package edu.stanford.rt.credential; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import java.util.*; import edu.stanford.rt.parser.RTParser; import edu.stanford.rt.util.*; /** * @author Ninghui Li, Sandra Qiu
* * This class stores all the CredentialDomain, and * RoleDefinition index information. *

* A special principal is stored in the credential store to .... *

* */ public class CredentialStore extends RTContext { /** */ private Principal specialPrincipal; /** * A map of CredentialDomain objects. A CredentialDomain * contains all the info about a Credential.
* * Key: HashID
* Value: CredentialDomain */ private HashMap credentialDomains; /** * A set of RoleDefinition objects, including all * roles defined in the Credential included in this * CredentialStore. */ private HashSet roleDefinitions; /** * Role definitions indexed by issuer.
* * Key: Principal: the issuer
* Value: an ArrayList of RoleDefinition. */ private HashMap indexByIssuer; /** * Role definitions indexed by issuer and role declaration. * The issuer is the issuer of the credential and the role * declaration is the one corresponding to the head role term in the * role definition. *
* * Key: IssuerAndRoleDeclaration
* Value: an ArrayList of RoleDefinition */ private HashMap indexByIssuerAndRoleDeclaration; /** * Constructor for CredentialStore. */ public CredentialStore(RTParser rtParser) throws Exception { super(rtParser); this.credentialDomains = new HashMap(); this.roleDefinitions = new HashSet(); this.indexByIssuer = new HashMap(); this.indexByIssuerAndRoleDeclaration = new HashMap(); } /** public accesses method for iterating through all the domains */ public HashMap getCredentialDomains() { return credentialDomains; } /** * Returns the specialPrincipal. * @return Principal */ public Principal getSpecialPrincipal() { return specialPrincipal; } /** * Sets the specialPrincipal. * @param specialPrincipal The specialPrincipal to set */ public void setSpecialPrincipal(Principal specialPrincipal) { this.specialPrincipal = specialPrincipal; } /** * Method getCredentialDomain. * @param id * @return CredentialDomain */ public CredentialDomain getCredentialDomain(HashID id) { return (CredentialDomain) credentialDomains.get(id); } /** * Method getCredentialDomain. * @param id * @return CredentialDomain */ public CredentialDomain getCredentialDomain(String id) { return getCredentialDomain( new HashID(HashID.CREDENTIAL_DOMAIN, id)); } /** * Method roleDefinitionIterator. * returns an Iterator for the set of role definitions. * @return Iterator */ public Iterator roleDefinitionIterator() { return roleDefinitions.iterator(); } /** * Method getIndexByIssuer. * returns a list of role definitions by the given issuer. * @param issuer * @return ArrayList */ public ArrayList getIndexByIssuer(Principal issuer) { return (ArrayList) indexByIssuer.get(issuer); } /** * Method getIndexByIssuerAndRoleDeclaration. * @param issuerAndRoleDeclaration * @return ArrayList */ public ArrayList getIndexByIssuerAndRoleDeclaration( IssuerAndRoleDeclaration issuerAndRoleDeclaration) { return (ArrayList) indexByIssuerAndRoleDeclaration.get( issuerAndRoleDeclaration); } /** * Method addCredentialDomain. * @param id * @param credentialDomain * @throws DomainSpecException */ public synchronized void addCredentialDomain( HashID id, CredentialDomain credentialDomain) throws DomainSpecException { RTUtil.debugInfo( "CredentialStore.addCredentialDomain() .... "); RTUtil.debugInfo(" id = " + id.toString()); RTUtil.debugInfo(credentialDomain.toString(" ")); if (this.credentialDomains.get(id) != null) throw new DomainSpecException("Duplicated credentials in CredentialStore."); this.credentialDomains.put(id, credentialDomain); // get role definitions from the credential domain just added and // add them to the credential store. Iterator it = credentialDomain.roleDefinitionIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { addRoleDefinition((RoleDefinition); } } /** * Adds a new role definition to the roleDefinitions. * @param roleDefinition The roleDefinition to set */ private synchronized void addRoleDefinition( RoleDefinition roleDefinition) throws DomainSpecException { if (this.roleDefinitions.contains(roleDefinition)) throw new DomainSpecException("Duplicated role definition. "); this.roleDefinitions.add(roleDefinition); addIndexByIssuer(roleDefinition); addIndexByIssuerAndRoleDeclaration(roleDefinition); } /** * Method addIndexByIssuer. * @param roleDefinition */ private synchronized void addIndexByIssuer(RoleDefinition roleDefinition) { Role head = roleDefinition.getHead(); Principal issuer = head.getPrincipal(); ArrayList list = getIndexByIssuer(issuer); if (list == null) list = new ArrayList(); if (!list.contains(roleDefinition)) list.add(roleDefinition); // update the map entry. indexByIssuer.put(issuer, list); } /** * Method addIndexByIssuerAndRoleDeclaration. * @param roleDefinition */ private synchronized void addIndexByIssuerAndRoleDeclaration(RoleDefinition roleDefinition) { Role head = roleDefinition.getHead(); Principal issuer = head.getPrincipal(); RoleDeclaration roleDec = head.getRoleDeclaration(); IssuerAndRoleDeclaration index = new IssuerAndRoleDeclaration(issuer, roleDec); ArrayList list = getIndexByIssuerAndRoleDeclaration(index); if (list == null) list = new ArrayList(); if (!list.contains(roleDefinition)) list.add(roleDefinition); indexByIssuerAndRoleDeclaration.put(index, list); } public String toString(String indent) { String thisIndent = indent + " "; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append( "********* CrendentialStore: **********\n\n"); sb.append(thisIndent).append("Credential Domains: \n"); Set entries = credentialDomains.entrySet(); Iterator it = entries.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); CredentialDomain credDomain = (CredentialDomain) entry.getValue(); sb.append(credDomain.toString(thisIndent)); sb.append("\n"); } sb.append(thisIndent).append("Role definitions: \n"); it = roleDefinitionIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { RoleDefinition roleDef = (RoleDefinition); sb.append(roleDef.toString(thisIndent)); sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } }