addCredentialDomain( // id, // accessRuleDomain); // } } } /** * Method transformDomain.
* parses non-system ApplicationDomain. * @param ele * the ApplicationDomain element * @param rtContext * the context in which the transformation occurs. * @return ApplicationDomain * @throws DomainSpecException */ public synchronized ApplicationDomain transformDomain( Element ele, RTContext rtContext) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(APP_DOMAIN_SPEC)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not an ApplicationDomainSpecification element"); String uri = ele.getAttribute(URI); // if (uri.length() == 0) // throw new DomainSpecException( // missing_attr_value + "'uri'"); ApplicationDomain spec = new ApplicationDomain(uri, false, rtContext); String hashID = ele.getAttribute(ID); if (hashID.length() == 0) { // compute the hashID ourselves. // hashID = getHash(spec); } HashID id = new HashID(HashID.APPLICATION_DOMAIN, hashID); spec.setHashID(id); Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Element childEle = elements[i]; String childName = childEle.getTagName(); if (childName.equals(IMPORT_DOMAIN)) { String name = childEle.getAttribute(NAME); if (name.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); String importedUri = childEle.getAttribute(URI); String idref = childEle.getAttribute(IDREF); if (idref.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'idref'"); ApplicationDomain importedDomain = locateDomain(idref, importedUri, rtContext); spec.importDomain(name, importedDomain); } else if (childName.equals(INTEGER_TYPE)) { IntegerType intType = transformIntegerTypeDeclaration(childEle); spec.addType(intType); } else if (childName.equals(DECIMAL_TYPE)) { DecimalType decimalType = transformDecimalTypeDeclaration(childEle); spec.addType(decimalType); } else if (childName.equals(ENUM_TYPE)) { EnumType enumType = transformEnumTypeDeclaration(childEle, spec); spec.addType(enumType); } else if (childName.equals(STRING_TYPE)) { StringType stringType = transformStringTypeDeclaration(childEle); spec.addType(stringType); } else if (childName.equals(RECORD_TYPE)) { RecordType recordType = transformRecordTypeDeclaration(childEle, spec); spec.addType(recordType); } else if (childName.equals(TREE_TYPE)) { TreeType treeType = transformTreeTypeDeclaration(childEle); spec.addType(treeType); } else if (childName.equals(PRINCIPAL_TYPE)) { // This element specifies the principal type for the entire system // Later on, the principal value can be checked against the type // defined here. SimpleType prinType = transformPrincipalTypeDeclaration(childEle, spec); spec.setPrincipalType(prinType); } else if (childName.equals(ROLE_DECLARATION)) { RoleDeclaration role = transformRoleDeclaration(childEle, spec); spec.addRole(role); } } //end of for( ).... spec.setComplete(); return spec; } //==== End of parseDomainSpec() /** Parses non-system domain specification object from a file pointed by the given uri. */ // private void parseDomainSpec(String uri) // { // DomainSpecification spec = null; // try // { // DOMParser parser = new DOMParser(); // parser.setFeature( // "", // true); // parser.parse(new InputSource(new FileInputStream(new File(uri)))); // Document doc = parser.getDocument(); // transform(doc); // } // catch (SAXException e) // { // System.out.println("error in setting up parser feature"); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // ex.printStackTrace(); // } // } // // private void transform(Document document) throws Exception // { // Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); // String rootTag = root.getTagName(); // // } /** * Method locateDomain.
* @param rtContext * @param idref * the hash value of the target * ApplicationDomainSpecification object. * @param uri * @return ApplicationDomain * @throws DomainSpecException * if cannot find the domain by the given idref. */ private ApplicationDomain locateDomain( String idref, String uri, RTContext rtContext) throws DomainSpecException { ApplicationDomain spec = null; if (!rtContext.hasDomainWithID(idref)) { //TODO: load domain from given uri, which is optional. //parseDomainSpec(uri); //spec = (DomainSpecification)applicationDomains.get(uri); throw new DomainSpecException( "Cannot find domain with id '" + idref + "'."); } else { spec = rtContext.getApplicationDomain(idref); } if (!spec.isComplete()) { throw new DomainSpecException("Circular Dependency"); } return spec; } /*########################################################### ##### ##### Parsing DateType Declaration in DomainSpecification ##### #############################################################*/ /** * Method transformIntegerTypeDeclaration.
* * Parses IntegerType declaration in ADSD. * Returns an IntegerType object by parsing element:
	        <IntegerType name="" min="" max=""/>
* @param ele * @return IntegerType * @throws DomainSpecException */ private IntegerType transformIntegerTypeDeclaration(Element ele) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(INTEGER_TYPE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not an IntegerType element"); String name = ele.getAttribute(NAME); String minStr = ele.getAttribute(MIN); String maxStr = ele.getAttribute(MAX); if (name.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); if (minStr.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'min'"); if (maxStr.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'max'"); long min = Long.parseLong(minStr); long max = Long.parseLong(maxStr); // RTUtil.debugInfo("name = " + name); // RTUtil.debugInfo("min = " + ele.getAttribute(MIN)); // RTUtil.debugInfo("max = " + ele.getAttribute(MAX)); // RTUtil.debugInfo("base = " + ele.getAttribute(BASE)); // RTUtil.debugInfo("step = " + ele.getAttribute(STEP)); // RTUtil.debugInfo("includeMin = " + ele.getAttribute(INCLUDE_MIN)); // RTUtil.debugInfo("includeMax = " + ele.getAttribute(INCLUDE_MAX)); boolean includeMin = RTUtil.parseBoolean(ele.getAttribute(INCLUDE_MIN), true); boolean includeMax = RTUtil.parseBoolean(ele.getAttribute(INCLUDE_MAX), true); long base = RTUtil.parseLong(ele.getAttribute(BASE), 0); long step = RTUtil.parseLong(ele.getAttribute(STEP), 1); return new IntegerType( name, min, max, includeMin, includeMax, base, step); } /** * Method transformDecimalTypeDeclaration.
* Parses DecimalType declaration in ADSD. Returns a DecimalType object by parsing element:
	        <DecimalType name="" min="" max=""/>
* @param ele * @return DecimalType * @throws DomainSpecException */ private DecimalType transformDecimalTypeDeclaration(Element ele) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(DECIMAL_TYPE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a DecimalType element"); // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException( no_support_for + "'DecimalType'"); } /** * Method transformStringTypeDeclaration.
