package edu.stanford.rt.credential; //imports Apache Xerces API import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.w3c.dom.*; import java.util.*; import*; import edu.stanford.rt.parser.RTParser; import edu.stanford.rt.util.*; /** * @author Ninghui Li, Sandra Qiu
* * RTContext contains the info about ApplicationDomainSecifications and * Principals in the system. */ public class RTContext { /** * Index for ApplicationDomain objects.
* * Key: HashID
* Value: ApplicationDomain */ private HashMap applicationDomains; /** * Index for Principal objects.
* * Key: PublicKeyPrincipal
* Value: PublicKeyPrincipalInfo */ private HashMap principals; /** * The built-in system domain. */ private ApplicationDomain systemDomain; /** * Constructor for RTContext. */ public RTContext(RTParser rtParser) throws Exception { this.applicationDomains = new HashMap(); this.principals = new HashMap(); // others need to call parseSystemDomain(InputStream). this.systemDomain = rtParser.createSystemDomain(); } /** * Method getSystemDomain. * @return ApplicationDomain */ public ApplicationDomain getSystemDomain() { return systemDomain; } /** * Method getApplicationDomain. * @param id * @return ApplicationDomain */ public ApplicationDomain getApplicationDomain(String id) { return getApplicationDomain( new HashID(HashID.APPLICATION_DOMAIN, id)); } /** * Method getApplicationDomain. * @param id * @return ApplicationDomain */ public ApplicationDomain getApplicationDomain(HashID id) { RTUtil.debugInfo("RTContex.getApplicationDomain() .... "); RTUtil.debugInfo(" id = " + id.toString()); return (ApplicationDomain) applicationDomains.get(id); } /** * Method addApplicationDomain. * @param id * @param appDomain * @throws DomainSpecException */ public synchronized void addApplicationDomain( HashID id, ApplicationDomain appDomain) throws DomainSpecException { // RTUtil.debugInfo("RTContex.addApplicationDomain() .... "); // RTUtil.debugInfo(" id = " + id.toString()); // RTUtil.debugInfo("&&&&& "); // RTUtil.debugInfo(appDomain.toString(" ")); // RTUtil.debugInfo("&&&&& "); if (this.applicationDomains.get(id) != null) throw new DomainSpecException("Duplicated domains in CredentialStore."); this.applicationDomains.put(id, appDomain); } /** * Method getPrincipal. * @param id * @return PublicKeyPrincipalInfo */ public PublicKeyPrincipalInfo getPrincipal(PublicKeyPrincipal id) { return (PublicKeyPrincipalInfo) principals.get(id); } /** * Method addPrincipals. * @param id * the hash value of the principal * @param principal * the public key info of the principal * @throws DomainSpecException */ public synchronized void addPrincipal( PublicKeyPrincipal id, PublicKeyPrincipalInfo principal) throws DomainSpecException { if (this.principals.get(id) != null) throw new DomainSpecException("Duplicated"); this.principals.put(id, principal); } /** * Method hasDomainWithID. * checks if there is an ApplicationDomain object with given hash id. * @param idref * @return boolean */ public boolean hasDomainWithID(String idref) { boolean exists = true; if (getApplicationDomain(idref) == null) exists = false; return exists; } public String toString(String indent) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String thisIndent = indent + " "; sb.append( "********** RTContext: **********\n\n"); sb.append(thisIndent).append("System Domain: \n"); sb.append(systemDomain.toString(thisIndent)); sb.append(thisIndent).append("Imported Domains: \n"); Set entries = applicationDomains.entrySet(); Iterator it = entries.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); ApplicationDomain domain = (ApplicationDomain) entry.getValue(); sb.append(domain.toString(thisIndent)); sb.append("\n"); } sb.append(thisIndent).append("Principals: \n"); entries = principals.entrySet(); it = entries.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); PublicKeyPrincipalInfo principal = (PublicKeyPrincipalInfo) entry.getValue(); sb.append(principal.toString(thisIndent)); sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } }