package edu.stanford.rt.credential; import java.util.*; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import edu.stanford.rt.datatype.*; import edu.stanford.rt.util.*; /** * @author Ninghui Li, Sandra Qiu
* * Implementation of Credential element. Only one CredentialDomain object is associated with each Credential * object. */ public class CredentialDomain extends DomainSpecification { /** * Issuer of the associated Credential. */ private Principal issuer; /** * validity time of the associated Credential. */ private ValidityTime validityTime; /** * maps String (principal shortName) to Principal object */ private HashMap principals; /** * reverse lookup of Principal instances in this CredentialDomain */ private HashMap shortNames; /** * list of role defined in this credential. */ private ArrayList roleDefinitions; /** * the XML Element of the associated Credential. */ private Element credentialElement; /** * Constructor for CredentialDomain. */ public CredentialDomain( Element credentialElement, RTContext rtContext) throws DomainSpecException { super(rtContext); this.credentialElement = credentialElement; this.principals = new HashMap(); this.shortNames = new HashMap(); this.roleDefinitions = new ArrayList(); } /** * Method addPrincipal. * @param shortName * @param principal * @throws DomainSpecException */ public void addPrincipal(String shortName, Principal principal) throws DomainSpecException { RTUtil.debugInfo("addPrincipal() shortName = " + shortName); if (principals.get(shortName) != null) throw new DomainSpecException( "Duplicated principal entries for shortName '" + shortName + "'"); principals.put(shortName, principal); shortNames.put(principal, shortName); } /** * Method getPrincipal. * @param shortName * @return Principal * returns null if cannot find one. */ public Principal getPrincipal(String shortName) { return (Principal) principals.get(shortName); } /** * Method getPrincipal. * @param principal An instance of a principal object, currently a hash * @return the short name id used for human readable formatting * returns null if cannot find one. */ public String getPrincipal(Principal principal) { return (String)shortNames.get(principal); } /** * Method setIssuer. * @param issuer */ public void setIssuer(Principal issuer) { this.issuer = issuer; } /** * Returns the issuer. * @return Principal */ public Principal getIssuer() { return issuer; } /** * Returns the validityTime. * @return ValidityTime */ public ValidityTime getValidityTime() { return validityTime; } /** * Method setValidityTime. * @param validityTime */ public void setValidityTime(ValidityTime validityTime) { this.validityTime = validityTime; } /** * accessor method for retrieving the underlying DOM object */ public Element getCredentialElement() { return credentialElement; } /** * Method toString. * @param indent * @return String */ public String toString(String indent) { String thisIndent = indent + " "; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(thisIndent).append( "CredentialDomain: hashID = " + getHashID().toString() + "\n"); sb .append(thisIndent + " ") .append("PrincipalType = ") .append(getPrincipalType()) .append("\n"); sb.append(thisIndent + " ").append("Imported Domains: \n"); try { Iterator it = getImportedDomains().keyIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); ApplicationDomain value = (ApplicationDomain) getImportedDomains().get(key); sb.append(thisIndent + " ").append(key).append( "\n"); sb.append(thisIndent + " ").append( value.getUri()).append( "\n"); } } catch (DomainSpecException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sb.append(thisIndent + " ").append("Type Declarations: \n"); try { Iterator it = getTypeDeclarations().keyIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); DataType value = (DataType) getTypeDeclarations().get(key); sb.append(thisIndent + " ").append(key).append( "\n"); sb.append( value.toString(thisIndent + " ")).append( "\n"); } } catch (DomainSpecException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sb.append(thisIndent + " ").append("Role Declarations: \n"); try { Iterator it = getRoleDeclarations().keyIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); RoleDeclaration value = (RoleDeclaration) getRoleDeclarations().get(key); sb.append(thisIndent + " ").append(key).append( "\n"); sb.append( value.toString(thisIndent + " ")).append( "\n"); } } catch (DomainSpecException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return sb.toString(); } // end of toString() /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.stanford.rt.credential.DomainSpecification#setHashID(HashID) */ public void setHashID(HashID hashID) throws DomainSpecException { if (isComplete()) throw new DomainSpecException("CredentialDomain unmodifiable."); if (hashID.getHashType() != HashID.CREDENTIAL_DOMAIN) throw new DomainSpecException("Wrong type of hash id"); super.setHashID(hashID); } /** * Method roleDefinitionIterator. * @return Iterator */ public Iterator roleDefinitionIterator() { return roleDefinitions.iterator(); } /** * Add a new role definition. * @param roleDefinition The roleDefinition to set */ public void addRoleDefinition(RoleDefinition roleDefinition) { this.roleDefinitions.add(roleDefinition); } /** * Method lookupType. * Look up the DataType declaration by given typeName in the current domain. * if cannot find one then look it up in system domain. * @param typeName * @return DataType * @throws DomainSpecException * if cannot find a DataType declaration by the given name. */ public DataType lookupType(String typeName) throws DomainSpecException { //RTUtil.debugInfo(" lookupType()>>>> isSystemDomain = " + isSystemDomain); DataType type = super.lookupType(typeName); if (type == null) { type = getContext().getSystemDomain().lookupType(typeName); } if (type == null) { throw new DomainSpecException( "Type '" + typeName + "' not found."); } return type; } /** * Method lookupRoleDeclaration. * Look up the role declaration by given roleName in the current domain. * If cannot find one then look it up in system domain. * @param roleName * @return RoleDeclaration * @throws DomainSpecException * if cannot find one. */ public RoleDeclaration lookupRoleDeclaration(String roleName) throws DomainSpecException { RTUtil.debugInfo( "DomainSpecification(id=" + ((getHashID() == null) ? "null" : getHashID().toString()) + ") looking up role '" + roleName + "'"); RoleDeclaration role = super.lookupRoleDeclaration(roleName); if (role == null) { role = getContext().getSystemDomain().lookupRoleDeclaration( roleName); } if (role == null) { throw new DomainSpecException( "Role '" + roleName + "' has not been declared."); } return role; } }