* Parses StringType declaration in ADSD. Returns a StringType object by parsing element:
            <StringType name="" ignoreCase="false" ordered="false"/>
* @param ele * @return StringType * @throws DomainSpecException */ private StringType transformStringTypeDeclaration(Element ele) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(STRING_TYPE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a StringType element"); String name = ele.getAttribute(NAME); if (name.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); boolean ignoreCase = RTUtil.parseBoolean(ele.getAttribute(IGNORE_CASE), false); boolean ordered = RTUtil.parseBoolean(ele.getAttribute(ORDERED), false); return new StringType(name, ignoreCase, ordered); } /** * Method transformEnumTypeDeclaration.
* Parses EnumType declaration in ADSD. Returns an EnumType object by parsing element:
            <EnumType name="" ignoreCase="false" ordered="false"/>
* @param ele * @param currentSpec * @return EnumType * @throws DomainSpecException */ private EnumType transformEnumTypeDeclaration( Element ele, DomainSpecification currentSpec) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(ENUM_TYPE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not an EnumType element"); OrderedMap enumValues = new OrderedMap(String.class, Object.class); DataType valueType = null; String name = ele.getAttribute(NAME); if (name.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); boolean ignoreCase = RTUtil.parseBoolean(ele.getAttribute(IGNORE_CASE), false); boolean ordered = RTUtil.parseBoolean(ele.getAttribute(ORDERED), false); int size = RTUtil.parseInt(ele.getAttribute(SIZE), 0); Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Element child = elements[i]; String childName = child.getTagName(); if (childName.equals(TYPE)) // nameRef type { // QQ: This element has been removed , as of 8/28/02 String domain = child.getAttribute(DOMAIN); String n = child.getAttribute(NAME); valueType = currentSpec.lookupType(domain, n); } else if (childName.equals(ENUM_VALUE)) { String value = transformEnumValue(null, child).getValue(); //RTUtil.debugInfo("value = " + value); enumValues.put(value, null); } } return new EnumType( name, valueType, enumValues, ignoreCase, ordered, size); } /** * Method transformTreeTypeDeclaration.
* Parses TreeType declaration in ADSD. Returns a TreeType object by parsing element:
            <TreeType name="DNSType" sparator="." order="rootLast"/>
* @param ele * @return TreeType * @throws DomainSpecException */ private TreeType transformTreeTypeDeclaration(Element ele) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(TREE_TYPE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a TreeType element"); String name = ele.getAttribute(NAME); String separator = ele.getAttribute(SEPARATOR); String order = ele.getAttribute(ORDER); if (name.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); if (separator.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'sepatator'"); if (order.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'order'"); // RTUtil.debugInfo("name = " +name); // RTUtil.debugInfo("separator = " + separator); // RTUtil.debugInfo("order = " + order); return new TreeType( name, separator, order.equals(ROOT_FIRST)); } /** * Method transformRecordTypeDeclaration.
* Parses RecordType declaration in ADSD. Returns a RecordType object by parsing element:
            <RecordType name="record">
                <Field name="field1">
                    <Type domain="" name=""/>
                <Field name="field2">
                    <Type domain="" name=""/>
* @param ele * @param currentSpec * @return RecordType * @throws DomainSpecException */ private RecordType transformRecordTypeDeclaration( Element ele, DomainSpecification currentSpec) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(RECORD_TYPE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a RecordType element"); String name = ele.getAttribute(NAME); if (name.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); RTUtil.debugInfo( "parseRecordTypeDeclaration() > name = " + name); NodeList childNodes = ele.getElementsByTagName(FIELD); int size = childNodes.getLength(); if (size < 1) throw new DomainSpecException("No fields specified for the RecordType element."); OrderedMap fieldDeclarations = new OrderedMap(size, String.class, DataType.class); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Element field = (Element) childNodes.item(i); String fieldName = field.getAttribute(NAME); if (fieldName.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); Element typeRefEle = getFirstChildElementByTagName(field, TYPE); String typeName = typeRefEle.getAttribute(NAME); if (typeName.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); String typeDomain = typeRefEle.getAttribute(DOMAIN); RTUtil.debugInfo("fieldName = " + fieldName); // RTUtil.debugInfo("typeName = " + typeName); // RTUtil.debugInfo("typeDomain = " + typeDomain); DataType fieldType = currentSpec.lookupType(typeDomain, typeName); fieldDeclarations.put(fieldName, fieldType); } return new RecordType(name, fieldDeclarations); } /** * Method transformPrincipalTypeDeclaration.
Parses PrincipalType declaration in ADSD. Returns a SimpleType object by parsing element:
            <PrincialType name="prinType">
                <TypeRef domain="" name=""/>
* @param ele * @param currentSpec * @return SimpleType * @throws DomainSpecException */ private SimpleType transformPrincipalTypeDeclaration( Element ele, DomainSpecification currentSpec) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(PRINCIPAL_TYPE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a PrincipalType element"); Element typeRefEle = getFirstChildElementByTagName(ele, TYPE); String domain = typeRefEle.getAttribute(DOMAIN); String name = typeRefEle.getAttribute(NAME); if (name.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); return (SimpleType) currentSpec.lookupType(domain, name); } /** * Method transformRoleDeclaration.
* Parses RoleDeclaration in ADSD. Returns a RoleDeclaration object by parsing element:
            <RoleDeclaration name="record">
                <Parameter name="param1">
                    <Type domain="" name=""/>
                <Parameter name="param2">
                    <Type domain="" name=""/>
* @param ele * @param currentSpec * the DomainSpecification in which the role is declared. * @return RoleDeclaration * @throws DomainSpecException */ private RoleDeclaration transformRoleDeclaration( Element ele, DomainSpecification currentSpec) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(ROLE_DECLARATION)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a RoleDeclaration element"); String roleName = ele.getAttribute(NAME); if (roleName.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); RTUtil.debugInfo( "parseRoleDeclaration > roleName = " + roleName); boolean isIdentity = RTUtil.parseBoolean(ele.getAttribute(IS_IDENTITY), false); int issuerT = RoleDeclaration.DEFAULT_ISSUER_TYPE; int subjectT = RoleDeclaration.DEFAULT_SUBJECT_TYPE; RoleDeclaration roleDeclaration = null; Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); int n = elements.length; OrderedMap parameterDeclarations = new OrderedMap(n, String.class, DataType.class); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Element childEle = elements[i]; String childName = childEle.getTagName(); if (childName.equals(RESTRICTION)) { Element baseRoleEle = getFirstChildElementByTagName( childEle, BASE_ROLE); String baseRoleName = baseRoleEle.getAttribute(NAME); if (baseRoleName.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); String baseRoleDomain = baseRoleEle.getAttribute(DOMAIN); // get base role RoleDeclaration baseRole = currentSpec.lookupRoleDeclaration( baseRoleDomain, baseRoleName); // get new parameters NodeList paramNodes = childEle.getElementsByTagName(PARAMETER); OrderedMap newParameters = transformParameters(paramNodes, currentSpec); roleDeclaration = RoleDeclaration.createRestrictionRole( currentSpec, roleName, isIdentity, baseRole, newParameters); } else if (childName.equals(EXTENSION)) { Element baseRoleEle = getFirstChildElementByTagName( childEle, BASE_ROLE); String baseRoleName = baseRoleEle.getAttribute(NAME); if (baseRoleName.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); String baseRoleDomain = baseRoleEle.getAttribute(DOMAIN); RoleDeclaration baseRole = currentSpec.lookupRoleDeclaration( baseRoleDomain, baseRoleName); NodeList paramNodes = childEle.getElementsByTagName(PARAMETER); OrderedMap newParameters = transformParameters(paramNodes, currentSpec); roleDeclaration = RoleDeclaration.createExtensionRole( currentSpec, roleName, isIdentity, baseRole, newParameters); } else if (childName.equals(PROJECTION)) { Element baseRoleEle = getFirstChildElementByTagName( childEle, BASE_ROLE); String baseRoleName = baseRoleEle.getAttribute(NAME); if (baseRoleName.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); String baseRoleDomain = baseRoleEle.getAttribute(DOMAIN); RoleDeclaration baseRole = currentSpec.lookupRoleDeclaration( baseRoleDomain, baseRoleName); NodeList paramNodes = childEle.getElementsByTagName(PARAMETER); int num = paramNodes.getLength(); String[] newParamNames = new String[n]; for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { Element e = (Element) paramNodes.item(j); newParamNames[j] = e.getAttribute(NAME); } roleDeclaration = RoleDeclaration.createProjectionRole( currentSpec, roleName, isIdentity, baseRole, newParamNames); } else if (childName.equals(PLAIN)) { String issuerTraces = childEle.getAttribute(ISSUER_TRACES); String subjectTraces = childEle.getAttribute(SUBJECT_TRACES); if (issuerTraces.length() != 0) { issuerT = ((Integer) (RoleDeclaration .issuerTracesTypes .get(issuerTraces.toLowerCase()))) .intValue(); } if (subjectTraces.length() != 0) { subjectT = ((Integer) (RoleDeclaration .subjectTracesTypes .get(subjectTraces.toLowerCase()))) .intValue(); } int dimension = RTUtil.parseInt( childEle.getAttribute(DIMENSION), 1); Element identityRoleEle = getFirstChildElementByTagName(childEle, IDENTITY); /* TODO String idBaseRoleName = identityRoleEle.getAttribute(NAME); if (idBaseRoleName.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); String idBaseRoleDomain = identityRoleEle.getAttribute(DOMAIN); RoleDeclaration idBaseRole = currentSpec.lookupRoleDeclaration( idBaseRoleDomain, idBaseRoleName); */ NodeList paramNodes = childEle.getElementsByTagName(PARAMETER); OrderedMap newParameters = transformParameters(paramNodes, currentSpec); roleDeclaration = RoleDeclaration.createPlainRole( currentSpec, roleName, issuerT, subjectT, dimension, isIdentity, newParameters); } } // end of for loop return roleDeclaration; } /** * Method transformParameters.
* parses Parameter declarations in RoleDeclaration element. * @param nodes * the list of Parameter elements * @return OrderedMap * an OrderedMap of parameter declarations with parameter names as keys. */ private OrderedMap transformParameters( NodeList nodes, DomainSpecification currentSpec) throws DomainSpecException { OrderedMap parameterDeclarations = new OrderedMap(String.class, DataType.class); int n = nodes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Element childEle = (Element) nodes.item(i); String paramName = childEle.getAttribute(NAME); RTUtil.debugInfo("paramName = " + paramName); Element typeRefEle = getFirstChildElementByTagName(childEle, TYPE); String domain = typeRefEle.getAttribute(DOMAIN); //RTUtil.debugInfo("typeDomain = " + domain); String name = typeRefEle.getAttribute(NAME); //RTUtil.debugInfo("typeName = " + name); DataType paramType = currentSpec.lookupType(domain, name); parameterDeclarations.put(paramName, paramType); } return parameterDeclarations; } /*########################################################### ##### ##### Parsing Credential or AccessRule ##### #############################################################*/ /** * Method transformCredential.
* Returns a CredentialDomain object by parsing element: *
	 *       <Credential>
	 *           ...
	 *       </Credential>
* @param ele * @param rtContext * @return CredentialDomain * @throws DomainSpecException * @throws CredException */ public synchronized CredentialDomain transformCredential( Element ele, RTContext rtContext) throws DomainSpecException, CredException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(CREDENTIAL)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a Credential element."); String hashID = ele.getAttribute(ID); if (hashID.length() == 0) { //compute hashID } RTUtil.debugInfo("HashID = " + hashID); CredentialDomain credDomain = new CredentialDomain(ele, rtContext); HashID id = new HashID(HashID.CREDENTIAL_DOMAIN, hashID); credDomain.setHashID(id); Principal issuer = null; Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Element child = elements[i]; String tagName = child.getTagName(); //RTUtil.debugInfo("***** tagName = " + tagName); if (tagName.equals(PREAMBLE)) { Element[] preambleElements = getChildElements(child); for (int j = 0; j < preambleElements.length; j++) { Element preambleChild = preambleElements[j]; String preambleChildTag = preambleChild.getTagName(); if (preambleChildTag.equals(IMPORT_DOMAIN)) // 0 or more { //short name for the imported domain in the scope of this credential. String name = preambleChild.getAttribute(NAME); if (name.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); RTUtil.debugInfo( "ImportDomain's name = " + name); String uri = preambleChild.getAttribute(URI); RTUtil.debugInfo( "ImportDomain's uri = " + uri); String idref = preambleChild.getAttribute(IDREF); if (idref.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'idref'"); ApplicationDomain importedDomain = locateDomain(idref, uri, rtContext); credDomain.importDomain(name, importedDomain); } else if (preambleChildTag.equals(PRINCIPAL)) // 0 or more { // To improve readability, the principal, which could be quite long, // are included in the Preamble so that they can be referred to // in a compact way elsewhere in the credential by using PrincipalRef. RTUtil.debugInfo("parsing principle....."); transformPrincipalValue( preambleChild, credDomain); } } // end for().. } else if (tagName.equals(ISSUER)) { Element[] prinEle = getChildElements(child); if (prinEle.length != 1) throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "'Issuer'"); issuer = transformPrincipalValue(prinEle[0], credDomain) .getValue(); credDomain.setIssuer(issuer); } // else if (tagName.equals(CREDENTIAL_IDENTIFIER)) // { // // TODO // throw new UnsupportedOperationException( // no_support_for + "'CredentialIdentifier'"); // } else if (tagName.equals(VALIDITY_TIME)) { //TODO //ValidityTime validityTime = parseValidityTime(child); //credDomain.setValidityTime(validityTime); } else if (tagName.equals(VALIDITY_RULE)) { // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException( no_support_for + "'ValidityRule'"); } else // ROLE_DEFINITION { RoleDefinition roleDef = transformRoleDefinition( issuer, credDomain, child); credDomain.addRoleDefinition(roleDef); } } //===== End of for(int i=0; i <AccessRule> ... </AccessRule> */ public synchronized CredentialDomain transformAccessRule( Element ele, RTContext rtContext) throws DomainSpecException, CredException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(ACCESS_RULE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not an AccessRule element."); String hashID = ele.getAttribute(ID); if (hashID.length() == 0) { //compute hashID } CredentialDomain ruleDomain = new CredentialDomain(ele, rtContext); HashID id = new HashID(HashID.CREDENTIAL_DOMAIN, hashID); ruleDomain.setHashID(id); Principal issuer = null; Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Element child = elements[i]; String tagName = child.getTagName(); if (tagName.equals(PREAMBLE)) { Element[] preambleElements = getChildElements(child); for (int j = 0; j < preambleElements.length; j++) { Element preambleChild = preambleElements[j]; String preambleChildTag = preambleChild.getTagName(); if (preambleChildTag.equals(IMPORT_DOMAIN)) // 0 or more { String name = preambleChild.getAttribute(NAME); if (name.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); String uri = preambleChild.getAttribute(URI); String idref = preambleChild.getAttribute(IDREF); if (idref.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'idref'"); ApplicationDomain importedDomain = locateDomain(idref, uri, rtContext); ruleDomain.importDomain(name, importedDomain); } else if (preambleChildTag.equals(PRINCIPAL)) // 0 or more { transformPrincipalValue( preambleChild, ruleDomain); } } // end for().. } else if (tagName.equals(RULE_IDENTIFIER)) { // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException( no_support_for + "'RuleIdentifier'"); } else if (tagName.equals(VALIDITY_TIME)) { // ValidityTime validityTime = parseValidityTime(child); // accessRule.setValidityTime(validityTime); } else { RoleDefinition roleDef = transformRoleDefinition( issuer, ruleDomain, child); ruleDomain.addRoleDefinition(roleDef); } } // End of for(int i=0; i * @param ele * @param credDomain * @return PrincipalValue * @throws DomainSpecException */ private PrincipalValue transformPrincipalValue( Element ele, CredentialDomain credDomain) throws DomainSpecException { String tag = ele.getTagName(); if (!tag.equals(PRINCIPAL) && !tag.equals(PRINCIPAL_REF)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a Principal element"); Principal res = null; PrincipalValue value = null; String id = null; SimpleType principalType = credDomain.getPrincipalType(); if (tag.equals(PRINCIPAL)) { id = ele.getAttribute(SHORT_NAME); Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); if (elements.length != 1) throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "'Principal'"); String eleTag = elements[0].getTagName(); if (eleTag.equals(INTEGER_VALUE)) { res = new DataValuePrincipal( transformIntegerValue( (IntegerType) principalType, elements[0])); } else if (eleTag.equals(STRING_VALUE)) { res = new DataValuePrincipal( transformStringValue( (StringType) principalType, elements[0])); } else if (eleTag.equals(KEY_HASH)) { Node textNode = elements[0].getFirstChild(); if (textNode.getNodeType() != org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE) throw new DomainSpecException("Wrong elements for StringValue"); String hashValue = textNode.getNodeValue(); res = new PublicKeyPrincipal(hashValue); } credDomain.addPrincipal(id, res); } else if (tag.equals(PRINCIPAL_REF)) { id = ele.getAttribute(SHORT_NAME); RTUtil.debugInfo("shortName = " + id); res = credDomain.getPrincipal(id); if (res == null) throw new DomainSpecException("Principal not found"); value = new PrincipalValue(res); } return value; } /** * Method transformRoleDefinition.
* Returns a role definition object.

A role definition may be one the the following elements, i.e. SimpleMember, SimpleContainment, LinkedContainment, IntersectionContainment, ProductContainment, ExclusiveProductContainment, SimpleDelegation, or AdvancedDelegation. Each role definition has a head and a body. The head part is defined by a HeadRoleTerm. The difference between the above 8 elements lies in the body part.

The product role definition represented by ProductContainment and ExclusiveProductContainment has not been supported yet. * @param issuer * @param credDomain * @param ele * @return RoleDefinition * @throws CredException * @throws DomainSpecException */ private RoleDefinition transformRoleDefinition( Principal issuer, CredentialDomain credDomain, Element ele) throws CredException, DomainSpecException { RTUtil.debugInfo("parseRoleDefinition().... "); String tag = ele.getTagName(); RTUtil.debugInfo("parseRoleDefinition()'s tag = " + tag); if (!tag.equals(SIMPLE_MEMBER) && !tag.equals(SIMPLE_CONTAINMENT) && !tag.equals(LINKED_CONTAINMENT) && !tag.equals(INTERSECTION_CONTAINMENT) && !tag.equals(PRODUCT_CONTAINMENT) && !tag.equals(EXCLUSIVE_PRODUCT_CONTAINMENT) && !tag.equals(SIMPLE_DELEGATION) && !tag.equals(ADVANCED_DELEGATION)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a proper role definition element"); RoleDefinition roleDefinition = null; if (tag.equals(SIMPLE_DELEGATION) || tag.equals(ADVANCED_DELEGATION)) { Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); if (elements.length < 2 || elements.length > 3) throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "delegation role"); Element headElement = elements[0]; Element delegateToElement = elements[1]; Element controlElement = null; // optional if (elements.length == 3) controlElement = elements[2]; Role head = new Role( issuer, transformRoleTerm(headElement, credDomain)); DelegationRole body = transformDelegation( issuer, credDomain, delegateToElement, controlElement); roleDefinition = new RoleDefinition(credDomain, head, body); } else { Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); if (elements.length != 2) throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "role definition"); Element headElement = elements[0]; Element bodyElement = elements[1]; Role head = new Role( issuer, transformRoleTerm(headElement, credDomain)); PrincipalExpression body = transformBody(issuer, credDomain, bodyElement); roleDefinition = new RoleDefinition(credDomain, head, body); } return roleDefinition; } /** * Method transformBody.
* Returns a PrincipalExpression for the body of a role definition.

The body can be one of the following: PrincipalValue, RoleTerm, ExternalRole, LinkedRole, Intersection, Product, or a Delegation. The method handles all types of the role definition body except the Delegation role body. * @param issuer * @param credDomain * @param ele * @return PrincipalExpression * @throws CredException * @throws DomainSpecException */ private PrincipalExpression transformBody( Principal issuer, CredentialDomain credDomain, Element ele) throws CredException, DomainSpecException { String tag = ele.getTagName(); RTUtil.debugInfo("parseBody() tag = " + tag); PrincipalExpression prinExp = null; if (tag.startsWith(PRINCIPAL)) { prinExp = transformPrincipalValue(ele, credDomain).getValue(); } else if (tag.equals(ROLE_TERM)) { RoleTerm roleTerm = transformRoleTerm(ele, credDomain); prinExp = new Role(issuer, roleTerm); } else if (tag.equals(EXTERNAL_ROLE)) { prinExp = transformExternalRole(ele, credDomain); } else if (tag.equals(LINKED_ROLE)) { NodeList nodes = ele.getElementsByTagName(ROLE_TERM); if (nodes.getLength() != 2) throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "'LinkedRole'"); Element roleTermEle1 = (Element) nodes.item(0); Element roleTermEle2 = (Element) nodes.item(1); prinExp = new LinkedRole( transformRoleTerm(roleTermEle1, credDomain), transformRoleTerm(roleTermEle2, credDomain)); } else if (tag.equals(INTERSECTION)) { prinExp = transformRoleIntersection(ele, credDomain); } else if (tag.equals(PRODUCT)) { // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException( no_support_for + "'Product'"); } else if (tag.equals(EXCLUSIVE_PRODUCT)) { // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException( no_support_for + "'ExclusiveProduct"); } return prinExp; } /** * Method transformDelegation.
Returns a DelegationRole object for the body of a role definition by parsing element:

* @param issuer * @param credDomain * @param delegationElement * @param controlElement * @return DelegationRole * @throws DomainSpecException * @throws CredException */ private DelegationRole transformDelegation( Principal issuer, CredentialDomain credDomain, Element delegationElement, Element controlElement) throws DomainSpecException, CredException { if (!delegationElement.getTagName().equals(DELEGATE_TO)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a delegateTo element"); if (controlElement != null && !controlElement.getTagName().equals(CONTROL)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a Control element"); PrincipalExpression delegateTo = null; Role control = null; // delegateTo Element[] elements = getChildElements(delegationElement); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Element child = elements[i]; String childName = child.getTagName(); if (childName.startsWith(PRINCIPAL)) { delegateTo = transformPrincipalValue(child, credDomain) .getValue(); } else if (childName.equals(ROLE_TERM)) { RoleTerm roleTerm = transformRoleTerm(child, credDomain); delegateTo = new Role(issuer, roleTerm); } else { throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "'DelegatTo'"); } } // control if (controlElement != null) { elements = getChildElements(controlElement); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Element child = elements[i]; String childName = child.getTagName(); if (childName.equals(ROLE_TERM)) { RoleTerm roleTerm = transformRoleTerm(child, credDomain); control = new Role(issuer, roleTerm); } else if (childName.equals(EXTERNAL_ROLE)) { control = transformExternalRole(child, credDomain); } else { throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "'Control'"); } } } return new DelegationRole(delegateTo, control); } /** * Method transformExternalRole.
* Returns an ExternalRole object by parsing element:
* @param ele * @param credDomain * @return Role * @throws CredException * @throws DomainSpecException */ private Role transformExternalRole( Element ele, CredentialDomain credDomain) throws CredException, DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(EXTERNAL_ROLE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not an ExternalRole element."); Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); if (elements.length != 2) throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "'ExternalRole'"); Element prinEle = elements[0]; Element roleTermEle = elements[1]; return new Role( transformPrincipalValue(prinEle, credDomain).getValue(), transformRoleTerm(roleTermEle, credDomain)); } /** * Method transformRoleIntersection.
* Returns an ExternalRole object by parsing element:
* @param ele * @param credDomain * @return RoleIntersection * @throws CredException * @throws DomainSpecException */ private RoleIntersection transformRoleIntersection( Element ele, CredentialDomain credDomain) throws CredException, DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(INTERSECTION)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not an Intersection element."); RoleIntersection ri = new RoleIntersection(); Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); int n = elements.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Element child = elements[i]; String childTag = child.getTagName(); if (childTag.equals(ROLE_TERM)) { ri.and(transformRoleTerm(child, credDomain)); } else if (childTag.equals(EXTERNAL_ROLE)) { ri.and(transformExternalRole(child, credDomain)); } else { throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "'Intersection'"); } } return ri; } /** * Method transformRoleTerm.
* Returns a RoleTerm object by parsing element:
* @param ele * @param credDomain * @return RoleTerm * @throws CredException * @throws DomainSpecException */ private RoleTerm transformRoleTerm( Element ele, CredentialDomain credDomain) throws CredException, DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(HEAD_ROLE_TERM) && !ele.getTagName().equals(ROLE_TERM)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a RoleTerm element."); String roleName = ele.getAttribute(NAME); if (roleName.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); String domain = ele.getAttribute(DOMAIN); RTUtil.debugInfo("**** roleName = " + roleName); RTUtil.debugInfo("**** domain = " + domain); RoleDeclaration roleDecl = credDomain.lookupRoleDeclaration(domain, roleName); RoleTerm roleTerm = new RoleTerm(roleDecl); NodeList children = ele.getElementsByTagName(PARAMETER); int n = children.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { StringBuffer prefix = new StringBuffer(roleName); Element paramEle = (Element) children.item(i); String paramName = paramEle.getAttribute(NAME); //prefix.append(COLON).append(paramName); transformParameter( paramEle, prefix, roleTerm, credDomain); } return roleTerm; } /** * Method transformParameter.
parses element:
            <Parameter name="aa" id="s">
* @param ele * @param prefix * @param roleTerm * @param credDomain * @throws DomainSpecException */ //ValueSet private void transformParameter( Element ele, StringBuffer prefix, RoleTerm roleTerm, CredentialDomain credDomain) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(PARAMETER)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a Parameter element."); String parameterName = ele.getAttribute(NAME); if (parameterName.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); prefix.append(COLON).append(parameterName); DataType paramType = roleTerm.getParameterType(parameterName); String id = ele.getAttribute(ID); RTUtil.debugInfo("transformParameter() id = " + id); Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); if (elements.length > 1) throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "'Parameter'"); if (elements.length == 0) { // TODO: Create a null parameter value in this case. // It is related to Equals Element. ValueSet nullParameterValue = new ValueSet(paramType); roleTerm.putParameterValue( prefix.toString(), nullParameterValue); } else { Element valueEle = elements[0]; String tag = valueEle.getTagName(); if (tag.equals(EQUALS)) { // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException( no_support_for + "'Equals'"); } else if (tag.equals(SPECIAL_PRINCIPAL)) { // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException( no_support_for + "'SpecialPrincipal'"); } // the rest of the elements go to ValueSet else { transformValueSetGroup( paramType, valueEle, prefix, roleTerm, credDomain); } } } /** * Method transformValueSetGroup.
Parses Parameter value elements and stores the prefix and value mapping in the RoleTerm object. * @param type * @param ele * @param prefix * @param roleTerm * @param credDomain * @throws DomainSpecException */ //ValueSet private void transformValueSetGroup( DataType type, Element ele, StringBuffer prefix, RoleTerm roleTerm, CredentialDomain credDomain) throws DomainSpecException { ValueSet parameterValue = null; String tag = ele.getTagName(); if (tag.equals(TREE_VALUE)) // TreeValueSet { parameterValue = transformTreeValue((TreeType) type, ele); roleTerm.putParameterValue( prefix.toString(), parameterValue); } else if (tag.equals(INTERVAL)) // IntervalValueSet { parameterValue = transformIntervalValue((OrderedType) type, ele); roleTerm.putParameterValue( prefix.toString(), parameterValue); } else if (tag.equals(SET)) // SetValueSet { Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); String memberTag = elements[0].getTagName(); if (memberTag.equals(INTEGER_VALUE)) { SetValueSet set = new SetValueSet((IntegerType) type); IntegerValue v = null; for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Element memberEle = elements[i]; v = transformIntegerValue( (IntegerType) type, memberEle); set.addValue(v); } parameterValue = set; } else if (memberTag.equals(DECIMAL_VALUE)) { SetValueSet set = new SetValueSet((DecimalType) type); DecimalValue v = null; for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Element memberEle = elements[i]; v = transformDecimalValue( (DecimalType) type, memberEle); set.addValue(v); } parameterValue = set; } else if (memberTag.equals(STRING_VALUE)) { SetValueSet set = new SetValueSet((StringType) type); StringValue v = null; for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Element memberEle = elements[i]; v = transformStringValue( (StringType) type, memberEle); set.addValue(v); } parameterValue = set; } else if (memberTag.equals(ENUM_VALUE)) { SetValueSet set = new SetValueSet((EnumType) type); EnumValue v = null; for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Element memberEle = elements[i]; v = transformEnumValue( (EnumType) type, memberEle); set.addValue(v); } parameterValue = set; } else if (memberTag.startsWith(PRINCIPAL)) { SetValueSet set = new SetValueSet((KeyType) type); PrincipalValue v = null; for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Element memberEle = elements[i]; v = transformPrincipalValue( memberEle, credDomain); set.addValue(v); } parameterValue = set; } roleTerm.putParameterValue( prefix.toString(), parameterValue); } else if (tag.equals(RECORD)) // Record { Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); // Fields for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { StringBuffer newPrefix = new StringBuffer(prefix.toString()); String fieldName = elements[i].getAttribute(NAME); if (fieldName.length() == 0) throw new DomainSpecException( missing_attr_value + "'name'"); RTUtil.debugInfo( "transformValueSetGroup.field name = " + fieldName); newPrefix.append(COLON).append(fieldName); DataType fieldType = ((RecordType) type).getFieldType(fieldName); if (fieldType != null) RTUtil.debugInfo( "transformValueSetGroup.type name = " + fieldType.getName()); else RTUtil.debugInfo( "transformValueSetGroup.type = null"); Element valueEle = getChildElements(elements[i])[0]; // recurrsion transformValueSetGroup( fieldType, valueEle, newPrefix, roleTerm, credDomain); } } else // SingletonValueSet { transformValueGroup( (SimpleType) type, ele, prefix, roleTerm, credDomain); } } // end of transformValueSetGroup() /** * Method transformValueGroup.
Parses Value choice group, which can be one of the following: IntegerValue, DecimalValue, StringValue, EnumValue, TimeValue, or PrincipalValue. * @param type * @param ele * @param prefix * @param roleTerm * @param credDomain * @throws DomainSpecException */ //SingletonValueSet private void transformValueGroup( SimpleType type, Element ele, StringBuffer prefix, RoleTerm roleTerm, CredentialDomain credDomain) throws DomainSpecException { SingletonValueSet value = null; String tag = ele.getTagName(); if (tag.equals(INTEGER_VALUE)) { value = new SingletonValueSet( (IntegerType) type, transformIntegerValue((IntegerType) type, ele)); roleTerm.putParameterValue(prefix.toString(), value); } else if (tag.equals(DECIMAL_VALUE)) { value = new SingletonValueSet( (DecimalType) type, transformDecimalValue((DecimalType) type, ele)); roleTerm.putParameterValue(prefix.toString(), value); } else if (tag.equals(STRING_VALUE)) { value = new SingletonValueSet( (StringType) type, transformStringValue((StringType) type, ele)); roleTerm.putParameterValue(prefix.toString(), value); } else if (tag.equals(ENUM_VALUE)) { value = new SingletonValueSet( (EnumType) type, transformEnumValue((EnumType) type, ele)); roleTerm.putParameterValue(prefix.toString(), value); } else if (tag.equals(TIME_VALUE)) { // TODO //throw new UnsupportedOperationException(no_support_for+"'TimeValue'"); //roleTerm.putParameterValue(prefix.toString(), valu } else if (tag.startsWith(PRINCIPAL)) { value = new SingletonValueSet( credDomain.getPrincipalType(), transformPrincipalValue(ele, credDomain)); roleTerm.putParameterValue(prefix.toString(), value); } } // end of transformValueGroup() /** * Method transformIntervalValue.
Returns an IntervalValue object by parsing element:
            <Interval includeMin="true" includeMax="true">
                <min> ... </min>
                <max> ... </max>
* @param type * @param ele * @return IntervalValueSet * @throws DomainSpecException */ private IntervalValueSet transformIntervalValue( OrderedType type, Element ele) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(INTERVAL)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not an Interval element"); Element fromEle = getFirstChildElementByTagName(ele, FROM); Element toEle = getFirstChildElementByTagName(ele, TO); Element e1 = null, e2 = null; if (fromEle != null) e1 = getFirstChildElement(fromEle); if (toEle != null) e2 = getFirstChildElement(toEle); if (e1 != null && e2 != null) { if (!e1.getTagName().equals(e2.getTagName())) throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "'Interval'"); } DataValue min = null, max = null; if (e1 != null) min = transformOrderedValue(type, e1); if (e2 != null) max = transformOrderedValue(type, e2); return new IntervalValueSet(type, min, max); } /** * Method transformOrderedValue.
Returns DataValue by parsing elements:
            <IntegerValue> ... </IntegerValue> or 
            <DecimalValue> ... </DecimalValue> or
            <StirngValue> ... </StringValue> or
            <EnumValue> ... </EnumValue> or
            <TimeValue> ... </timeValue>
* @param type * @param ele * @return DataValue * @throws DomainSpecException */ private DataValue transformOrderedValue( OrderedType type, Element ele) throws DomainSpecException { DataValue value = null; String tag = ele.getTagName(); if (tag.equals(INTEGER_VALUE)) { value = transformIntegerValue((IntegerType) type, ele); } if (tag.equals(DECIMAL_VALUE)) { value = transformDecimalValue((DecimalType) type, ele); } if (tag.equals(STRING_VALUE)) { value = transformStringValue((StringType) type, ele); } if (tag.equals(ENUM_VALUE)) { value = transformEnumValue((EnumType) type, ele); } if (tag.equals(TIME_VALUE)) { //value = transformTimeValue((TimeType)type, ele); } return value; } /** * Method transformIntegerValue.
Returns an IntegerValue object by parsing element:
* @param type * @param ele * @return IntegerValue * @throws DomainSpecException */ private IntegerValue transformIntegerValue( IntegerType type, Element ele) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(INTEGER_VALUE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not an IntegerValue element."); Node textNode = ele.getFirstChild(); if (textNode.getNodeType() != org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE) throw new DomainSpecException("Wrong elements for StringValue"); IntegerValue value = new IntegerValue(textNode.getNodeValue()); // Type checking. if (type != null && !type.isValidValue(value)) throw new DomainSpecException( illegal_value_for + "IntegerType :" + type.getName()); return value; } /** * Method transformDecimalValue.
Returns a DecimalValue object by parsing element:
* @param type * @param ele * @return DecimalValue * @throws DomainSpecException */ private DecimalValue transformDecimalValue( DecimalType type, Element ele) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(DECIMAL_VALUE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Wrong element"); Node textNode = ele.getFirstChild(); if (textNode.getNodeType() != org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE) throw new DomainSpecException("Wrong elements for StringValue"); DecimalValue value = new DecimalValue(textNode.getNodeValue()); // Type checking. if (type != null && !type.isValidValue(value)) throw new DomainSpecException( illegal_value_for + "DecimalType :" + type.getName()); return value; } /** * Method transformStringValue.
Returns a StringValue object by parsing element:
* @param type * @param ele * @return StringValue * @throws DomainSpecException */ private StringValue transformStringValue( StringType type, Element ele) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(STRING_VALUE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a StringValue element"); Node textNode = ele.getFirstChild(); if (textNode.getNodeType() != org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE) throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "'StringValue'"); StringValue value = new StringValue(textNode.getNodeValue()); // Type checking. if (type != null && !type.isValidValue(value)) throw new DomainSpecException( illegal_value_for + "StringType :" + type.getName()); return value; } /** * Method transformEnumValue.
Returns an EnumValue object by parsing element:
* @param type * @param ele * @return EnumValue * @throws DomainSpecException */ private EnumValue transformEnumValue(EnumType type, Element ele) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(ENUM_VALUE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not an EnumValue element"); Node textNode = ele.getFirstChild(); if (textNode.getNodeType() != org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE) throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "'EnumValue'"); EnumValue value = new EnumValue(textNode.getNodeValue()); // Type checking. if (type != null && !type.isValidValue(value)) { RTUtil.debugInfo( "transformEnumValue() type name = " + type.getName()); RTUtil.debugInfo( "transformEnumValue() value = " + value.toString()); throw new DomainSpecException( illegal_value_for + "EnumType :" + type.getName()); } return value; } /** * Method transformTreeValue.
Returns a TreeValueSet object by parsing element:
            <TreeValue includeCurrent="true" 
* @param type * @param ele * @return TreeValueSet * @throws DomainSpecException */ private TreeValueSet transformTreeValue( TreeType type, Element ele) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(TREE_VALUE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a TreeValue element"); Node textNode = ele.getFirstChild(); if (textNode.getNodeType() != org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE) throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "'TreeValue'"); boolean includeCurrent = RTUtil.parseBoolean( ele.getAttribute(INCLUDE_CURRENT), true); boolean includeChildren = RTUtil.parseBoolean( ele.getAttribute(INCLUDE_CHILDREN), false); boolean includeDescendents = RTUtil.parseBoolean( ele.getAttribute(INCLUDE_DESCENDENTS), false); String value = textNode.getNodeValue(); String separator = type.getSeparator(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, separator); int size = st.countTokens(); ArrayList values = new ArrayList(size); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { values.add((String) st.nextToken()); } TreeValue res = new TreeValue(type, values); // Type checking. if (type != null && !type.isValidValue(res)) throw new DomainSpecException( illegal_value_for + "TreeType :" + type.getName()); return new TreeValueSet( (TreeType) type, res, includeCurrent, includeChildren, includeDescendents); } /** * Method transformTimeValue.
Returns a TimeValue object by parsing element:
* @param type * @param ele * @return TimeValue * @throws DomainSpecException */ private TimeValue transformTimeValue(TimeType type, Element ele) throws DomainSpecException { if (!ele.getTagName().equals(TIME_VALUE)) throw new DomainSpecException("Not a TimeValue element"); Node textNode = ele.getFirstChild(); if (textNode.getNodeType() != org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE) throw new DomainSpecException( improper_sub_element_for + "'TimeValue'"); String dateString = textNode.getNodeValue(); String typeName = type.getName(); TimeValue value = new TimeValue( typeName, transformDateTime(typeName, dateString)); return value; } /** * Method transformDateTime.
Returns a java.uti.Date object from the given XML Schema datetype name and the dateTime stirng. By using Sun XML Datetype Library, we validate dateTime against the corresonding datetype specified by typeName. DomainSpecExeption is thrown when validation fails. * @param typeName * @param dateTime * @return Date * @throws DomainSpecException */ private Date transformDateTime(String typeName, String dateTime) throws DomainSpecException { com.sun.msv.datatype.xsd.XSDatatype type = null; try { com.sun.msv.datatype.xsd.DatatypeFactory.getTypeByName( typeName); } catch (org.relaxng.datatype.DatatypeException e) { throw new DomainSpecException( "Cannot recognize type " + typeName); } if (!type.isValid(dateTime, null)) throw new DomainSpecException( illegal_value_for + type.getName()); // for datetype, the corresponding Java object is Calendar. Calendar dtObject = (Calendar) type.createJavaObject(dateTime, null); Class dtClass = type.getJavaObjectType(); RTUtil.debugInfo( "paseDateTime()> dtClass = " + dtClass.getName()); return dtObject.getTime(); } /* TreeValue parseDateTimeOld(String typeName, String dateTime) throws DomainSpecException { XSDatatype = DatatypeFactory.getTypeByName(tu string regExp; String s = dateTime.trim(); if(typeName.equals("dateTime")) { regExp = "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}"; int tIndex = s.indexOf('T'); } else if (typeName.equals("date")) { } else if (typeName.equals("time")) { } else if(typeName.equals("gYear")) { } else if(typeName.equals("gYearMonth")) { } else if(typeName.equals("gMonth")) { } else if(typeName.equals("gMonthDay")) { } else if(typeName.equals("gDay")) { } // Issue: Not sure how to handle the optional time zone part, so ignore it for now. // The following is an attempt to match the time zone. // "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(Z|((+|\\0x2D)[0-2][0-9]:[0-2][0-9]))? if(! s.matches(regExp)) throw new DomainSpecException("'"+dateTime+ "' is no in the format of 'CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss'"); String year = s.substring(0, 4); if(! RTUtil.validYear(year)) throw new DomainSecException("Invalid year '" + year + "'"); String month = s.substring(5, 8); if(! RTUtil.validMonth(month)) throw new DomainSpecException("Invalid month '" + month+"'"); String day = s.substring(9, 11); if(! RTUtil.validDay(year, month, day)) throw new DomainSpecException("Invalid day '" + day + "' in month '"+month+"'"); String hour = s.substring(12, 14); if(! RTUtil.validHour(hour)) throw new DomainSpecException("Invalid hour '"+hour+"'"); String minute = s.substring(15, 17); if(! RTUtil.validMinSec(minute)) throw new DomainSpecException("Invalid minute '"+minute+"'"); String second = s.substring(18, 20); if(! RTUtil.validMinSec(second)) throw new DomainSpecException("Invalid second '"+second+"'"); //String timeZone = s.substring(22); Date date = null; try { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(Integer.parseInt(year), Integer.parseInt(month), Integer.parseInt(day), Integer.parseInt(hour), Integer.parseInt(minute), Integer.parseInt(second)); date = calendar.getTime(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { // Because month, day, hour, minute, second has been validated // it should never reach here. } return ; } */ // DatatypeValidator validator = getDatatypeValidator("dateTime"); // try // { // validator.validate(dateTime, null); // } // catch(InvalidDatatypeValueException e) // { // // } // // // int year = date[0], month = date[1], day = date[2], // hour = date[3], minute = date[4], second = date[5]; // // Issue: what to do with the time zone? // // Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); // calendar.set(year, month, day, hour, minute, second); // return calendar.getTime(); // private ValidityTime parseValidityTime(Element ele) // throws DomainSpecException // { // if(! ele.getTagName().equals(VALIDITY_TIME)) // throw new DomainSpecException("Not a ValidityTime element"); // // Element[] elements = getChildElements(ele); // if(elements.length != 3) // throw new DomainSpecException( // improper_sub_element_for + "'ValidityTime'"); // // String issueAt = getFirstChildElementByTagName(ele, ISSUE_AT).getNodeValue(); // String validFrom = getFirstChildElementByTagName(ele, VALID_FROM).getNodeValue(); // String validTo = getFirstChildElementByTagName(ele, VALID_TO).getNodeValue(); // // return new ValidityTime(RTUtil.parseDateTime(issueAt), // RTUtil.parseDateTime(validFrom), // RTUtil.parseDateTime(validTo)); // } } // End of Class RTParser.